Rasgos de personalidad de Aries

Los nacidos entre el 21 de marzo y el 19 de abril nacen bajo el signo de Aries. The symbol for this sign is the Ram and is quite appropriate. Arians can be just as stubborn and forceful as the symbol implies. Ruled by the planet Mars, they have powerful personalities. They can also be intractable and strong willed and will readily express their opinion, regardless of how much they may actually know. Anyone born during the dates March 21st and April 19th might actually be called the children of Aries, as they often display a childlike enthusiasm that contains a certain naiveté. While Aries may sometimes seem selfish and stubborn, it is because they tend to live very much in their own world. Nevertheless, they can be kind, forgiving and sensitive. It just takes a little effort to get to know them. This sensitivity, when combined with their dynamic personality can make them a lot of fun to be around. Aries is a fire sign which means active and outgoing. Perhaps the one thing that makes Aries a great love partner is their ability to bounce back. Aries doesn’t dwell on problems and is not a worry wart. This means that your flaws and the difficulties that any couple will encounter are easily forgotten. So, an Aries is quite a catch, if you can put up with the all that stubbornness, which isn’t all that difficult. Their innate kindness makes it easy to forgive the stubbornness of the Ram.

Signo del zodiaco Aries

Como Aries encabeza el inicio del ciclo zodiacal, las personas nacidas bajo este signo tienen una tendencia natural al liderazgo. Los individuos de Aries son intrépidos a la hora de avanzar hacia lo desconocido y enfrentarse a retos potencialmente insospechados. Los personajes de Aries, con su magnetismo, dinamismo y confianza, suelen ser una fuerza a tener en cuenta.

Energía de Aries Cuando tratan temas, situaciones, ideas o personas que les resultan interesantes, los individuos de Aries desprenden entusiasmo y energía pasionales, y a menudo tienen el valor de iniciar proyectos y asumir retos que otros rehuirían. Sin embargo, tienen fama de iniciar proyectos con una gran motivación, pero luego se alejan y dejan que otros los terminen si se aburren y se les pasa el entusiasmo.

Aries como signo de fuego

Just like the energy and steadiness that the Aries zodiac sign brings, it truly lends itself as the Fire Sign with the long-lasting warmth that it has, and just like fire, Aries men and women are unpredictable. Aries individuals crave for action like a drug. Because of this, they tend to appoint themselves as leaders ready to rush into action and get on with it, but this trait leaves them vulnerable because they don’t take the time to think things through first and weigh the pros and cons. Their natural leadership, courage, and their instinct to take action right away are Aries’ strength and weakness.

Cualidades positivas y puntos fuertes

Arians are strong, warm personalities with big, warm hearts. They are very appreciative and just as easily garner appreciation and recognition for the work that they do. They have an air about them that adds to their charm and charisma with other people. They are also ambitious and can go up the ladder of success if they put their mind to it. What makes Aries stand apart from the other signs in the zodiac are their unmistakable courage and strength. They are instinctively fearless and face the challenges of life head on. The good points of Aries men and women make them great leaders. People naturally point to them and appoint them to be their leaders; that is if they haven’t already appointed themselves. In the strength of their character also lies a kind heart. They protect those who are weaker and bring good will to those who are less fortunate than they are.

Cualidades negativas y debilidades

Por otra parte, los arianos tienden a ser muy dominantes a su costa. Tienen tendencia a mostrarse no sólo asertivos, sino también agresivos con los demás, incluso con buenas intenciones. Si este comportamiento no se controla, pueden socavar fácilmente a aquellos a los que intentan retener o ayudar. Este rasgo posesivo y dominante puede jugar en su contra. Aunque los Arianos tienen bastante número Aunque Aries tiene muchas virtudes, también tiene muchos defectos. Aries es bastante terco e inflexible por naturaleza. Una vez que se han decidido por algo, su mente ya no está abierta a otras aportaciones útiles de otras personas. Las personas nacidas bajo este signo también son de corta duración, especialmente cuando se les critica. Su energía desbordante también les hace más impulsivos, más rápidos para actuar y más lentos para pensar en las consecuencias.

Características de Aries

Líderes: Los signos de Aries son líderes natos. No necesitan que se les designe ni que se les presione, ya que se encargarán ellos mismos de tomar las riendas y lanzarse a hacer el trabajo.

Atrevida: Los hombres y mujeres Aries son más hacedores que pensadores. Piensan que analizar demasiado es una pérdida de tiempo, pero se apresuran a defender aquello en lo que creen. No se acobardan ante la multitud y no temen destacar. No suelen dudar de sí mismos, sino que confían plenamente en sus capacidades.

Aventurera: El segundo nombre de Aries es acción, y no hay nada como la acción que una auténtica aventura. Ya se trate de deportes al aire libre o de interior, o de un viaje por carretera imprevisto e inexplorado, a los arianos les encanta. Vivir una aventura es donde se sienten más vivos.

Inteligente: Esto puede parecer contradictorio con su reticencia a sentarse, pensar y analizar las cosas, pero en realidad Aries también es ingenioso. Son personas con muchos conocimientos y muy polifacéticas, y pueden mantener conversaciones inteligentes.

Inteligente: Arians know what is good for them, using their awareness of themselves and the things around them to their best advantage. They are natural charmers and other people don’t find it hard to love them to bits.

Espontáneo: While Aries are born with a good brain, that doesn’t mean to say that they are not impulsive. They can be so daring as to rely entirely on their instincts and live in the moment without giving a second thought to what the consequences of their actions might turn out to be. Aries are also dedicated workers, seeing the work they start to its completion.

Agresivo: Aries can be warm and charming but they can also be very childish. They tend to get rough and aggressive when things aren’t working out in their favor. Another side to this aggressiveness is that they are go-getters, going after what they want and not stopping until they get it or until the work is done. This trait alone gets them far and successful in their professional life.