Pros and Cons to Becoming an Airline Pilot Through a Career Astrology Lens

What do the stars say about your future career? Does your chart predict you flying high? What does astrology tell you about your chances of becoming an airline pilot?

Among those who believe, the planetary alignments at your birth cast influence over every aspect of your life, including what you do for a living. Here are the pros and cons to becoming an airline pilot through a career astrology lens.

What Does Astrology Say About Your Chances of a Career in Aviation?

Many people take aptitude test after aptitude test when deciding on their future career. However, those who believe in astrology might wish to visit a psychic to have their charts cast before declaring their college majors. According to astrologers, choosing a path that’s not suited for your sign can lead to mistakes that hold you back from achieving your full potential.

What Signs Indicate a Possible Aviation Career

According to astrology, your chances of a successful career in aviation increase if you were born into one of the three air signs:

  • Gemini: The twins

  • Libra: The scales

  • Aquarius: The water bearer

Geminis are often outgoing and flexible. Their adaptability, paired with their cleverness, makes them natural at the kind of high-stakes decisions demanded in the cockpit. Libra is known for a calm, even temperament, which can help them stay cool when facing high-pressure situations with lives in their hands. Aquarius people tend to be intelligent and independent, meaning the travel, adventure and opportunity to learn new things draws them to the pilot’s seat.

However, don’t give up your dreams of flying the friendly skies if your sun sign is Virgo, Leo or Sagittarius. You also have a sign that rules each planet, and finding an air sign under the right one can also shine favorably upon your future job prospects.

What Do the Planets and Their Placements in Your Chart Say About Your Aviation Career Prospects?

There are 12 houses in the zodiac, and the one you want to look at is the tenth house, which deals with careers. Finding the planet Mercury, Jupiter or Saturn in this position bodes favorably for your aviation career.

Additionally, each planet in your chart has a corresponding ruling sign. Therefore, your chances of becoming a pilot increase if either your Mercury, Jupiter or Saturn is ruled by Gemini, Libra or Aquarius.

What Are the Pros and Cons to Becoming an Airline Pilot?

The stars might shine favorably on you if your astrology chart shows the potential for an aviation career. However, you must also consider other factors — like your preferences. You spend more of your life at work than anywhere else, including with your spouse and children, so you should enjoy what you do and find it rewarding. Here are the pros and cons of becoming an airline pilot.

The Pros to Becoming an Airline Pilot

There are multiple perks to a career in the skies.

1. Salary

Perhaps the first question people ask when choosing a career is, “How much does it pay?” Becoming an airline pilot offers one of your better chances at the American dream of a middle-class home and family with salaries averaging $150,000 per year.

However, you’ll have to go through extensive — and expensive — schooling. Keep student loans at the forefront of your planning, or consider joining the military for a chance to use your benefits toward flight school.

2. Travel Perks

Perhaps no career lets you see the world like being an airline pilot. You can travel nearly anywhere for free, although you might not have as much time in your destination as you like. However, most pilots get several weeks of paid vacation per year that they can use to further explore the exciting locations they carry passengers to each day.

3. Other Benefits

The benefits that accompany a job can be worth more than the salary itself with the high cost of health coverage and other insurance. In addition to health, dental and vision, most positions also offer short and long-term disability in case something impedes your flying ability. One potential downside? You will need to pass annual health screenings to stay in the cockpit.

The Cons to Becoming an Airline Pilot

Although there aren’t many downsides to becoming an airline pilot, there are a few factors you should consider that may impact your decision.

1. Continuing Education

If you hate the “read these instructions and answer these onscreen questions” style of learning, a career as an airline pilot might not be for you. Pilots must undergo rigorous continuing education each year to keep their license. Although your organization will likely assign the requisite classes to maintain your compliance, you’re often responsible for completing your coursework independently on your own time. It’s not for the undisciplined.

2. Lifestyle Restrictions

While it might seem like you have a lot of downtime, there are rules governing how you use it. The FAA demands that all pilots get adequate rest and keep at least 12 hours between bottle and throttle, so no chugging a brewski when you reach your destination. A common work schedule is 7-on-7-off or 14-and-14, meaning on the weeks you are scheduled to work, you are either in the cockpit or preparing for it at the bunkhouse — not chilling with your kids.

3. Time Away From Loved Ones

It can be difficult to achieve work-life balance as an airline pilot, which can make your workplace experience less positive if attending every recital matters to you. Expect to spend at least half the month, every month, away from the ones you love.

Becoming an airline pilot may mean missing special celebrations and birthdays — and weekends and holidays are among the busiest travel times. During your scheduled shifts, you may not see your family at all, which can complicate matters when your partner could go into labor at any moment.

What Astrology Says About the Pros and Cons of Becoming an Airline Pilot

Is a flight career in your stars? What does your astrology chart say about your chances of a career in aviation? Does it mesh with your thoughts on the pros and cons of becoming a pilot?

Only you can ultimately decide on your best career. However, if you’re struggling to choose, why not consult the sky?

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