Jupiter in Leo in the 7th House

Jupiter in Leo in the Seventh House

Jupiter in Leo in 7th House
Jupiter in Leo in 7th House

La colocación de Júpiter en Leo indica que tienes una inclinación hacia la expansividad, que también es autoexpresiva. Una implicación de esta cualidad es que es probable que sus esfuerzos expansivos se lleven a cabo en ámbitos que le permitan expresarse o en los que esté seguro de llamar la atención. Gran parte del comportamiento y muchas de las características de personalidad asociadas con Júpiter en Leo son el resultado de tu necesidad de llamar la atención a través del ejercicio de esas funciones expansivas que están asociadas con Júpiter.

Con Júpiter en Leo, tiendes a entender el mundo y el lugar de la humanidad en él en términos creativos. Es posible que entiendas el mundo como algo que se recrea constantemente. Puedes percibir que esta recreación se produce en gran medida a través de la autoexpresión personal y esto puede darte un entusiasmo añadido para participar activamente en este proceso (re)creativo. También puede entender el mundo como un escenario en el que usted ocupa un lugar destacado.

La colocación de Júpiter y Leo es generalmente armoniosa. Esto está simbolizado por el trígono natural entre Leo y Sagitario, regido por Júpiter. Leo es el signo de Fuego fijo y está regido por el Sol. La energía solar de Leo hace brillar simbólicamente las funciones asociadas a Júpiter. Las tendencias expansivas representadas por Júpiter reciben energía y fuerza. Sin embargo, existe el peligro de que toda esta energía expansiva de fuego pueda crear un exceso de confianza en uno mismo que acabe desembocando en un caso de arrogancia.


Con Júpiter en Leo, aunque te sientas inseguro de ti mismo, puede parecer que siempre eres el centro de atención. Por lo tanto, es posible que te sientas obligado a lucirte y actuar para que los demás no perciban tu verdadero yo (es decir, el "inferior" que intentas ocultar). Otra posibilidad es que, sencillamente, no puedas soportar el brillo de la atención y elijas esconderte, reprimiendo tu impulso de irrumpir en escena (aunque a veces irrumpes de todos modos, pero de forma inapropiada).

Júpiter en la Casa 7:

Jupiter in the 7th House is likely to symbolize the importance of relaciones in your life and, particularly, their pleasant character. The Jupiter in the 7th House placement may also symbolize an abundance of relationships in your life. Both the quantity and the quality of your relationships are likely to be a source of happiness and benefit for you.

With Jupiter in the 7th House, you are likely to feel that you are free to express your expansive energies through your engagement in relación. These may be expressed through a single primary relationship which you find to be very fulfilling, a source of pleasure and bountiful. Nevertheless, having Jupiter in the 7th House, you are likely to engage in many secondary relationships, feeling good about your contacts with people and generally being seen as a “people person.”

If there is a danger in the Jupiter in the 7th House placement it is that you may become too other-oriented. Finding so much enjoyment and pleasure in relationship(s), you may neglect your own personal growth and development. You may become fascinated with other people, wanting to be around others too much.

Having Jupiter in the 7th House, you may have to learn that you must carry something into a relationship for it to be truly fruitful. If, however, you are disappointed in your relationships (which  may be indicated by a stress to Jupiter, Venus or a 7th House planet), you may  react by becoming obsessed with relationships so that you crave for fulfillment through relationship and never seem to get enough of being with others. Generally, however, you will find that entering into a relationship becomes very beneficial.

Jupiter in the 7th House may indicate beneficial relationships with teachers or others who are older and wiser than you. Jupiter in the 7th House may also symbolize your attraction to a partner who is happy, cheerful, optimistic, generous or affluent. You may be more likely than some to be attracted to people who are big, physically or in other ways.

Crecimiento y expansión

As an individual with Jupiter in the 7th House, you are likely to experience growth and personal development through your relationship(s). This may come directly from your partner or it may be the result of your own reflection and experience within the relationship. Through relationship(s), you are likely to gain a greater understanding of the world and of yourself. You may also explore the nature and quality of relationship itself in order to understand it and the role of relationship in your life. You may desire to have relationships that expand your horizons. You may also need relationships through which you can be expansive or you may need to be seen by your partner as being big, important or a person of adventure.

Enfoque del bienestar

With Jupiter in the 7th House, you are likely to find comfort and happiness in and through relationship(s).  When you are involved in a relationship, you are likely to feel happy and content and that your world is satisfying and good to you. If you are not involved in a relationship, you may feel ill-at-ease and unhappy. Good things are likely to come to you through relationships and from your partner(s).

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