Capricornio Medio Cielo: Tu éxito y tu realización

Si tienes tu Medio Cielo en Capricornio, necesitas una carrera que te permita ser el jefe y dejar tu huella en el mundo.

Capricornio Medio Cielo
Capricornio Medio Cielo

Crear el éxito

Capricorn Midheaven’s achieve successful outcomes when they rise above emotional situations, take charge, and become the CEO. It is key for them to both set a goal and ensure that it is accomplished. For example, if the Capricorn Midheaven individual’s objective is to bring a domestic matter into greater order, their willingness to direct the situation, without being diverted by sub-dramas, is the approach that will lead to success. Integrity, honoring their commitments, and keeping their word are crucial! Their willingness to take responsibility opens the way for self-respect and earns the respect of others.

For the Capricorn Midheaven, this can be scary for them at first, since they are so deeply attuned to the emotions around them that they equate their safety – and their success – with the uninterrupted emotional interdependency of their “family.” But seeing others as responsible for their success is profoundly disempowering for them.

Cuando el individuo de Capricornio Medio Cielo se eleva por encima de la convicción de dependencia, es libre de lograr sus objetivos con o sin el apoyo de los demás, de manejar responsablemente a las personas y las situaciones para alcanzar una meta común. El subproducto natural de su voluntad de tomar las riendas es la sensación segura y gozosa de estar a cargo de su propia vida.

Happiness enters into every area of their life when Capricorn Midheaven’s attitude of personal vulnerability, neediness, and dependence on others is replaced with an attitude of personal authority, responsibility, and the willingness to honor their commitments.

Su talón de Aquiles

Capricorn Midheaven individuals cling to their “safe” role as dependent, emotionally sensitive, and vulnerable. They avoid establishing their own direction in life, not wanting to risk losing the dependability and warmth of close family attachments. This stance is a survival tool they developed in childhood that no longer serves them in adult life.

Invita a la infelicidad de no sentirse verdaderamente capaz o en control de su propio destino, ya que están constantemente a merced de los caprichos y estados de ánimo de sus allegados.

When Capricorn Midheaven individuals maintain a position of extreme sensitivity and defenselessness, they open themselves to the disappointment of other people “letting them down” as they attempt to gain emotional breathing space. Their need to possess those close to them in order to feel secure may cause others to pull away from the limiting, stifling closeness they demand. Thus their yearning for the security of this total – and unwittingly smothering – attachment may bring only frustration as their own need to protect others’ individuality repels them from drawing close.


Happiness enters into every area of Capricorn Midheaven’s life where the willingness to take responsibility for the direction of their life and create joy within it replaces this attitude of personal vulnerability, dependence on others, and emotional neediness. An attitude of personal authority is key to their success—both personal and professional.

Para los Capricornio de Medio Cielo, la alegría personal es suya cuando dejan de percibir que su seguridad se basa en si sus allegados se preocupan por ellos o no. Es decir, cuando empieza a aceptar su responsabilidad como autoridad en su propia vida y autor de la misma. El Medio Cielo de Capricornio se ganará el respeto y el cariño de sus allegados, no por designio consciente, sino como subproducto natural de su voluntad de servir de ejemplo de responsabilidad en el mundo.

Capricorn Midheaven’s willingness to attain self-sufficiency will empower them to release the tight emotional holds they have imposed in their intimate relaciones. This allows people the room to be truly themselves, and to lose their fear of being emotionally available to them. Others can allow themselves to draw close without risking the destruction of their individual purposes. Capricorn Midheaven individuals experience happiness in any area of their life where instead of attempting to monopolize others’ emotions, they focus their energies on attaining their own goals and on being the kind of person that others can look up to.

Su "base

Capricorn Midheaven’s early environment was in many ways very caring and protective; they learned early on that the family unit was key to their personal safety and survival. Carried into adult life, however, this can lead to a fear of venturing outside the family to position themselves in the larger world.

For the Capricorn Midheaven, their survival tools included a hyper-awareness of other people’s emotional states, since their home environment, though protective, was moody and unstable in the sense of lacking unconditional love. Family members had to do things in a certain way to be well-thought-of and to avoid emotional upsets within the family group. Consequently, in the adult life of the Capricorn Midheaven individual, they may dread the idea of someone close to them becoming upset, and thus allow the upsets of others to distract them from their own path.

Buenas opciones profesionales

Capricorn Midheaven’s best bet for professional happiness is to hold a position where they are the boss. When they are the CEO, everyone wins. They know how to organize others to meet a common goal because they have a natural business sense. They excel in positions of management, where they are organizing others to produce results.

For the Capricorn Midheaven, their best professional choices will activate their ability to take charge and be responsible for creating successful outcomes. They know how to operate in a situation in which sensible business practices prevail. They have a natural sense of the “pecking order” and are not hesitant to step to the front of the line and assume the position that earns them respect and status.

Los Capricornio de Medio Cielo se sienten satisfechos de sí mismos porque permiten que el mundo les considere dignos de respeto: responsables, organizados, competentes, dueños de su propia vida y capaces de gestionar diversas situaciones para obtener los mejores resultados posibles y beneficiosos para ambas partes.

Descubra el verdadero camino de su vida a través de la sabiduría de su carta natal. Obtén una visión más profunda del propósito para el que naciste, ayudándote a navegar por tu viaje con claridad, confianza y sentido con una Análisis en profundidad de la Carta Natal.

Análisis de la Carta Natal