Venus in Cancer in the 11th House

Venus in Cancer in the Eleventh House

Venus in Cancer in 11th House
Venus in Cancer in 11th House

La posición de Venus en Cáncer indica que tienes necesidad de cuidados y de una válvula de escape emocional, tanto en tu interior como en el exterior. relaciones y en la forma en que formula su sistema de valores. Esto a veces se manifiesta como una actitud protectora o defensiva, si te sientes amenazado o si tienes demasiada sensibilidad. Venus en Cáncer simboliza un enfoque emocional de las funciones simbolizadas por Venus. Gran parte del comportamiento y muchas de las características de personalidad asociadas con Venus en Cáncer son el resultado de tu necesidad de sentirte cuidado y emocionalmente seguro en tus relaciones y valores.

La posición de Venus en Cáncer es algo ambivalente, como simboliza el sextil natural entre Cáncer y Tauro, regido por Venus, combinado con la cuadratura natural entre Cáncer y Libra, también regido por Venus. Cáncer es el signo cardinal de agua. Venus se baña simbólicamente en las aguas de Cáncer y emite un suave resplandor refulgente. Esto favorece la armonía y una cálida percepción emocional de bienestar. Sin embargo, cuando la naturaleza protectora de Cáncer coloca simbólicamente un caparazón de cangrejo sobre las energías venusinas, las relaciones pueden verse afectadas negativamente.

Venus también simboliza el ánima en la psique. Por lo tanto, si usted es una mujer con Venus en Cáncer, es probable que modele su feminidad para incorporar características típicamente asociadas a Cáncer. Si usted es hombre, es probable que se sienta atraído por alguien que proyecte o encarne rasgos asociados a Cáncer.


Al tener Venus en Cáncer, cuando eres inseguro sobre tu propia fuerza emocional y tu sistema de valores es muy egocéntrico, es probable que te asalte el miedo a salir herido en las relaciones. Siempre sensible, este miedo es tan penetrante que te lleva a evitar el compromiso y el acercamiento a los demás. En esencia, con Venus en Cáncer, tu inseguridad te rodea de un muro emocional y social. Tu aislamiento autoimpuesto supone una gran pérdida para ti.

Venus in the 11th House:

As with many of the Venus house placements, Venus in the 11th House is harmoniously placed with challenging potential. The 11th House is in natural trine to the Venus-ruled 7th House, and thus the relación functions symbolized by Venus are easy and accentuated. The 11th House is square to the 2nd house, however, which is also ruled by Venus. Here, the more personal-oriented evaluative functions of Venus may come into conflict with the socially oriented 11th House. For instance, having Venus in the 11th House, you may have a generous and humanitarian impulse, but with nagging doubts about the wisdom of giving too much. For the most part, however, Venus is comfortable with this placement.

Having Venus in the 11th House, you may use relationships as a vehicle whereby you connect with society and your social purpose. Your life partner relationship(s) may have a strong flavor of social interaction. There may also be a strong sense of concern for the future present in your relationships. Your relationships are likely to bring change into your life, rather than being a force for preserving the status quo. Your tastes and attachments are likely to be affected by the group identity that you adopt. With Venus in the 11th House, there is a danger that you will not own enough of your identity to establish preferences that truly reflect your character. One challenge with Venus in the 11th House is to project your individuality, in a balanced fashion, through the expression of taste and preference.


As an individual with Venus in the 11th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will likely fail to develop a sense of your own individuality in the context of the group and society, and your ego will be dominated by the group-ego. In this way, you protect your ego from the risk of exposure. Your relationship is to the group, and your personal, life partner relationship(s) is likely to be role dominated, with the primary emphasis of the relationship being its societal function (married couples with children are likely to call each other “mommy” and “daddy”). Having Venus in the 11th House, your tastes are also completely formed by the group, and you are likely to severely judge opinions and lifestyles that are outside of the group.

Enfoque de la evaluación

With Venus in the 11th House, you generally judge things according to a group standard or in terms of how it affects your relationship to the group. You may ask not “is this good/pleasing for me?” but “is this good/pleasing for society?” or “is this good/pleasing for my group?” You tend to have a broader frame of reference for your evaluative function than simply the personal. Having Venus in the 11th House, you may also have a tendency for your judgment to be influenced by the group of which you are a part. You may also be attracted to group activities, humanitarian endeavors or projects to benefit society and you are likely to value such things highly. You may hold group or social values in higher regard than personal values and will are likely to have a value system that is centered around the good of the whole.

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