Cancer Sun with Aries Moon and Capricorn Rising

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Aries and Capricorn Rising Personality Traits:

Cancer Sun Aries Moon Capricorn Rising
Cancer Sun Aries Moon Capricorn Rising

With a Cancer Sun Aries Moon, it’s not easy for you to live up to that Superman or Wonder Woman self-image of yours! In your combination, the cautious, sensitive, and vacillating Cancer personality must compete with an Aries inner nature that is aggressive, self-assertive, and decisive. In your heart, you may feel that you have all the qualities of a born leader, but caution, insecurity, and uncertainty often prevent you from you from actually realizing those inner fantasies of grandeur.

As an individual with a Cancer Sun Aries Moon, whenever you cannot keep pace with the rigorous demands of your dreams, you might lapse into states of moodiness and lethargy, while repeating to yourself, “If only they could understand me, and see just how superior I really am.”

Having a Cancer Sun Aries Moon, self-acceptance is the key to many of the problems you encounter. You cannot be in the spotlight all the time. It’s nearly impossible to meet all the goals you will set for yourself, so stop racing around risking heart attack and nervous breakdown, thinking of all the things you could do for the world if only you had the chance. Instead, try to appreciate who you are rather than who you think you ought to be. You’ll be much happier if you learn to accept yourself.

A Cancer Sun Aries Moon combination is very dynamic with many talents. You like to be involved with people and projects that emphasize change and improvement, leading you to a socially oriented career, such as civil engineering, politics, or social organizing. You also have a very strong intellectual bent, and you may feel drawn to scholarly pursuits. Your talents and abilities can find expression in any one of several creative ways, once you have shaken off that idealistic self-image.

With a Cancer Sun Aries Moon, though considerate and generous by nature, you probably have vague feelings of superiority, and that innate sense of being better than everyone else is often your downfall. Ambition and enthusiasm are thwarted by pride and impatience, often preventing you from taking necessary steps toward securing your future.

For the individual with a Cancer Sun Aries Moon, in school or at work, you are in the forefront, intellectually as well as in spirit. But you have a tendency to burn your bridges when things don’t seem to be going your way. Often unwilling to take the time and patience to master a skill or trade, it is also difficult for you to accept a subordinate role— even if it might guarantee eventual advancement. Learning to overcome that haughty streak is perhaps the most difficult lesson for the Cancer Sun Aries Moon individual.

Having a Cancer Sun Aries Moon, socially, you are outgoing, congenial, and exuberant. Your sophisticated charm and quick wit make you something of a ham, and you’re usually happiest center stage. In your close friendships, you are forever loyal, trustworthy, and constant.

As an individual with a Cancer Sun Aries Moon, you are patient and intensely romantic. You are a devoted and affectionate partner. You must always feel you have someone to work for, someone who can give you the emotional support and encouragement you need, in order to be at your best. Early on in a relación, you are ardent and zealous in your affection, but if love becomes stale, you are quick to make an end of it. It’s hard for the Cancer Sun Aries Moon individual to hang around when the going gets tough.

As with all Cancers, a tranquil domestic environment is important to your emotional well-being, but it is not essential, as inner stability and strength is your true foundation. In fact, you always seem to be at home everywhere, for you are secure within yourself.

With a Cancer Sun Aries Moon, it’s difficult for you to imagine life without love. Romantic and giving by nature, you have a very strong need to show your affection as well as to receive love. Your full creative talents will unfold only when you have someone to share them with, and a good relationship is necessary for your emotional health. Loyal and trusting in romance, you tend to be overprotective towards your lover. Guard against jealousy and suspicion.

Keywords For Cancer Sun Aries Moon:

Sociable; sensitive; restless; impatient; a tenacious survivor; moody; shrewd; insightful; active imagination; individualistic; creative and heroic spirit; poetic; feminine but feisty; defensive but forthright.

Capricornio ascendente

Si tienes ascendente en Capricornio, tiendes a tener una mentalidad seria. No se le puede llamar melancólico, pero tampoco frívolo. Cauteloso en tus relaciones, eres reacio a comprometerte hasta que no conoces los hechos. Con los desconocidos suele ser callado, reservado y quizás un poco tímido. Pero una vez que te abres puedes ser animado, amistoso, cálido y expresivo.

Las personas de ascendente Capricornio tienen una personalidad fuerte, poseen una gran fuerza de voluntad y determinación y persiguen sus objetivos con diligencia. Estos objetivos suelen ser una vida mejor: dinero, estatus, una posición más alta en la comunidad para su familia. Para usted es importante sentir que su vida tiene sentido.

Con Capricornio ascendente, tienes autoestima y eres fiable, seguro y estable. A veces, sin embargo, te esforzarás por conseguir un objetivo y cuando lo consigas seguirás sin ser feliz. Tienes la sensación de que te falta algo y continúas tu búsqueda.

Al tener ascendente en Capricornio, tienes una mente activa con inteligencia rápida y capacidad de concentración. Eres capaz de buscar información, ver los fallos de un plan y planificar las cosas con antelación y en detalle. A veces se le puede acusar de ser demasiado calculador, porque suma todos los pros y los contras antes de embarcarse en un proyecto. Si un adversario tiene un punto débil, también lo detecta con rapidez y lo utiliza en su propio beneficio.

Con Capricornio ascendente, tiendes a preocuparte por los detalles para asegurarte de que todos los imprevistos están cubiertos. Es su forma de tener el control: no quiere que la mala suerte le pille desprevenido. En la juventud te preocupas por la vida y en la vejez por la muerte. En la madurez te preocupas por el éxito.

A las personas de Capricornio ascendente no siempre les resulta fácil mostrar sus sentimientos, aunque éstos son muy fuertes. Usted ama profundamente, es leal y protector, y se desvive por los demás. Sin embargo, a menudo te sientes desgarrado por los celos y el resentimiento (que ocultas), y en el fondo nunca perdonas realmente a alguien que te hace daño.

Como individuo con ascendente en Capricornio, lo que consigues es principalmente gracias a tus propios esfuerzos más que a la influencia de los demás. Aunque los individuos con ascendente en Capricornio parecen beneficiarse económicamente a través del matrimonio, su propio trabajo duro dentro de la unión es en gran parte responsable de su ganancia.

Con Capricornio ascendente suele haber rivalidad con hermanos y hermanas, o algún tipo de desacuerdo con sus padres. Como individuo con ascendente en Capricornio, tiendes a tener una cabeza pequeña y bien formada, ojos profundos y penetrantes y una hermosa sonrisa con dientes bonitos. Tienes pies fuertes y sueles disfrutar caminando o haciendo footing.

El planeta Saturno, que rige Capricornio, es muy prominente en tu carta natal. La influencia de Saturno otorga disciplina, ambición, paciencia, determinación, buena resistencia y cautela. También fomenta la terquedad, las dificultades, la melancolía, el distanciamiento, el pesimismo y el egoísmo.

Descubra los secretos de su yo cósmico y obtenga claridad sobre su camino vital único. En Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica ofrece ideas profundas que le ayudarán a navegar por los vericuetos de la vida con confianza y determinación.

Análisis de la Carta Natal