Myths about Empaths

Empaths are self-absorbed. 

The truth is that Empaths can be very quiet and often moody. This can look like they are self-absorbed, but in reality, they are absorbed by the emotions of others. The Empath is burdened with feeling other people’s emotions as if they were their own emotions.

Empaths suffer from mental illness. 

The truth is Empaths attract negative energy and can be unbalanced psychologically because of it. This makes them appear depressed or mentally ill to some. Empaths do carry a tremendous amount of baggage emotionally that comes from other people.

Empaths are frail and fragile psychologically. 

The truth is that Empaths are programmed biologically (nature) for sensitivity and to be in tune with their environment. They carry with them psychologically all the emotions, tensions and energy of other people. They may appear more fragile, may cry more easily when they are really very strong. A lot of Empaths feel so deeply that ordinary activities are impossible for them to participate in. Movies they can’t watch because of violence or emotional overload. Contrary to the myth, they are very strong emotionally and mentally.

Empaths are lazy. 

The truth is that Empaths spend so much energy on the feelings of others, they have no energy left for their own. Empaths are often afflicted with headaches, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and insomnia. All the stress that the empath carries will certainly take a toll on their bodies.

Only some people have psychic ability. 

The truth is that everyone has some psychic abilities even if they are completely dormant. Some people just don’t pay attention to the perceptions that are there. Other people are more open and can develop their abilities more easily. Even though all of us have psychic abilities not everyone has the personality to be an empath.

Psychic ability is supernatural, not normal. 

The truth is that psychic abilities are normal, not supernatural. Psychic abilities are the same as any of your other senses. They really are extra senses, yet they are as human as touch, sight, taste. They are physical and as we saw in chapter 3, simply a part of our biological and neurological systems.

If you are psychic your ability unconditional and has no limits. 

The truth is that psychic abilities are like all other human abilities. They are influenced by many things in our human environment. Just as a vision has its limits so too does any psychic sense. If you are in a state of shock or trauma, you might not see what is in front of you or hear what someone is saying to you. The same is true with psychic abilities. You might not be able to pick up other feelings if yours are so traumatized by what is happening to you.  The more relaxed you are the more you will pick up and the accurate your “reading” of another will be.

All psychics can see into the future. 

The truth is that though some people do have premonitions, this is not very common among psychic abilities. More often then, not the psychic ability in play is the acquisition of already available information by remote means. I don’t need to have a premonition to know you are divorcing your spouse if that information is being broadcast from you to my empathic senses. It is much more common to experience telepathy or clairvoyance than it is to experience premonitions.

Again, we are just touching the surface, the tip of the iceberg in respect to all the myths that are out there about empaths and psychic abilities. Our intention is to simply open you up to all the false information and beliefs that can affect your ability to tap into your empathic nature.