Dating an Aries Man

Aries men tend to be incredibly attractive because we like to think they’re the “Bad Boy”, when in fact: that is a mistake that has caught many women off guard when it turns out, he’s really not. Still, it’s hard not to think that way when he flashes those intense eyes and dimpled grin- and oh my, he’s not at all shy about the sexual commentary.

What He’s REALLY Looking For

You have to understand that if you assume to know what he’s after, you may fail. Of course, some Arian men are all about that sex and that’s all they’re about. But many a gal has thought she was going to get no strings attached- only to find her Aries lover fighting tooth and nail for the conquest! Then again, a lot of women think that stereotype doesn’t hold true, only to find he’s headed for the hills. Isn’t he supposed to be fairly easy to read? Oh, no.

At heart, he really is looking for the one. The thing is, being as they do love the thrill of the hunt- if there is no thrill to said hunt: they may vanish. You can’t be too available for an Aries man or they’ll lose interest: which means, though an occasional aggressive overture is good, clinginess is just not. You’ll need to be a continual challenge, but not a pain in the ass. A fine balance of letting him catch you from time to time is essential and understanding that he’s not after low hanging fruit helps.

Do not be easy to get, but don’t play hard to get. Let him chase you til he catches you and some more. Inundating this one with texts, calls, and emails will run him off. The “One” for an Aries man will be someone who challenges him yet still comes across as feminine and strong.

What Turns Him On

Action-oriented women who are aggressive and a bit impatient. He likes impulsive women and he doesn’t like to be left waiting…for long. Don’t stand in his way with things, but don’t back down easily, either. He’s going to be argumentative and he may even seem to be the type who can’t resist a dare- so, dare him to try you.

He loves it when it seems that the odds are stacked against him but he also hates to lose: so don’t seem to be an unbeatable opponent, give him a challenge but also reward him from time to time. Play to his pride and he will be putty in your hands. Stoke his jawline gently and watch him purr for you like a kitten. Weird as it sounds, scalp massages are also lovely for most Aries men and many of them enjoy having their hair played with.

What Turns Him Off

If he’s not in first place, he’s not interested- so, it’s important to understand he’s looking for a second in command: which means, you didn’t see that first, you didn’t do that first, and you didn’t best him already before he’s even begun to fight! If you brag a bit too much- he’ll lose interest quickly. If you don’t let him chase you- again, by being too aggressive and pushing yourself, he will vanish like a thief in the night! Even a playful put down is going to totally turn him off, so don’t think this is the guy you can roast and he’ll return. He will not. Any assault on his ego will be the unforgivable sin.

Try this

Hold off on the sex at first- but make sure there’s plenty of sexually charged flirting. Be a tease until you’re not a tease anymore and then, allow him to take the lead.

Avoid this

Do not throw yourself at an Aries male. While he’ll happily take the sex, being an easy conquest will be all he sees you as.

Do not be too available physically or emotionally and instead, make sure you leave a little bread crumb trail. He’ll follow it- and find you much more intriguing!

The Aries Man and Flirting

The Aries man typically knows exactly what he wants and so he wastes no time making it known when he’s interested. When he flirts, he’s rather direct in telling you how attractive you are or that he’d like to get to know you better.

Aries doesn’t mind having a little fling here and there so you’ll need to be upfront with your own intentions so that you don’t get confused with a “friend with benefits” as he’ll go for it if he thinks he can.

Aries man will flatter you with talking about your features and how wonderful he thinks they are and if you give him a sign you’re interested, he’ll likely just go ahead and ask you out.

How to make an Aries Man fall in love with you

Aries men are just so darn masculine – they belong on the cover of a Getaway magazine, as they epitomize rugged adventure and independence. Aries men can be the toughest to get a hold of, but once you have him, he is yours forever – provided you don’t bore him.

These fire signs ADORE the thrill of the chase but hate rejection, so you will have to learn to tread that fine line between being just out of reach, yet not so much that he feels he is not wanted. Let him lead the way and call the shots, and don’t be shy to be a Princess from time to time – Aries men LOVE to be the Hero that saves the damsel.

Don’t cling – be independent and up for an adventure, but make sure he knows how special and adored he is – make him the center of your world and he will shower you with gifts and put you on a pedestal.

Aries Man Erogenous Zones

The Aries man is very simple with turn-ons and you can easily get him to be putty in your hands if you massage or scratch his scalp. He’s very sensitive in this area so when he gets this treat, he goes bonkers.

Another spot you can try with this guy is his ears. Nibble on them, lick them or kiss them and he’ll be yours for the night. Pay special attention to him and show him you really care about him.

Taking care of him will make him feel alive and will turn him on. When you pay special attention this “spots”, he’ll want to give you some of his special loving right back.

Why Women Go For An Aries Man…

This guy is absolutely active and can typically be seen doing plenty of exercises, sports, and other outdoor activities. So unless the luna sign says otherwise; this guy is normally in good physical condition.

He’s also typically very good looking and his charisma is one that is very hard to resist. He knows how to make a woman laugh and can make her quiver with one touch. It’s easy for him to sense what you want.

This guy typically has plenty of fun things to talk about and will want to be your guy. There is no way in the world you can ever be bored with this guy. He’s an alpha man who will protect you.

Women flock to this guy because they sense he is the man that will absolutely make a great partner, husband, and father to their future children. 

How An Aries Man Shows His Love

The Aries man is a very strong guy and it can be hard to read his feelings. He doesn’t like to show everyone what is going on inside of him. He’s too tough to let most people in.

Once he starts to fall in love though; he starts to open up and share with you his feelings on things. It may take him a bit of time to completely open up but he’ll continue to let things squeeze out one by one.

He will become very protective of you and want to keep you safe at all costs. Rather than tell you he loves you; he’s one that will rather show you. There is value in you seeing it than hearing it.

If you feel you need to hear it; you can discuss it with him. However; if you can go without hearing it; he’ll show you plenty.

Who An Aries Man Wants To Marry

It takes a long time for an Aries man to commit. It will probably take a bit longer before he decides he is ready to marry. He’s looking for a specific type of woman and he wants to be sure that who he chooses will live up to it.

He has a rather romantic view of the wife he’d like. She has to be good looking, kind, intelligent, and high moral standards. This is something important to remember if you’re trying to capture an Aries’ heart.

He has no problem hopping into bed with a sultry goddess. However; when he wants to settle down; he’ll likely want the woman who is in no hurry at all to dive into sex. It may seem like a double standard but he’s specific in what he wants.

Should You Marry An ARIES Man?

When the Aries man commits fully; he’s tremendously wonderful. He’s a great husband and father. He’ll be the alpha male who protects his family at all costs. He is one of the best of the Zodiac to marry.

You may want to help him keep an eye on the finances though because he can sometimes be a bit careless. He likes to buy the very best and worry about the consequence later. He needs a wife who will be responsible and will help him to make sure that he is able to keep things in order. Otherwise; he’ll be a father that will teach the children how to stand up in the world.

An Aries man will also be a stand up guy with his wife. She is his Queen and no one can tell him any different.

Texting An Aries Man

This is an alpha male. This means he likes to take the lead in most situations. If you’re trying to get his attention to possibly date him, take it easy but flirt a little. How? Easy, tell him something like “have a good day handsome”. He will see this as a flirt and almost as though you’ve let him know you’re interested in him. This will lead to him taking the next step of asking you out or flirting back.

If you’re already dating him, he really loves to keep in contact with you so you can just flirt as much as you want. He’ll absolutely love it and not see it as you trying to tie him down. Wording is everything though so think about it first.