Venus in Cancer in the 8th House

Venus in Cancer in the Eighth House

Venus in Cancer in 8th House
Venus in Cancer in 8th House

La posición de Venus en Cáncer indica que tienes necesidad de cuidados y de una válvula de escape emocional, tanto en tu interior como en el exterior. relaciones y en la forma en que formula su sistema de valores. Esto a veces se manifiesta como una actitud protectora o defensiva, si te sientes amenazado o si tienes demasiada sensibilidad. Venus en Cáncer simboliza un enfoque emocional de las funciones simbolizadas por Venus. Gran parte del comportamiento y muchas de las características de personalidad asociadas con Venus en Cáncer son el resultado de tu necesidad de sentirte cuidado y emocionalmente seguro en tus relaciones y valores.

La posición de Venus en Cáncer es algo ambivalente, como simboliza el sextil natural entre Cáncer y Tauro, regido por Venus, combinado con la cuadratura natural entre Cáncer y Libra, también regido por Venus. Cáncer es el signo cardinal de agua. Venus se baña simbólicamente en las aguas de Cáncer y emite un suave resplandor refulgente. Esto favorece la armonía y una cálida percepción emocional de bienestar. Sin embargo, cuando la naturaleza protectora de Cáncer coloca simbólicamente un caparazón de cangrejo sobre las energías venusinas, las relaciones pueden verse afectadas negativamente.

Venus también simboliza el ánima en la psique. Por lo tanto, si usted es una mujer con Venus en Cáncer, es probable que modele su feminidad para incorporar características típicamente asociadas a Cáncer. Si usted es hombre, es probable que se sienta atraído por alguien que proyecte o encarne rasgos asociados a Cáncer.


Al tener Venus en Cáncer, cuando eres inseguro sobre tu propia fuerza emocional y tu sistema de valores es muy egocéntrico, es probable que te asalte el miedo a salir herido en las relaciones. Siempre sensible, este miedo es tan penetrante que te lleva a evitar el compromiso y el acercamiento a los demás. En esencia, con Venus en Cáncer, tu inseguridad te rodea de un muro emocional y social. Tu aislamiento autoimpuesto supone una gran pérdida para ti.

Venus in the 8th House:

With Venus in the 8th House, your relationships tend to be close and exclusive – or if not exclusive, then intense. This intensity and desire for intimacy tends to affect your tastes and judgments, also. There is some danger that you become so intimate in your relationships that it leads to confusion. You can develop a lack of balance between intimacy and your responsibilities to the external world.  Having Venus in the 8th House, your desire for intimacy, emotional security and a very personal relación affect,  and often improve, the quality of your relationship(s), unless these tendencies are  taken too far.

Having Venus in the 8th House, the tendency for withdrawal and inward intensity that the 8th House  represents should be digested and then reflected externally, (i.e., toward the  “other”), however, if you are to make the most positive use of this energy. As an individual with Venus in the 8th House, your task is to resolve the tension between your inward and outward pulls and between self-contemplation and recognition of the “other.” Whether these tensions are resolved constructively or allowed to manifest destructively will determine the quality of your relationships and your perceptual experience in the world. You can easily become withdrawn and self-absorbed, even within the context of your relationships. Or, your attraction to intimacy and the unseen can result in a richness of perception and relationship that is especially intense and rewarding.


As an individual with Venus in the 8th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will look for fulfillment and pleasure from others, and particularly from the intimacies associated with close relationships.  Since you do not look for or find this pleasure from within yourself, and you are not in touch with your own values, you are dependent for your pleasure on what others give you. This may involve both sexual pleasure and the sharing of other resources, physical and emotional. Having Venus in the 8th House. in your dependency on others, you become a  slave to your partner’s will. Yet you also scheme to gain what you want from your partner(s), for this is the only thing that is important to you.

Enfoque de la evaluación

With Venus in the 8th House, you tend to evaluate situations and things from the standpoint of how they may enhance your emotional security. If you are committed to a relationship, you may see things in terms of how that relationship is benefited and furthered. As you perceive things through the lens of your relationship, it may be the intimacies of your relationship that provide you with some of your most heightened experiences.

Having Venus in the 8th House, if you are dependent on a relationship, then you may evaluate life from a possessive or jealous point of view. However, if you are wise, you will conclude that your security is ultimately grounded in truth and authenticity. You are then more likely to be concerned with the authenticity of the thing or experience than with how it is likely to be of benefit to you.

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