Saturn’s Impact on Your Obligations

In astrology, Saturn represents responsibility, discipline, boundaries, structure, patience, and maturity.

Saturn shows the ways in which we must take responsibility and learn the importance of discipline and working positively within life’s limitations. It shows the burdens that we must carry and the lessons we must learn, and also indicates the kind of work to which we are suited.

Although Saturn brings limitations and restrictions, it also confers long-term status and success, if you are able to master your fears.

Saturn may mean denial and delay, but once you have learned whichever lesson needs to be learned, and grown because of it, you will make realistic and steady progress.

Under Saturn’s influence, your character is strengthened through trial and difficulty. During your Saturn return, all of these areas of life will be put to the test.

Saturn symbol

Saturn is experienced in your life as a sense of pressure to maintain your self-identity, and your response to this pressure determines the outcome. If rebellion is your reaction, you will certainly experience difficulties and challenges. On the other hand, if surrendered to, this same pressure can be a tremendous source of character strength.

Don’t know your Saturn sign? Use the table below the interpretations to determine the sign position of your natal Saturn.

Saturn in Aries

Saturn brings delay to Aries, the sign of initiative, and the result is confusion. If you have Saturn in Aries, you can be strong and powerful one minute and irresolute and wavering the next. This position is not an easy one, for you must continually fight against obstacles placed in your way. Many individuals with this placement do achieve success, but not without disappointment and setbacks. Saturn in Aries makes you ambitious and determined, and promotes your power to control other people. On the negative side, you are prone to be stubborn, dictatorial, and sometimes solitary and grumpy. In general, your hardest times come early in life. It is then that you develop the strength of character that serves you well in later years.

Saturn in Taurus

In Taurus, the obstinate and tenacious qualities of Saturn are emphasized. With Saturn in Taurus, you are determined, capable, and take responsibilities seriously. Your strong willpower borders on stubbornness and rigidity. You usually try to amass possessions and wealth because of your underlying fear that you will be left alone and deprived of material resources or love. Money tends to come in slowly and be dissipated along the way. You are sometimes considered materialistic and selfish. However, once you achieve material comfort (usually later in life), you are generous to others in need, for you understand what it means not to have enough.

Saturn in Gemini

Gemini is a good placement for Saturn. The intellectual qualities of Gemini are emphasized by Saturn. With Saturn in Gemini, you have a sharp mind that is deepened with understanding under this planet’s steadying influence. You can, however, be cynical and sarcastic, skeptical and coldhearted. Much more likely, you have a happy combination of native wisdom and a youthful wish to learn. Individuals with Saturn in Gemini sometimes have a difficult childhood during which they suffer loneliness or sorrow. You may have a hard time obtaining an education. Later in life, you are likely to encounter obstacles while traveling. However, Saturn endows you with a good head for finances. You prosper when engaged in work that requires both patience and intelligence.

Saturn in Cancer

Saturn encourages too much dependence on others in this emotional and clinging sign. As an individual with Saturn in Cancer, you love to overindulge in eating, drinking, and other sensual pleasures. In this position, though, Saturn also gives a shrewdness and tenacity to your personality. You are superb at seeing a task through to completion. You are also ambitious and strive to find material wealth to make your life secure. The obstacles that Saturn places in your path are insecurity and lack of confidence. Sometimes your early life is marked by problems with your parents, especially a mother. Many individuals with this placement had to take on family responsibility at a very young age. Saturn endows you with good business sense, although you must be cautious in dealings with relatives. The negative side of Saturn in Cancer is a tendency to melancholy and self-pity.

Saturn in Leo

With Saturn in Leo, you are proud and strong-willed, self-assured, and authoritative. You are good at organizing people and assuming responsibility. As an individual with Saturn in Leo, you have an instinct for knowing how to draw the public to you. You are inclined to be cold and analytical in choosing your associations, though you are subtle enough to keep this from being obvious to the casual observer. You fear appearing mediocre and ordinary, and you hide feelings of envy and jealousy because this is a weakness you will never admit to. You strive to make a dramatic impression but tend to be suspicious of compliments and dislike excessive displays of affection. In your career, you often rise to great heights, but Saturn in Leo has a way of causing a downfall when you are at the peak.

