Mercurio en Sagitario en la Casa 11

Mercury in Sagittarius in the Eleventh House

Mercury in Sagittarius in 11th House
Mercury in Sagittarius in 11th House

The placement of Mercury in Sagittarius indicates you have a need to function mentally within broad and expansive constructs. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Mercury in Sagittarius are a result of this need to be able to mentally quest and explore the world. There is an inherent tension in the Mercury placement in Sagittarius. This is symbolized by the natural square between Sagittarius and Mercury-ruled Virgo and the natural opposition between Sagittarius and Gemini, which is also ruled by Mercury. The Sagittarian propensity for ignoring detail in favor of the “big picture” can be frustrating and seem careless from the analytical and detail-oriented perspective inherent in the Mercury-symbolized functions. Likewise, the Sagittarian focus on the abstract idea clashes with the Mercury functions’ natural tendency to be concerned with the concrete and objective.

Yet there are also creative opportunities within this tension. Sagittarius is the Mutable Fire sign. Sagittarius’ changeable fire energy symbolically stimulates the changeable airy nature of Mercury, carrying it to all corners of the mental world.  While this can be creatively stimulating, the overabundance of mutable energy can create too much instability and lack of grounding for the Mercury-associated functions.

Another source of potential conflict is that the fire element within Sagittarius is prone to action, while Mercury functions in the mental realm. Either the mind may incline you to action, or the mental activity that you are engaged in may be so absorbing that you procrastinate taking any concrete action.


Having Mercury in Sagittarius, if you are insecure, then you cannot face the pain of the disillusion of established mental concepts that naturally must take place if you are to move beyond these concepts toward a greater understanding. This is because these established mental concepts support your ego and your ideas of who you are. You prefer to remain judgmental and hold on to your ego-reinforcing preconceptions than to understand the truth. Therefore, to defend your ego against an understanding that may threaten it, you become absorbed in the pursuit of the frivolous. Mentally, you chase after “fun” or move from one mental entertainment to another. In this way, you avoid the quest for higher understanding.

Mercury in the 11th House:

Mercury is well placed in the 11th House, which is ruled by Uranus.  Uranus is said to be Mercury’s higher octave – Mercury being associated with the mundane mind and Uranus being associated with the higher mind. Thus, having Mercury in the 11th House tends to elevate Mercury’s vibration. In the 11th House, the mind is drawn to consider things that lie beyond the ego, e.g., the individual’s role and purpose in society.

For the individual with Mercury in the 11th House, this often results in a tendency for you to identify with a group. It may be common for you to take on the role of communicator and information processor in a group situation. You are also mentally inclined toward taking on social responsibility. If you have an active intellectual life, you are likely to find mental stimulation in the study of society, the individual and collective relaciones to more complex systems, as well as in exploring ways to benefit humanity.

Having Mercury in the 11th House, you are also likely to be mentally activated in group discussions or in working for a group or organization. You are likely to be future-oriented and open to new ideas. However, new ideas must be practical to be well received by you and you are likely to see abstraction for its own sake as useless. You tend to value your intellectual freedom highly.


With Mercury in the 11th House, subconsciously perceiving the inward loneliness that must follow the ascent into the abstract realm of idea, you reject this challenge if you are inwardly insecure. Instead, and as a protective coping mechanism, you find comfort in association with others like yourself. This sense of belonging, particularly when ideas and opinions are held in common, is satisfying. Yet, your fear of mental uniqueness may make group identification an obsession. You may have no ideas of your own, but only adopt those sanctioned by the group. Similarly, having Mercury in the 11th House, your social interaction and communication is very group-oriented and you may see contact with others outside the group as threatening. You may also become obsessed with talking about “my” group and the ideas and opinions espoused by the group.

Enfoque del intelecto

As an individual with Mercury in the 11th House, your intellect is generally focused on concepts and ideas, especially those having to do with society and the individual’s role within it, with humanity and its place in the order of things, or with the future. You may also be mentally concerned with groups and societies. Your intellect will tend to run along abstract lines and will also have affinity for structured knowledge.

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