Leo Woman

The undeniable queen of the zodiac, the Mujer Leo is ruled by the sun and bears the symbol of the lion. She has the fierce independence of the king of the jungle. The Leo woman loves a life of indulgence, surrounding herself with beautiful things. She is likely to have a large home and an expensive car with all the trimmings. She lives an elegant, modern, today’s type of life style, but is also helpful and generous to others. She is an outgoing woman who is independent and creative. She makes for a great friend, as she will do anything to help those she really loves. It is here that her generous nature really shines through. Her heart is big, making her one of the first to step forward when help is needed.

She is incredibly intense and passionate, to the point of being fierce, in her love relaciones. She is faithful to a fault and will never step outside the partnership. She likes to be independent at work, relying on herself rather than others. She is able to sustain herself, which makes her an excellent worker and can be trusted to complete all today’s tasks when asked. The Leo woman holds many traits of the lion, with stubbornness and arrogance at the top of the list. She believes that she is always right and expects flattery from those around her. She has a real ego which can be easily bruised and broken. It is easy for the Leo woman to mistake her friends for admirers and will often feel that it is up to her friends to praise her at every turn.

She is a prideful woman who will cast you aside if you do anything to damage that pride. Her arrogance can cause real problems in a relación. She will refuse to listen to her partner, even if she knows he is right. She is an intense lover that is prone to fits of jealousy. If her man does not love her fiercely in return, she will quickly lose interest in him and be away today. This arrogant nature can also be a hindrance to her professional career. She is particularly poor in team situations, as she does not listen well or value the opinions of others. She will often believe that it is only her opinion that counts. This does not sit well in a work environment. Overall, the woman born under the Leo sign is caring and generous, but stubborn to a fault.

What she wants most is praise. A lover has to ignore her shortcomings (she doesn’t really think she has any) and dwell on her virtues. In the same way applause makes the plot of a play seem larger than life, the lavish admiration of a lover makes Leo woman feel plugged into a life-enhancing incandescence. If you hope to get anywhere with her, you had better begin by accepting her inalienable right to be marvelous. You may go on from there to a sounder, more realistic relationship, but that’s the foundation stone on which to build.

You would be wise not to let her know if you have an eye for other women. As far as she’s concerned, she’s a cosmology of one. The mere suggestion that she’s in competition with other women turns her off completely. She’s above that sort of rivalry, and is actually a little afraid of it. She can’t be a loser—and one way to avoid being a loser is not to get into the race. However, she has to be free to rack up male conquests. You’ll hardly ever see her without a man in tow, and often several. There is something about her flamboyance, her queen like assurance that dazzles and attracts. She wears men as other women wear jewelry, to embellish her image and rarely lacks for admirers.

Most descriptions of Leo woman make her sound hopelessly self-centered. It would be more accurate to say that she has an intense drive toward self-realization. Leo woman feels she was born to be someone special, and she must express this feeling. Happily, she finds enormous self-expression in love. A Leo woman in love gives her heart without reservations. Her romantic nature is intense, vital, and uninhibited. She doesn’t hold anything back, but by the same token she expects her chosen mate to be just as fervid as she is. Although Leo is a marvelously sensual creature, kinky variations are not her game. She prefers to heighten and dramatize the familiar by her passionate involvement.

Leo woman thrives in marriage, but her partner may find living with her a bit overwhelming at times. It isn’t easy being attendant to a queen, and a Leo woman can be tyrannical. The worst scenario is when a Leo woman marries a man she can dominate completely. In this relationship she may get total submission, but that is too little compensation for the full, deep, robust kind of love she needs. When she feels short-changed in love, Leo woman will turn bitter and carping. On the other hand, with a genuine prince consort, a queen can bestow her truly royal gifts—and Leo female certainly has them to bestow. If you give her the affection and admiration that her nature requires, you will waken a tender passion in this extraordinary woman. And you will have a mate who is truly fit for a king.