Saturn in Virgo

The responsible planet Saturn and the conscientious sign of Virgo work well together. This Saturn placement heightens Virgo’s intellectual ability and practical turn of mind. You are methodical and organized, willing to work hard to achieve your goals. To you, theory and practice are one and the same, you immediately put what you learn into use. Saturn does place hardship in your path, usually early in life when you must sometimes cope with sorrow, disappointment, or poor health. You are prone to become bogged down in trivialities because you are a stickler for details. You can also become a petty tyrant when others don’t see things your way. Saturn gives you wisdom but not necessarily vision. Too often you see the dark side of life and fear the unknown—that is, what you cannot categorize and control.

Saturn in Libra

Libra is a favorable sign for Saturn. As an individual with Saturn in Libra, you are gifted with good judgment and an instinct for making the right impression on others. You know when to be aggressive and when to be diplomatic. Though it is part of Saturn’s lessons to bring some sorrow and disappointment in relationships, you usually benefit from the stability of marriage. However, there may be a divorce before you find happiness with a partner. Sometimes an early love affair turns out to be the love of your life but ends in loss. Saturn in Libra may suppress the desire to share and be close to another person, which often results in loneliness. In general, this is an excellent position for success in public life, and also for a strong showing in artistic pursuits.

Saturn in Scorpio

Saturn is powerful in this secretive and passionate sign, giving subtlety and force to your personality. As an individual with Saturn in Scorpio, you understand human motivation, which enables you to control others. Your dominating strength is often hidden under a pleasant and friendly exterior. Saturn, however, places obstacles in your path in the form of emotional difficulties and sometimes scandal. You tend to be drawn to secret love affairs that bring sorrow or trouble into your life. When you achieve power you sometimes undergo a downfall because of rumor and gossip. When young you are prone to have health problems, but you get through them and tend to live a long life. This is an excellent planetary position for executive ability and an unswerving commitment to a goal. Your strong will can become inflexible, once you are set on a course, you see it through to the end.

Saturn in Sagittarius

In Sagittarius, Saturn has the effect of delaying success until the lessons of patience and perseverance are learned. With Saturn in Sagittarius, you may encounter adversity and setbacks early in life and often must work hard and long to receive what is due you. However, as you get older you acquire wisdom, vision, and a depth of understanding that forms you into a leader. You can usually face up to what life offers because you put your faith in the long-term outcome. Saturn, however, emphasizes Sagittarius’s tactlessness and cynical point of view. It is possible you may suffer a blow to your reputation because of something heedless you have said. As an individual with Saturn in Sagittarius, you experience inner conflict between your need for order and security and your desire to seek adventure and challenge.

Saturn in Capricorn

Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn, and thus its power is strong here. Both the positive and negative qualities of Saturn are powerfully emphasized in you. With Saturn in Capricorn, you are ambitious and independent, dedicated and unswerving, but your methods can be dictatorial and overbearing and you may sometimes be thought of as selfish and mean. Saturn puts many obstacles in your path, and you learn early in life to be self-sufficient. You want to do everything yourself and at times have an instinct for doing things the hard way, you don’t listen to advice. However, you do learn from experience. As a child, you may have been insecure and timid, but as you grow older you gain authority. Loneliness and an inability to share are common themes throughout your life. Many of you are prone to melancholy, but you usually have a witty, dry sense of humor. Generally, you attract faithful friends, but this placement tends to bring disappointment in love.

Saturn in Aquarius

In the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, Saturn’s qualities of trustworthiness and self-discipline are well placed. As an individual with Saturn in Aquarius, you have a talent for dealing with people and appealing to the masses. Saturn in Aquarius enhances a rational and original mind, capable of learning and studying. You are likely to encounter obstacles and difficulties early in life, but you tend to gain the wisdom and maturity that serve you well as you get older. You like to run the show and get your own way, and you are clever about manipulating people so you can. You can be obstinate and cunning at the same time. Saturn gives you the aggressiveness to take leadership, but you know how to avoid rubbing others the wrong way. You have humor and wit, though your need for independence may lead to a lonely life.

Saturn in Pisces

Saturn in the mystical sign of Pisces does not favor material success. What you gain in life are understanding and discernment. Your vivid imagination can be translated into creative work, and your sympathy and intuition enable you to draw others to yourself. However, more than individuals of any other Saturn placement, you are sensitive to the sorrow and harshness of the world. Saturn often brings disappointment and loss, the way it does so for you is to force you to make personal sacrifices for others or dictate that you take an inferior position even though your talents are superior. In time you can change this, but you must first develop the courage and determination to do so. Pisces is the sign of self-undoing, and your greatest power comes when you learn not to be the cause of your own unhappiness.

