Venus in Cancer in the Twelfth House
La posición de Venus en Cáncer indica que tienes necesidad de cuidados y de una válvula de escape emocional, tanto en tu interior como en el exterior. relaciones y en la forma en que formula su sistema de valores. Esto a veces se manifiesta como una actitud protectora o defensiva, si te sientes amenazado o si tienes demasiada sensibilidad. Venus en Cáncer simboliza un enfoque emocional de las funciones simbolizadas por Venus. Gran parte del comportamiento y muchas de las características de personalidad asociadas con Venus en Cáncer son el resultado de tu necesidad de sentirte cuidado y emocionalmente seguro en tus relaciones y valores.
La posición de Venus en Cáncer es algo ambivalente, como simboliza el sextil natural entre Cáncer y Tauro, regido por Venus, combinado con la cuadratura natural entre Cáncer y Libra, también regido por Venus. Cáncer es el signo cardinal de agua. Venus se baña simbólicamente en las aguas de Cáncer y emite un suave resplandor refulgente. Esto favorece la armonía y una cálida percepción emocional de bienestar. Sin embargo, cuando la naturaleza protectora de Cáncer coloca simbólicamente un caparazón de cangrejo sobre las energías venusinas, las relaciones pueden verse afectadas negativamente.
Venus también simboliza el ánima en la psique. Por lo tanto, si usted es una mujer con Venus en Cáncer, es probable que modele su feminidad para incorporar características típicamente asociadas a Cáncer. Si usted es hombre, es probable que se sienta atraído por alguien que proyecte o encarne rasgos asociados a Cáncer.
Al tener Venus en Cáncer, cuando eres inseguro sobre tu propia fuerza emocional y tu sistema de valores es muy egocéntrico, es probable que te asalte el miedo a salir herido en las relaciones. Siempre sensible, este miedo es tan penetrante que te lleva a evitar el compromiso y el acercamiento a los demás. En esencia, con Venus en Cáncer, tu inseguridad te rodea de un muro emocional y social. Tu aislamiento autoimpuesto supone una gran pérdida para ti.
Venus en la Casa 12:
There is often a natural tension represented by Venus in the 12th House between the quality of selfhood that is a necessary component of both relación and evaluation and your conscious or unconscious focus on losing your selfhood. Having Venus in the 12th House, you must learn to balance the legitimate interests of the self with your desire to attain selflessness if you are to be successful in your relationships and if you are to authenticate your values. You must realize, at some level, that the ego – though it be an illusion – is a necessary tool for functioning within the illusion of existence.
With Venus in the 12th House, you are capable of sensitive and compassionate behavior in relationships, true concern for others, a perception from a higher perspective and the adoption of a value system that is based upon selfless service to others. While engaging in compassionate social interaction, it is often the case that you feel the need to withdraw temporarily and focus within yourself. This serves to recharge you, provide a needed rest and preserve the balance that you have established. You are prone to take the needs of others into consideration before your own needs are met.
As an individual with Venus in the 12th House, you evaluate your situation and that of others from a selfless and sensitive perspective and are ever ready to respond with empathy and care. For this reason, it is generally essential that you spend some time alone with yourself, or you risk burn-out. With Venus in the 12th House, if your attitude and assumptions are not in balance, the drain upon your psychic resources that others impose generally will debilitate you in some manner. Subconsciously, you may adopt defense mechanisms against this debilitation and these mechanisms themselves are likely to be negative. You may experience much pain and suffering in the world, either directly or in empathy with others. This experience generally has a marked effect on you, either in a positive or a negative direction.
Having Venus in the 12th House, you have no idea of an authentic self and you are, therefore, at the mercy of each and every pull from without. You may think that you give to others, but in reality either they take until you have nothing left or you “give” to feed your ego and to try to establish some identity as a “selfless soul” of “superior character.”
As an individual with Venus in the 12th House, whatever defense mechanisms your subconscious may try to insert in order to protect the ego, you are more likely to be taken advantage of. Thus, you may engage in a series of self-destructive relationships in which your partner takes from you and leaves you in pain. You may make choices that are extremely poor and lead down a self-destructive path. With Venus in the 12th House, you are often attracted to that which will be your own undoing. Often, this attraction is bound up with some illusion or fantasy. Frequently, you are deceived. Having been deceived so often, sometimes, in self-defense, you become the deceiver and exploiter yourself.
Enfoque de la evaluación
With Venus in the 12th House, your tendency is to evaluate people, things and situations from a selfless point of view. Sometimes, you may have no clear idea about your own values, but you attempt to please others by adopting their tastes and values. If who are able to define your values, generally you will find that you rank highly such qualities as generosity, service to others, contemplation, sincerity and sensitivity. However, if you have not examined your values, you may remain confused. You may be subject to deception and being led astray or may find yourself living in an illusion, unable to distinguish the real from the false. Sometimes, your values and choices may be borne out of your experience of suffering.
Descubre más sobre tu personalidad, motivaciones y deseos con una Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica.
Artículo referenciado de:
Gargatholil, Astrología Profunda: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 2: Planets in Signs
Gargatholil, Astrología Profunda: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 3: Planets in Houses
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