La astrología detrás de las relaciones que atraes

The Descendant sign and planets occupying the seventh house can tell us something about how we choose our partners and describe the partnerships and relationships we seek.

We can be involuntarily attracted to people whose natal charts carry a strong emphasis of the sign on our seventh house. These people represent qualities that belong to us but are unconscious and which we try and live out through a partner or the experiences of a relación. Again, ideally, these serve as a role model for us to learn from and incorporate within ourselves but we can get stuck in the projections and just rely on the other person to supply these qualities for us.

Aries rising / Libra descendant

With an Aries rising, you come across as confident and full of energy. You like to get things done immediately, and you can be a little impatient. You may also find it hard to be a team player, because your first instinct is to just do everything yourself. With a Libra descendant you attract partners who are the exact opposite – they let you make the big relationship decisions or they don’t like to speak up when they’re upset. They might also be super dependent on you and want to have this happy ending romance, which isn’t something you’re that familiar with and may find to be too clingy. You probably lose interest once the initial excitement of the relationship wears off. However, you have to learn how to make more of an effort and work as part of a team instead of just thinking about yourself and your own independence. Your challenge is in becoming okay with leaning on someone else for support.

Taurus rising / Scorpio descendant

With a Taurus rising, you come across as a gentle, nice person. You appreciate high quality things in life, and you might also have a good sense of style or be involved in the arts or fashion. You crave comfort and stability, and you might be resistant to change. Your Scorpio descendant points to a darker side of you though, that you might be uncomfortable with. In your relaciones, you’re drawn to partners who are more intense, and at their worst can be controlling and easily jealous. You have to accept your own intensity and look at the deeper emotions that lie underneath, instead of focusing so much on surface-level stuff. You might repress a lot of your feelings, so your challenge is in getting them out into the open. Good relationships for you push you to transform and change for the better.

Gemini Rising / Sagittarius descendant

With a Gemini rising, you like to keep your mind occupied whether that’s with reading, writing, talking or constantly checking social media. You like to be in the know, and you might get anxious and find it hard to relax. With a Sagittarius descendant, you attract partners who are adventurous and down to do anything. You might also be drawn to people from different cultures or who are cultured and have strong life beliefs. These types of people are able to hold your short attention span, but they might also be all over the place, often unable to follow through on their promises. Instead of relying on a partner to give you this life wisdom, you must find this for yourself. Once you stop fixating on gossip and useless information and learn to look at the bigger picture in life, you won’t need a free-spirited partner to complete you.

Cancer rising / Capricorn descendant

With a Cancer rising, you are more sensitive and it might take some time for you to open up. You’re easily able to feel other people’s emotions, and you give good advice and are often there to offer your support. You might also be more family or home-oriented, and in your relationships you probably take on the role of the nurturer. With a Capricorn descendant, you want a partner who can be the rock to your emotions, so you might choose people who are older or more serious. However, you could end up in relationships where the other person’s needs come first and they’re always the one in charge. Their commitments might overshadow your own. The challenge for you is in learning to take control over your own life and having a relationship where the other person supports you just as much as you support them.

Leo rising / Aquarius descendant

With a Leo rising, you’re someone who is full of life, and you have a more playful spirit. You might have several creative abilities, and you fight for the things and people you care about. However, you might be self conscious, and a little too concerned with how other people see you. With an Aquarius descendant, you might be drawn to partners who are more aloof, and don’t seem to care as much as you do. Secretly, you wish you could be as cool and detached as they are. The people you date might be kind of emotionally distant – they keep you guessing, and you’re always trying to win their approval. Once you become more comfortable with who you are and stop looking for other people to validate you, you will no longer be interested in chasing after people who just don’t care.

Virgo rising / Pisces descendant

With a Virgo rising, you have a strong work ethic. No detail is left overlooked, and you’re probably very fond of your daily routines. You like to always be doing something productive, but you can be kind of critical and hard on yourself. With a Pisces descendant, you look to the people you date to give you an emotional outlet. Your partner helps to pull you out of this obsession with work in order to focus more on your feelings and your intuitive qualities. However, you might attract people who you think need to be saved or who turn out to not be who you thought they were. You keep giving and giving to them, because it seems romantic when really you’re just ignoring the red flags. Once you’ve embraced your emotions and gotten in touch with your own creative side, you can attract someone who you can bond with on a deeper, spiritual level instead of people with destructive qualities.

