Planetas en la Casa 12

The Twelfth House (House of Secrets, Sorrows, and Self-Undoing)

Sun in 12th House (Planet of vitality and individuality):

You like privacy and quiet and the joys of meditation and reflection. You may be reticent or have difficulty expressing yourself and are close to only a few people. Success comes later in life rather than earlier.

Buena observación: a deep spiritual understanding.

Punto malo: you tend to lead a secluded or lonely life.

Moon in 12th House (Planet of emotions and instincts):

You are sensitive, receptive, and intuitive toward other people. Too easily hurt, you hide your real feelings. Often you need to get away to restore yourself, think, and meditate.

Buena observación: a creative imagination.

Punto malo: often insecure; possible disappointment comes through mother or family.

Mercury in 12th House (Planet of the mind):

You tend to be a contemplative, self-absorbed, insightful thinker who works things out for yourself, alone or in secret. You worry over trifles and inconsequential’s, and may be very shy.

Buena observación: an instinctive researcher or investigator.

Punto malo: vulnerable to slander.

Venus in 12th House (Planet of love and pleasure):

Emotional and sensitive, you are capable of giving true and selfless love. You are most content when leading a private and secluded life. There is the possibility of a secret love affair.

Buena observación: artistic and creative urges.

Punto malo: danger of an unhappy marriage or sexual alliance.

Mars in 12th House (Planet of energy and assertiveness):

You keep your deep and vehement feelings secret from the world. You have strong intuitive powers that can be used to advantage in personal relaciones. Your sexual nature is intense but repressed.

Buena observación: active imagination.

Punto malo: danger from secret enemies.

Jupiter in 12th House (Planet of luck and expansion):

You lean toward the spiritual or have an uplifting religious or philosophical faith. Your success in work helps or benefits others, and you are most attracted to medicine or social work. You also have a gift for producing inspired thoughts in seclusion.

Buena observación: a compassionate and charitable nature.

Punto malo: impractical; you rely on others too much.

Saturn in 12th House (Planet of discipline and limitation):

You are reserved, somewhat solitary or reclusive. You place limitations on yourself because of cautiousness or fear. You find it hard to share your feelings with others and may carry a secret sorrow with you.

Buena observación: successful when working alone and in seclusion.

Punto malo: possibility of loneliness or isolation later in life.

Uranus in 12th House (Planet of change and originality):

You are very intuitive, perhaps psychic, and are attracted to unusual beliefs in religion or metaphysics. Your need to be independent in thought fights against limitations placed on you by others. During one period in your life you may spend time alone in foreign countries or strange places.

Buena observación: you are humanitarian and compassionate.

Punto malo: you are subject to sudden and unexpected adversities.

Neptune in 12th House (Planet of spirituality and illusion):

You are deep and sensitive and likely to possess a strong artistic bent. You prefer to work and live in a quiet atmosphere where you can create or meditate. There may be a mysterious or otherworldly quality to your personality.

Buena observación: kind and helpful toward others.

Punto malo: afraid of life or harsh experiences.

Pluto in 12th House (Planet of transformation):

You have a compelling desire to understand, to see deeply into philosophical questions. There may be a secret sexo involvement in your life. You are a private person and do not share your emotions easily.

Buena observación: profound imagination.

Punto malo: may hide feelings of anger or resentment.