Leo Sun with Sagittarius Moon and Cancer Rising

Sun in Leo with Moon in Sagittarius and Cancer Rising Personality Traits:

Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon Cancer Rising
Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon Cancer Rising

With a Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon, no matter how mature, hard-working, and responsible you may be, you are always a child at heart. Open-minded, fun-loving, and enthusiastic, you have a taste for adventure and romance that will last a lifetime. Depression is almost unknown to you, because you are always optimistic, and so active that you have little time for self-pity and or the blues.

Having a Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon, you are somewhat naïve, you never repress your feelings. Honesty and integrity are your codes, and you are well-known for your forthright opinions, candor, and directness. Self-assured and courageous, you have the confidence to put your wonderful ideas into action. In fact, action is the word that describes you best.

For the individual with a Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon, people know when you are around because of all that moving about. Those rare moments when you are quiet merely signify that you are planning some new project. Never content to just sit back and fantasize about excitement, you go out and find it!

Having a Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon, you set high goals for yourself, and like most Leos you want recognition and status. But very often impulsiveness undermines those constructive pursuits. Practically everything under the sun intrigues you. With so many new lands to explore, so many new people to meet, and so many ideas to ponder, no wonder you can’t find the time to finish anything!

As an individual with a Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon, controlling your restlessness is a daily challenge for you. In order for you to be truly creative and constructive, you must focus your talents and energies on a narrower range of activities and involvements. Make sure that your job (or whatever you happen to be doing) fulfills your need for excitement and variety, because if boredom or drudgery sets in, you’re ready to take flight. However, once you have found something that holds your attention, you will stick to it tenaciously.

With a Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon, since you are so uninhibited and unrepressed, you are not likely to have many psychological hang-ups. It’s almost impossible for you to be dishonest with yourself or with others.

Pride is perhaps one of the only barriers to your complete fulfillment. With a Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon you are a born aristocrat, and your bearing is dignified, at times a bit arrogant and patronizing. It’s not easy for you to take a subordinate role, and you have little patience when it comes to following someone else’s orders.

Having a Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon, you are independent to an extreme. You must be the boss at work and at home. A certain amount of conformity and compliance is necessary in everyone’s life, however, so learn to humble yourself now and then. Sooner or later, you are bound to become your own boss anyway, since your charm, dynamism, and luck will lead to success.

If you’re an individual with a Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon, sometimes your high ideals can cause you trouble. So strongly do you believe in loyalty and honor that, at times, you can be confused to discover that others are less scrupulous. Those close to you probably tell you that you are too trusting. It’s fine to place your trust in others; just be sure you practice discrimination—and don’t expect everyone to measure up to your incredibly high standards.

With a Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon, as a friend or lover, you are generous, forgiving, and sympathetic. You place a premium upon loyalty in your love life as you do in everything else. A dyed-in-the-wool romantic, you are always in love with love. An adventure-seeker, you are likely to have many intense and passionate (though short-lived) affairs. It’s not easy for you to settle down with one person for very long.

Keywords For A Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon:

Hero-worship; honorable; adventurous; passionate; outspoken; intuitive; independent; loyal; proud; generous; warm sincerity; romantic visionary; restless; sociable; imperious; impractical; impatient.

Aumento del cáncer

Si tienes ascendente Cáncer, eres muy sensible a las señales emocionales de otras personas. Tiene una extraordinaria percepción de las motivaciones humanas. Hay una reserva en ti que a veces es difícil de penetrar, pero debajo hay una naturaleza cálida, afectuosa, cariñosa y generosa.

Con ascendente Cáncer, te adaptas a diferentes tipos de personas aunque no eres propenso a hacer amistades instantáneas. Tardas un tiempo en dejar que alguien se acerque de verdad a ti.

Las personas de ascendente Cáncer tienden a estar de mal humor y es posible que los demás no siempre te encuentren receptivo. A veces puedes ser malhumorado e impaciente y mostrar un carácter irascible. Eres susceptible y los demás deben tener cuidado con lo que dicen para no herir tus sentimientos. Su sensibilidad es tan elevada que a veces se ofende cuando no era su intención.

However, with Cancer Rising, this same sensitivity is what sets you apart from the crowd. You possess great imagination and awareness. Many Cancer Rising individuals are extraordinarily gifted as writers, poets, and painters. Because you are so tuned in to the nuances of other people’s motivations, you are able to absorb what others are feeling and thinking. You pick up opinions, thoughts, facts from all around you and, being very clever and practical (as well as visionary), you are able to put all this information to work for you.

Las personas de ascendente Cáncer también son astutas con el dinero, prudentes y precavidas, y tienen una astucia innata en los negocios. Sabe cómo hacer inversiones sensatas y dónde obtener el mejor valor. Aunque normalmente tiene que ascender por su propio esfuerzo (más que por el de otros), es probable que acumule éxito material con el paso de los años.

You won’t hog the spotlight, but on the other hand you want public recognition for your talents. With Cancer Rising, acclaim and applause can be hard to come by, so you tend to have a way of feeling sorry for yourself. You complain that the world does not appreciate you, but your complaint is usually an effort to win reassurance that quite the opposite is true.

Como Cáncer ascendente, tienes obstáculos en tu camino, especialmente cuando eres joven. Sin embargo, a medida que superas las dificultades y tienes éxito (Cáncer tiene una gran tenacidad), te vuelves más fuerte y seguro de ti mismo.

Si eres de ascendente Cáncer, es probable que tengas un rostro redondo y expresivo, ojos pálidos y luminosos, brazos y piernas delgados y un andar ondulante. Su cuerpo puede ser grueso en la parte media y es propenso a engordar a medida que envejece.

La Luna, que rige Cáncer, es muy prominente en su carta natal. La influencia de la Luna confiere bondad, imaginación, simpatía, emoción profunda, capacidad de querer y proteger, memoria retentiva. También favorece la pereza, la inconstancia, la inquietud, la pasividad y el desorden.

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