Pisces Sun with Leo Moon

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Leo Personality Traits:

Pisces Sun Leo Moon
Pisces Sun Leo Moon

Con un Sol de Piscis y una Luna de Leo, ¿tienes visiones de gran estrellato y logros originales, pero en realidad eres temperamentalmente un sirviente? ¿Das la impresión de confianza y capacidad, pero tiemblas ante la mera idea de competir?

Your essential nature is one of humility, devoted affection, and service. But within you is an image of yourself that is heroic, grand, and regal, wanting pride of place and position and needing huge amounts of admiration and attention. You may not always express this side of yourself in outward activities, for you are never as sure of yourself as you would like to be – or as you seem to be.

As an individual with a Pisces Sun Leo Moon, you are a good actor – effusive, demonstrative, vivacious, self-indulgent, and warm. But you are also moody, and prone to spending a lot of energy brooding, worrying, and feeling inadequate underneath your convivial and kind-hearted persona. It is as though a part of you feels strangely invisible to the world whilst at the same time yearns for the spotlight, admiration, and respect.

Es usted una persona de fuertes convicciones morales y aspiraciones a menudo poco mundanas y enrarecidas. Extremadamente bondadoso y generoso, su instinto es animar y alentar a los demás, demostrar en su comportamiento y relaciones la forma más noble de vivir una vida. Esto puede parecer mucho pedir, y de hecho a veces te disuelves bajo el peso de tu propio honor.

Un fuerte sentimiento humanitario podría llevarle a desempeñar algún tipo de función pública en la que se sienta útil e importante. Por otra parte, es posible que renuncie al servicio noble y prefiera una forma de vida más artística, en el escenario o en algún ámbito similar (música, escritura o pintura), donde pueda hacer realidad sus fantasías y anhelos románticos.

Your inspirations fluctuate wildly, as does your confidence. In fact, confidence has a way of eluding you when it comes down to the real contest of life – unless you have really discovered your purpose and have realized that your individuality can shine and radiate force and magnanimity in even the most menial of positions.

With a Pisces Sun Leo Moon, sometimes you feel invisible around people, and then you have to burst with dramatic self-expression to let others know there is a lot going on inside you – and that you are not to be taken lightly. Your personality is a blend of the most feminine understanding and tender sympathies, with the most masculine creative vitality and dignity. In your heart of hearts you are a servant and an artist, a whimsical poet and a noble autocrat, and you have to find some way of blending into the larger scheme of things whilst at the same time expressing what is deeply and personally meaningful to you.

Keywords for a Pisces Sun Leo Moon:

Emotivo; malhumorado; sociable; elocuente; sensible; mundo interior vivo; idealista; imaginativo; seguridad aparente pero inseguridad interior; facilidad para el drama; fuerte sentido moral; artista humanitario; receptivo; de gran corazón; compasivo; el romántico trágico; adoración del héroe; autorrealización a través de la autoinmolación.

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