Virgo Sun with Scorpio Moon and Leo Rising

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Scorpio and Leo Rising Personality Traits:

Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon Leo Rising
Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon Leo Rising

With a Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon, you are a very intense Virgo! Your reserved intellectual bearing masks an inner nature that is secretive, sensual, and deeply passionate. No matter how cool and analytical you try to be, most of your moves are based upon your gut reactions and intuition. Reason and logic may guide you, but bias and inner passion usually have the final word in your affairs.

As an individual with a Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon, you know what you want out of life and you go after it with determination and plenty of hard work. Seemingly gentle and soft-spoken, you’re basically a pretty tough customer and you always know your own mind. But you pay a price for all that persistence and certainly: You are forced to keep your emotions under wraps most of the time.

Having a Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon, your perception is acute and often astonishingly accurate. You judge others by the way you feel about them intuitively, and that intuition of yours is uncanny! While you are busily sizing up your friends and colleagues, you prefer keeping your own inner self a secret.

Whether you are upset or elated, very few actually know about it, as your image almost always calmed, detached, and unswerving.

With a Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon, you are so good at sustaining that cool exterior that very few people appreciate your true sensitivity and depth. Try to be more open with your feelings and to express yourself with greater enthusiasm. You can rationalize yourself and your true emotions right out of existence, so stop being so coolly rational about everything, and try letting passion carry you away now and then.

Like most Virgos, you find fulfillment through your work. Often, in fact, it becomes everything to you, replacing relationships and leisure activities. To avoid turning into a workaholic, be sure you have some outside interests that have nothing to do with what you do nine-to-five.

Having a Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon, you are professionally drawn to the orthodox and conventional, you probably harbor revolutionary ideas and secretly want to implement change. You therefore bring innovation and originality to your work, no matter what field you are in. Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon individuals are ideally suited to medicine, social service, law, and politics. They also excel in business.

With a Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon, in romance, you are prone to jealousy and possessiveness. Behaving as if you own your partner can lead to endless conflicts. With all that perception of yours, you still tend to point out your lover’s weaknesses rather tactlessly, and thus you may be unintentionally cruel. On the positive side, when you are truly in love, you can be extremely sensual and giving.

Keywords For A Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon:

Probing mind; critical and analytical; discriminating; dedicated; meticulous worker; resourceful; self-sufficient; emotionally controlled; loyal; health fanatic; opinionated; pious; subjective; conscientious; loyal; long-suffering.

Leo Rising

Leo Rising signifies nobility of character, high ideals, and great personal magnetism. If you have Leo rising, you are big-hearted, expansive, benevolent, and kind. You consider it beneath you to stoop to pettiness, grumbling, stinginess, or narrow-mindedness. Because you are so magnanimous in spirit, you find it hard to believe ill of others.

Of course, the world does not always live up to anyone’s expectations, and Leo Rising individuals are puzzled and hurt by meanness and un-generosity. At such times you simply put on your regal air and make sure the underlying knows in what contempt and low esteem he or she is held.

Having Leo Rising, you have a great sense of showmanship. You love to put on lavish displays—whether it is decorating your house with expensive and elegant things or dressing in attention-getting clothes or throwing a splendid dinner party. To less flamboyant types you may appear ostentatious, show-offy, and extravagant. But your showy displays are not only to get attention; you see life in larger-than-life terms and aspire to the highest and the best. This quality draws others to you and, in itself, attracts power and influence.

Leo Rising individuals seem surrounded by luck in money, career, and friendship. You are not an especially hard worker but tend to achieve success through the influence and pull of others. Fame and fortune come to you when you aren’t looking for it.

With Leo Rising, you are efficient at organizing groups of people and inspiring them to give their best. You are happiest in the role of leader. In fact, you feel wounded if your public doesn’t put you in that position.

When not given what you feel is your due, you can turn haughty, temperamental, and arrogant. Leo is the sign of pride, and Leo Rising individuals have this in abundance. You are self-confident and have a resolute faith in yourself.

There is a basic likeableness about you, partly because you give a distinct impression that life is fun. You have a wonderful sense of humor. (Note: Leo Rising individuals have a particularly soft spot for children and spoil them outrageously.)

As a Leo Rising individual, you tend to have a large, beautifully shaped head, thick shining hair, a dazzling smile with bright, even teeth, and a stately bearing. Many of you are benefited by an inheritance later in your lives. Whatever path you choose to follow, you usually emerge on the sunny side of the hill.

The Sun, which rules Leo, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of the Sun bestows enthusiasm, generosity, power, warmth, creative self-expression, passion, and courage. It also encourages egotism, arrogance, snobbism, conceit, pomposity, and condescension.

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