What Is A Twin Flame? 11 Signs You’ve Found Your “Mirror Soul”

Every relationship has something to teach us—and twin flames are often considered the ones that will teach us the most.

Meeting your twin flame is considered the most powerful soul encounter a person can experience.

What to know about navigating the oftentimes tumultuous relationship.

What is a twin flame relationship?

One of the main characteristics of a twin flame relationship is that it will be both challenging and healing. This is due to the mirroring nature of a twin flame; they show you your deepest insecurities, fears, and shadows. But they also help you overcome them and vice versa—your twin flame will be equally affected by you.

11 signs you’ve found your twin flame:

1. When you met, there was instant recognition.

When you first encounter your twin flame, there will be an intense sense of attraction, recognition, and longing. Meeting a twin flame often feels like home. They feel familiar—an undeniably intense bond as though you have known them before.

2. You’re very similar.

You and your twin flame may find that you have a lot in common as far as values, past experiences, and interests. Both of you will find that your past story has a lot of coincidences and similar experiences.

3. You complement each other.

In those areas that you aren’t similar, you’ll find your differences complement each other, almost like yin and yang. Their shadow, for example, will be complemented by your light, and vice versa. And because a twin flame mirrors you, you’re likely very aware of how your relationship highlights your shadows, and theirs.

4. Your insecurities and doubts are amplified.

The purpose of your twin flame is to support and help you with your divine mission and purpose. So, often this type of relationship will reflect your problems and deepest insecurities so you can work through them to heal and grow.

5. They feel magnetic.

From the moment you met and still to this day, you feel drawn to them physically when they’re near you, as well as magnetically, when you’re apart. It’s as though their energy is always with you, always wanting to be closer.

6. The relationship is tumultuous.

Twin flame relationships aren’t all smooth sailing, and actually, they’re usually not. Being with a twin flame is like constantly being confronted by yourself, namely the parts of yourself you may not like. It can be incredibly challenging, but it’s facilitating major growth for both of you.

7. The relationship is very intense.

There will be an emotional charge between twin flames and that they often develop quickly because you already feel so familiar. You’re so connected that you will feel things deeper together, which often makes for more intensity and passion.

8. You keep coming back together.

“The chase” is most definitely a part of the twin flame relationship. At some point, one of you may walk away, out of fear, anger—you name it. But you’ll always come back. If you’re in an ‘on and off’-again-type relationship, it could be with your twin flame. You’ll find that things just keep bringing you together in random ways. Could be months, years, even decades; you just always find your way back to one another.

9. Your connection feels divine.

When you find your twin flame, there’s a certain larger-than-life quality that likely feels divine or predestined. There is a feeling that you have been brought together by the universe or a higher power, and that creates a very strong bond between the two of you.

10. You have an almost psychic connection.

You and your twin flame can likely communicate with just a glance, and you always know what the other is thinking. You may even feel each other’s emotions or symptoms.

11. They push you to be and do better.

Because twin flames act as mirrors, they challenge us to do better, and oftentimes, your purposes are aligned in a way that pushes both of you to new heights. It’s a very expansive relationship that promotes a lot of growth.

The 8 stages of a twin flame relationship.

The stages of a relationship are different when it’s your twin flame. Twin flame stages may be unique depending on the people involved, but there are eight common ones:

Stage 1: Longing

You may have grown accustomed to your interpretation of what love is & have now started wanting a deeper soul-level connection.

Stage 2: Meeting

Once you meet, your world will be rocked. Prepare to fall fast, when you meet there will be a very intense instant attraction. You often can’t keep your hands off one another and think about and want to spend a ton of time with each other constantly.

Stage 3: The honeymoon phase

Yes, twin flames can have a honeymoon phase, too! In this phase, your relationship is new, meaningful, and positive. How long it lasts depends on the couple, before challenges arise.

Stage 4: Challenges emerge

Sooner or later, core wounds emerge, and differences arise in the relationship. Often, these challenges are a reflection of the inner work the two of you need to do on your own. It’s often not about improving the relationship but rather improving yourself.

Stage 5: The test

Your love will be put to a test, as you start to dive deep into your internal conflicts. All your insecurities will rear up as you start to question yourself and each other. One partner may avoid the other or even abandon the relationship, while the other feels emotionally insecure. This is where attachment issues will arise.

Stage 6: The chase

The chase is a big part of many twin flame relationships; someone will always walk away. Twin flame relationships have a ton of push-pull. Part of the chase is the reward for each person. But there will be a time when one partner will pull away, and this causes separation.

Stage 7: The surrender

The chase can go on for years, but should the two of you work through all your triggers, insecurities, and challenges, eventually you’ll come back together. This is the surrender into the relationship and big picture for you both. You accept and allow each other to be who they are, flaws and all. This is where you come back again.

Stage 8: Coming home

And finally, once you’ve fully surrendered and accepted your destiny, your life begins, and balance feels restored. Shared meaning is created, and there is more empathy and understanding in the relationship. In this stage, you support each other and continue to facilitate growth for the other.

How are twin flames different from soul mates?

The biggest distinction between a twin flame and any other type of soul mate is that twin flames feel like mirrors. A soul mate, on the other hand, can be thought of as someone cut from the same cloth as you. There’s a deep familiarity, and you feel very close, but you aren’t the same.

A soul mate changes who you are by bringing you closer to your true and authentic self. Soul mates don’t always mean romantic love. You can have soul mates that are friends, pets, and family members, etc.

Some people consider twin flames to be one of many types of soul mates, with twin flames being the most intense of any soul mate connection.

FAQs about twin flames:

Are twin flames always romantically involved?

Although twin flames are typically viewed as romantic relationships, they can also be platonic. The emphasis on a twin flame relationship is a spiritual connection where you feel a familiarity and polarity with a person. This can take the form of a friend or even an acquaintance. In most cases, though, romance seems to be more common.

Does everyone have a twin flame?

No. It is a rare connection, and not everybody has one.

Can twin flames become toxic?

Yes, twin flame relationships can become toxic. In a twin flame relationship, your twin flame may mirror your own issues, unhealthy habits, or imbalances. In addition, when twin flames are apart, they may have a hard time functioning. You may also end up defining your self-worth by the relationship. These aspects of the twin flame relationship can result in an unhealthy codependent relationship.

The bottom line.

Twin flame relationships are incredibly passionate, potent, and powerful. But just because they’re strong doesn’t mean they’re unbreakable—it’s still important to work on a conscious partnership and your own individual growth. When you do that, the two of you will be catalysts for love, growth, and harmony in each other’s lives.