Cómo mi carta astral descubrió mis creencias limitantes

We are all unique individuals with our own unique thought patterns & ways in which we interpret the world around us.

Astrology & Numerología is one way our uniqueness can be revealed to us by giving us an understanding of how our belief systems originated. When I first reviewed my own chart I was taken aback by everything that was revealed to me about my past experiences, and have continued to review my chart throughout the years when contemplating a specific area in my life.

If you’re unfamiliar with an astrology natal (birth) chart, it’s a snapshot of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun (from our vantage point on earth) at the exact moment you were born. Each planetary body represents a universal archetype or pattern of behavior.

The position of planets and stars at the moment of your birth, at the very moment of your first breath, will tell you which are the natural predispositions and tendencies of your psyche. It permits you to see the dominant patterns of your psychological profile.

Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers with letters. Everything in the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency. By finding the vibration rate of any object, you can establish the qualities and energies associated with it. By applying the principles of numerology – and using only your birth date, birth name, & currently used name – you can determine the major frequencies of yourself. A numerological analysis of the calculated frequencies provides significant conscious & subconscious aspects of your personality and character.

A few limiting beliefs found in my birth chart:

Mercury Opposition Jupiter

Description: …You suffer from unrealistic expectations of other people. You are taken advantage of primarily because of your own wishful thinking. Deal more with what people do and less on what they promise…

When I first read this description, I was awe-struck. Countless life experiences and relaciones from my teenage years going into my early 30’s came to mind. I always had unrealistic expectations of other people, for the longest time I was a people-pleaser, believing if I treat people well they will do the same for me. I never understood why I was repeatedly left hurt in relationships.

In previous jobs, I had been taken advantage of by being forced to work more hours for lower wages than other employees, I started believing I should be working more for less, and will eventually be acknowledged for all the extra work. Months of wishful thinking turned into years, acknowledgement of course never came.

Identifying this limiting belief taught me to start living my life with a ‘me-first attitude, not putting my needs second with a blind belief that things will eventually improve.

Venus Square Saturn

Description: …Fear of rejection confuses and limits your life. You know only too well that you want things, people, and relationships that you can’t have until you relax and take some risks. The downside of any gamble can scare you so much that you are miserly with your affections. Overcome fear. Practice self-acceptance without a lot of negative comparisons and judgments…

For the longest time, I could remember I had always stayed away from committing myself to a serious relación. I had many romantic and friendship prospects which I never permitted myself to start, never realizing that it was all from a fear of rejection, or comparing myself to others. When I finally started practicing true acceptance of myself and stopped fearing rejection, a new relationship entered my life.

Moon Quincunx Neptune

Description: …you easily project qualities onto situations and people that they can’t possibly live up to. The root of this problem is really inaccurate self-appraisal. You expect more from yourself than is realistic, then react to your shortcomings with guilt-driven service to others and deep expression of overly sympathetic feelings…

Becoming aware of this aspect of my personality, allowed me to self-reflect and learn to move past this mindset that had constantly been hindering my life. In previous work environments, I was a perfectionist, I had extremely high expectations for my co-workers and would become severely agitated when my expectations fell short, which they always did. This thought pattern ultimately led me to leave successful positions, always feeling the job was not satisfying as others weren’t performing.

Learning to release these thought patterns allowed me to be able to appreciate the strengths others can offer to a group, with their varying levels of expertise. By releasing this innate need for perfectionism, I was able to excel further working together in a group.

Quirón en la Casa 3

Description: …You could have a lack of self-confidence over the way you express yourself possibly due to criticism from parents or siblings early in life. Efforts to improve communication pay off. You need time to think before speaking. In a few cases, there is shyness or injury to the voice…

Reading this description took me back to my teenage years going into my late 20’s, I did lack the confidence to express myself, and I was criticized from a young age by a parent and sibling. I actively chose to avoid communicating in group settings and had become comfortable staying quiet, not voicing my opinions. My work environments and personal relationships stayed stagnant for so long because I was not openly expressing myself. Allowing myself to voice my thoughts, released the belief that I had nothing beneficial to offer.

Heart’s Desire #7

Description: …In relationships, you tend to keep things business-like and impersonal. You prefer to talk about the facts of a given situation, rather than the cloudier issues of emotions and personal feelings. You distrust feelings — both your own and those of others. The whole emotional realm strikes you as unreliable, and a bit unnecessary. Your inability to fully understand the emotional aspect of life is your Achilles heel. Your challenge is to trust. You need to share your heart with someone. This is a courageous step for you, but will result in enormous growth and satisfaction. The advice here is to make a true connection with another individual. You may marry out of convenience or to fulfill social expectations, but it will not lead you out of loneliness. The more removed you are from people, the more you risk isolation, bitterness, and a cynical attitude toward life…

I married young, not from true love, but from what I had been made to believe was expected from my family and social structures. My relationship was very impersonal and for the longest time I felt the relationship was an obligation, never a real connection. Releasing the belief that I had to be in a relationship according to a certain image allowed me to open the doors for a new relationship to enter my life. A relationship that was built on love and true connection.

