Cristales para dejar ir

Letting go is an important part of accepting change and moving ahead with your life. It isn’t always easy, however, because holding on to what is familiar is comfortable. Still, in many cases, the things you fail to let go of will hold you back, keeping you trapped in energetic patterns that no longer serve you and stopping you from moving forward on your spirit’s path.

I release everything that no longer serves me.


Sit or lie quietly and comfortably. Visualize all the patterns, emotions, ideas, and things you hold on to that no longer serve you. As you repeat the mantra, imagine those things lifting away from you and dissolving. Continue your meditation for at least 10 minutes.

Remedy #1: Labradorite

This wonderful stone can help bring about release by allowing you to make transformative changes while stepping away from old patterns. It is an excellent stone for releasing deeply held beliefs, emotions, or patterns that no longer serve you. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and hold a piece of labradorite in your receiving (nondominant) hand. Ask, “What am I holding on to that is preventing preventing me from moving forward on my path?” Note anything that arises. Now, transfer the labradorite to your giving (dominant) hand and state the mantra. Continue until you feel a sense of release or a lifting of the energy. Always cleanse and charge your labradorite after you perform this exercise.

Remedy #2: Rose Quartz & Green Aventurine Heart Chakra Work

If you are holding on to emotional pain, try this combination of heart chakra stones. Hold one in each hand and focus on your heart chakra, repeating “let go” to yourself. Continue for 10 minutes or until you feel a sense of release and peace.

Remedy #3: Rhodochrosite

If the letting go you need to do involves forgiving someone and releasing them from your anger or hurt, try using rhodochrosite. Sit with the rhodochrosite in your giving (dominant) hand and visualize the person you need to release. When you see that person in your mind’s eye, repeat, “I forgive you. I release you,” until you feel a lifting of your spirit.