Mercury in Virgo in the Fifth House
La colocación de Mercurio en Virgo indica que tienes una necesidad de perfección a nivel mental. Gran parte del comportamiento y muchas de las características de personalidad asociadas con Mercurio en Virgo son el resultado de esta necesidad de estar mentalmente ocupado con el examen y la mejora constantes. Mercurio está bien situado en Virgo, ya que Mercurio rige Virgo. Por lo tanto, las funciones asociadas con Mercurio tienen una afinidad particularmente fuerte con la energía de Virgo y la sintonización de esas funciones con la vibración de Virgo las fortalece y potencia.
Virgo es el signo de Tierra Mutable y la naturaleza terrestre cambiante de Virgo obliga simbólicamente a la naturaleza aérea cambiante de Mercurio a adoptar forma y estructura. Esto permite aplicar esas funciones a situaciones concretas, haciendo que la cualidad mental asociada a Mercurio baje a la tierra. La capacidad de aplicar las funciones asociadas a Mercurio de forma concreta y práctica las hace extremadamente relevantes y, por lo tanto, tiende a llevarlas al primer plano de tu personalidad.
Con Mercurio en Virgo, si eres inseguro de ti mismo, entonces tendrás una falta de confianza inherente en lo que no se puede verificar con la lógica o los sentidos. Tu ego no puede enfrentarse a la realidad de que hay cosas que no pueden ser conocidas por la mente. De hecho, una vez que se abandonan la lógica y los sentidos, se demuestra que el propio ego es una ilusión. El empirismo lógico, por tanto, se convierte en una defensa de autoconservación del ego. Para ti, que tienes a Mercurio en Virgo, sólo es real aquello que puedes percibir con tus sentidos o verificar con tu lógica. Tal postura, ya sea consciente o inconscientemente sostenida, en última instancia obliga a tu mente a analizarlo todo hasta el más mínimo ápice en su búsqueda por verificar la "realidad". Nunca das un salto de fe y, como estás obsesionado con el examen y el análisis, tu "acción" es toda mental.
Mercury in the 5th House:
The placement of Mercury in the 5th House suggests the energy of a Mercury-Sun contact. Generally, your mental and communication functions are enlivened and energized in the 5th House. They are directed toward expressing your personality and your creativity and showing this to others.
To do this, you must think about your persona and talents. Thus, you have an opportunity to consciously formulate (or modify) your personality traits or to develop your creative potential. Mercury in the 5th House may also signify that your positive attributes and creative energies are chiefly intellectual or involve communication skills. Even if you are expressive and creative in non-mental ways, you will probably apply thought to the organization of these functions.
Having Mercury in the 5th House, you are also predisposed to apply your intellect to things having to do with. You are apt to engage in mental play, too, meaning that you are likely to express your mental energies in a playful, rather than a rigid or overly serious manner. Secondly, you are likely to have a drive to communicate to others in a way which is self-expressive and displays your creativity.
As an individual with Mercury in the 5th House, your communication style is likely to be lively and even playful. There may be much talk about things that involve creativity. However, you should guard against a tendency to use communication as a forum to focus attention on yourself (directly or through your children).
With Mercury in the 5th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will not develop a clear and positive picture of your personality and, therefore, you will feel compelled to constantly mentally project your persona in order to gain attention and validation. For the individual with Mercury in the 5th House, this often takes the form of incessantly talking about yourself and your interests. At the very worst it degenerates into boasting about your accomplishments and talents, or those of your children. Another manifestation of your insecurity is for you to become fixated mentally. You constantly think about creative endeavors, about doing things, but you never get beyond the thinking (or talking) stage.
Enfoque del intelecto
Having Mercury in the 5th House, your mind is turned to creative pursuits and modes of self-expression. You may possess qualities of intellectual spontaneity and you may have a prolific intellect. Your mental processes are likely to provide you with enjoyment and even entertainment. Yet, there will be a tendency for your intellect to be concerned more with the persona than with the social or universal. Your mind is likely to be a key component of your personality. You may also be mentally absorbed in children or in things related to childhood.
Descubre más sobre tu personalidad, motivaciones y deseos con una Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica.
Artículo referenciado de:
Gargatholil, Astrología Profunda: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 2: Planets in Signs
Gargatholil, Astrología Profunda: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 3: Planets in Houses
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