Taurus Moon in the 3rd House

Moon in Taurus in the Third House

Moon in Taurus in 3rd House
Moon in Taurus in 3rd House

The Moon is at its best in Taurus (in astrological terminology, the Moon is exalted in this sign). The stable sign of Taurus steadies and strengthens the Moon’s otherwise changeable, erratic influence. Having your Moon in Taurus gives you great powers of concentration. You live your life the way you tackle a job: systematically and getting it done right. Whereas others complicate their lives, with your Moon in Taurus, when you’re confronted with a problem you look for the most effective way to deal with it, and even if it’s personally painful for you, you get it handled.

The sign of Taurus also brings out the quiet, reflective qualities of the Moon: you carefully ponder the sense impressions you receive from the world around you before you reach a conclusion. With your Moon in Taurus you do not form opinions quickly and are quite the opposite of impressionable. It takes a while for you to come to a decision – you must be sure of all the facts – but when you do there is no way to make you change your mind. One can’t change a Moon-Arien’s mind either, but the difference here is that Aries La Luna llega rápidamente a su decisión. Con tu Luna en Tauro te tomas tu tiempo para asimilar la información. Una vez que lo hayas hecho, seguirás tu curso de forma decidida, implacable e inmutable.

Tauro es el signo astrológico de las posesiones terrenales, y una Luna en Tauro indica una persona con recursos, alguien que reúne cosas materiales. Como persona con la Luna en Tauro, también tienes la suerte de tener los menores problemas emocionales de todos los signos lunares. Esto puede deberse a que Tauro es práctico y positivo en su perspectiva, así como metódico, paciente y responsable.

El signo de Tauro está regido por Venus, planeta del romance y las artes, y una Luna en este signo amante de la belleza te dota de un agudo sentido artístico. Al tener la Luna en Tauro, eres romántico, tienes modales elegantes y sueles mostrar un estilo distintivo a la hora de vestir. La Luna es una influencia sensual y en Tauro indica un gran amor por las comodidades. Con tu Luna en Tauro, disfrutas de un entorno sereno, de los placeres de una casa lujosa y del placer de una buena cena. Aunque le gustan las relaciones sociales, no le gustan las grandes fiestas ni los grupos ruidosos. Con su Luna en Tauro, su idea de una velada maravillosa es una pequeña cena a la luz de las velas en casa con cuatro amigos íntimos.

En el amor, los individuos con la Luna en Tauro son del tipo un hombre/una mujer, y son más felices en una unión íntima y comprometida. A veces puede parecer lo contrario (sobre todo si el Sol está en un signo coqueto o muy sexuado), pero en el fondo los individuos con la Luna en Tauro desean la comodidad de una relación comprometida. relación. Con la Luna en Tauro, tu seguridad aumenta al compartir tu hogar y tus placeres con la persona a la que amas y que, a su vez, siente devoción por ti. Buscas una verdadera alma gemela y, cuando la encuentras, te estableces feliz y fielmente.

La otra cara de la moneda es que un individuo con la Luna en Tauro tiene tendencia a permanecer demasiado tiempo en una relación amorosa o un matrimonio infelices. Debido a su necesidad de seguridad y a su resistencia al cambio, se cierra a nuevas experiencias y se conforma con lo que tiene.

La posición del signo de la Luna describe cómo respondemos habitualmente a otras personas y a las circunstancias de nuestra vida, así como la forma en que experimentamos nuestras emociones y buscamos la realización emocional. La posición de su casa corresponde al área de la vida en la que operamos de forma más inconsciente, según patrones pasados y respuestas instintivas.

Moon in the 3rd House:

The dynamics associated with the Moon in the 3rd House may make your emotions more evident, both to yourself and others. There is a natural tension in the Moon in the 3rd House placement. This is that there tends to be a constant interaction between the interior of your psyche and your external environment. You may find this tension motivating and stimulating. It may lead you to approach your immediate dealings with the world using your emotions to discover and gain information about your world. In this sense, you are able to feel your environment and this intuitive approach to being in your surroundings can be of great benefit.

The intuitive approach to your environment brought on by having your Moon in the 3rd House generally requires a fairly high degree of self-awareness and emotional awareness. Otherwise, you are likely merely to be reactive to your environment. The Moon’s association with family and the 3rd House’s association with siblings and early childhood suggest that you may maintain close family bonds, particularly with brothers and sisters and also with childhood friends.


Having your Moon in the 3rd House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will be afraid to display your real emotions or bring them to a point where they can be shared with others. Doing so would inform you of a deeper dimension to life but, subconsciously, you are afraid of what getting in touch with your deeper emotions might lead to. As a result, you bring to the surface only a superficial emotionality, thus protecting your sensitive core from the harsh realities of the world. With your Moon in the 3rd House, living on the surface and constantly aware only of your external environment, you have lost contact with your deeper emotions and those superficial feelings that pass for emotion become real to you. You may think that you are very emotional and you may even appear so to others but it is all on the surface. You are afraid to get in touch with your deep emotions, lest the reality of what you consider to be your life is revealed.

Enfoque del desarrollo emocional

With your Moon in the 3rd House, you are likely to have begun to develop emotionally relatively early in life, stimulated by your interaction with siblings or childhood friends. You are apt to continue to develop emotionally by interacting with your immediate environment and dealing with immediate circumstances. As you mature emotionally, you learn to have a more controlled and considered emotional response, rather than a conditioned, reactive response to people and events in your environment.

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