Libra rising / Aries descendant

With a Libra rising, you’re very accommodating. You like everything in your life to be peaceful, and you present yourself as someone who has good style and taste. You’re attentive to other people’s wants and needs, and you know when to compromise. However, you might be too afraid of upsetting people and at times you can be a bit of a people pleaser. Asserting yourself and asking for what you want might be scary for you. With an Aries descendant, you probably attract partners who have these confident, go-getter qualities you feel you lack. The people you date might challenge you or test your patience. You have to learn when to set boundaries though. Once you become more comfortable taking charge and making decisions for yourself, your partners won’t try to overshadow you so much.

Scorpio rising / Taurus descendant

With a Scorpio rising, you come across as a little intense. It’s easy for you to see people for who they really are, and you’re always digging beneath the surface, wanting to understand how things work. Other people may find you to be mysterious, because you don’t open up quickly and you keep your emotions close to your chest. At times you might be controlling or struggle with needing to control yourself and how people see you. With a Taurus descendant, you’re probably drawn to partners who are less complex or whom your friends call “basic.” They may have a calmer and gentler nature, and they’re very straightforward about who they are. You lean on them to provide peace and stability for you, when you really need to sort through your complex emotions and do this on your own. When you learn to be kinder and more forgiving, especially towards yourself, you won’t feel like you need someone else to give these qualities to you.

Sagittarius rising / Gemini descendant

With a Sagittarius rising, you’re someone is always up for an adventure. You like to travel, explore foreign cultures, and teach yourself new things. You have an optimistic attitude and you remain open to different ways of thinking. However, sometimes you tend to overdo it with your enthusiasm, promising more than you can deliver or expressing super far out opinions. With a Gemini descendant, you might be drawn to partners who are more graceful and can easily navigate social situations. They have the poise that you feel you may lack. However, they’re prone to changing their minds often, and they might be super hot and cold with their emotions towards you. Until you realize that you too bring something special to the table and have exciting tales to tell, you may have trouble finding commitment.

Capricorn rising / Cancer descendant

With a Capricorn rising, you are very career oriented and you’re driven to succeed. You put a lot of pressure on yourself to achieve your goals, and you may never feel like you’re doing enough. You have a more serious exterior, and often people can’t really tell how you’re feeling. With a Cancer descendant, you look to a partner to get in touch with your emotional side. However, you may attract people who are all over the place with their feelings, taking you along for the rollercoaster ride. You may end up having to take care of them all the time. Your lesson is in learning how to loosen up and become more comfortable expressing your emotions. Being vulnerable from time to time isn’t such a bad thing.

Aquarius rising / Leo descendant

With an Aquarius rising, you come across as cool and collected. You don’t show a lot of emotion, and half the time your mind is off in the future. You may not like having people get that close, because you like to maintain your freedom and space. You’re also not that physically affectionate, and the idea of PDA could freak you out. With a Leo descendant, you attract partners who are passionate and creative. However, when they can’t get a rise out of you they may get very dramatic and frustrated. They may go out of their way to stir the pot and get you to show some kind of emotion. Once you learn how to connect with people more and not be so turned off by intimacy, you won’t have such crash and burn type relationships.

Pisces rising / Virgo descendant

With a Pisces rising, you’re a big dreamer. You see the world through rose-colored glasses, and you may build up a fantasy of what you wish things would look like instead of facing reality. You may also like to isolate yourself and just be alone a lot of the time, because your emotions are often overwhelming. With a Virgo descendant, you’re drawn to partners who are responsible and put together. You may look to them to organize your life for you. However, they could end up being overly critical of you or make you feel like you aren’t competent enough to do these things on your own. You need to take control over your own responsibilities and not look to someone else to complete you.
