Sol de Acuario con Luna de Libra

Sol en Acuario con Luna en Libra Rasgos de personalidad:Con un Sol en Acuario y una Luna en Libra, ¿eres el miembro encantador y despreocupado de la pandilla que de repente puede volverse rebelde si abusan de tus "derechos" y de tu naturaleza simpática o se aprovechan de ti? ¿Eres el idealista de mente abierta que invita constantemente a la decepción cuando la gente resulta [...]

Sol de Acuario con Luna de Libra Leer más "

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Sol de Acuario con Luna de Virgo

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Virgo Moon, you are a purist in heart and mind, a streamlined self-styled individual whose special eccentricities express themselves paradoxically in a worthy, utilitarian worldview. Efficiency and happiness are nearly synonymous for you, and you are perhaps happiest when others agree with your

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Sol de Acuario con Luna de Leo

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Leo Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Leo Moon, are you a democrat or a despot? An individualist or a social being? An egalitarian or a snob? Probably all of these, in your own warm and wonderful way. You have a proud, regal, magnanimous disposition, a fine intellect, bags of

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Sol de Acuario con Luna de Cáncer: Rasgos de Personalidad

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Cancer Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Cancer Moon, are you the sort of person who sets out to buy a book on homemade wine but returns with a treatise on the future of modern society? And why is it that when you feel like putting your feet up by

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Sol de Acuario con Luna de Géminis: Rasgos de personalidad

With an Aquarius Sun Gemini Moon are you a heavyweight thinker or a lightweight mimic?With an Aquarius Sun Gemini Moon, you are light, bright, cheerful and full of outrageous, deadpan quips, you are an amicable ideas person with what Charles Lamb aptly called a ‘free and holiday-rejoicing spirit’. Or at least part of you is.

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Sol de Acuario con Luna de Tauro: Rasgos de personalidad

With an Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon you are independent, reasonable, and dedicated to self-development and honorable values.With an Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon, you are as peaceful and sensual as Ferdinand the bull lazing on his grassy hill, but potentially as idealistic and broad-minded as the Spectator of all time and existence. Underneath, however, your habits

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Aquarius Sun with Aries Moon: Personality Traits

With an Aquarius Sun Aries Moon, are you a great observer of humanity but too much of a snob to really join in?Do you speak your own mind courageously and convincingly, and then wonder why others do not always warm to you and your causes? Talkative and energetic, you are often wrapped up in your

Aquarius Sun with Aries Moon: Personality Traits Leer más "

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