The combination of the Sun and the Luna in your chart forms a nature that is aspiring and expansive. You are highly adventurous and apt to move about and seek a variety of experiences. You are open and accepting of others, and to you, people are people. No one is more openhearted and unbiased than you. You have a positive spirit and the feeling that your ideals are workable, and you hold to them until they are absolutely proven not to be. This extends very much to people as you believe that everyone is essentially good, that good will triumph over evil, that dogs can live with cats, and so on. You expect happy endings as you’re an incurable optimist. You are outgoing and eager to meet people, but often you give them the sense that you haven’t much time for them. There is little that is stable or secure about you, and you seem so much on the go that roots are never sunk deeply in anyone or even in any social issue. You achieve success through charm and positive efforts, but by being abstract in your thinking, you become visionary and impractical in business and personal affairs.
Sus puntos fuertes
Su vivo espíritu de entusiasmo cooperativo, gracia, ingenio, eterno optimismo, buen humor, capacidad para ver la visión más amplia y nuevas formas de hacer las cosas, don para la persuasión y la publicidad.
Sus mayores debilidades
Tendencia a extralimitarse y sobrevalorar sus capacidades, a ocultar los problemas personales con la adicción al trabajo, a parecer demasiado orgulloso y distante de los demás, a la ingenuidad emocional, a la falta de introspección y a la ceguera ante sus propios motivos más profundos.
Tu signo lunar Fase lunar única
La fase lunar bajo la que naciste refina aún más tu Signo lunar, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.
¿Naciste en una Luna Llena de Sagitario? ¿O en una Luna Menguante de Sagitario? ¿Y qué significa todo esto?
Para saber lo que tu signo lunar y tu fase lunar revelan sobre ti, Obtén una Lectura Lunar Personalizada en Video Gratis aquí.
Descubra los secretos de su yo cósmico y obtenga claridad sobre su camino vital único. En Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica ofrece ideas profundas que le ayudarán a navegar por los vericuetos de la vida con confianza y determinación.