Use the table below to look up your Saturn sign:

Jun 20, 1944 – 3:48 AM — Aug 2, 1946 – 10:42 AM : Cancer

Aug 2, 1946 – 10:42 AM — Sep 19, 1948 – 12:36 AM : Leo

Sep 19, 1948 – 12:36 AM — Apr 2, 1949 – 10:38 PM : Virgo

Apr 2, 1949 – 10:38 PM — May 29, 1949 – 8:59 AM : Leo

May 29, 1949 – 8:59 AM — Nov 20, 1950 – 10:50 AM : Virgo

Nov 20, 1950 – 10:50 AM — Mar 7, 1951 – 7:12 AM : Libra

Mar 7, 1951 – 7:12 AM — Aug 13, 1951 – 12:44 PM : Virgo

Aug 13, 1951 – 12:44 PM — Oct 22, 1953 – 10:36 AM : Libra

Oct 22, 1953 – 10:36 AM — Jan 12, 1956 – 1:46 PM : Scorpio

Jan 12, 1956 – 1:46 PM — May 13, 1956 – 11:45 PM : Sagittarius

May 13, 1956 – 11:45 PM — Oct 10, 1956 – 10:11 AM : Scorpio

Oct 10, 1956 – 10:11 AM — Jan 5, 1959 – 8:33 AM : Sagittarius

Jan 5, 1959 – 8:33 AM — Jan 3, 1962 – 2:01 PM : Capricorn

Jan 3, 1962 – 2:01 PM — Mar 23, 1964 – 11:18 PM : Aquarius

Mar 23, 1964 – 11:18 PM — Sep 16, 1964 – 5:04 PM : Pisces

Sep 16, 1964 – 5:04 PM — Dec 16, 1964 – 12:39 AM : Aquarius

Dec 16, 1964 – 12:39 AM — Mar 3, 1967 – 4:32 PM : Pisces

Mar 3, 1967 – 4:32 PM — Apr 29, 1969 – 6:23 PM : Aries

Apr 29, 1969 – 6:23 PM — Jun 18, 1971 – 12:09 PM : Taurus

Jun 18, 1971 – 12:09 PM — Jan 9, 1972 – 10:43 PM : Gemini

Jan 9, 1972 – 10:43 PM — Feb 21, 1972 – 9:52 AM : Taurus

Feb 21, 1972 – 9:52 AM — Aug 1, 1973 – 6:20 PM : Gemini

Aug 1, 1973 – 6:20 PM — Jan 7, 1974 – 3:26 PM : Cancer

Jan 7, 1974 – 3:26 PM — Apr 18, 1974 – 5:34 PM : Gemini

Apr 18, 1974 – 5:34 PM — Sep 17, 1975 – 12:57 AM : Cancer

Sep 17, 1975 – 12:57 AM — Jan 14, 1976 – 8:16 AM : Leo

Jan 14, 1976 – 8:16 AM — Jun 5, 1976 – 1:09 AM : Cancer

Jun 5, 1976 – 1:09 AM — Nov 16, 1977 – 9:43 PM : Leo

Nov 16, 1977 – 9:43 PM — Jan 4, 1978 – 7:44 PM : Virgo

Jan 4, 1978 – 7:44 PM — Jul 26, 1978 – 8:02 AM : Leo

Jul 26, 1978 – 8:02 AM — Sep 21, 1980 – 6:48 AM : Virgo

Sep 21, 1980 – 6:48 AM — Nov 29, 1982 – 5:29 AM : Libra

Nov 29, 1982 – 5:29 AM — May 6, 1983 – 3:29 PM : Scorpio

May 6, 1983 – 3:29 PM — Aug 24, 1983 – 7:54 AM : Libra

Aug 24, 1983 – 7:54 AM — Nov 16, 1985 – 9:10 PM : Scorpio

Nov 16, 1985 – 9:10 PM — Feb 13, 1988 – 6:51 PM : Sagittarius

Feb 13, 1988 – 6:51 PM — Jun 10, 1988 – 1:22 AM : Capricorn

Jun 10, 1988 – 1:22 AM — Nov 12, 1988 – 4:26 AM : Sagittarius

Nov 12, 1988 – 4:26 AM — Feb 6, 1991 – 1:51 PM : Capricorn

Feb 6, 1991 – 1:51 PM — May 21, 1993 – 12:58 AM : Aquarius

May 21, 1993 – 12:58 AM — Jun 30, 1993 – 4:29 AM : Pisces

Jun 30, 1993 – 4:29 AM — Jan 28, 1994 – 6:43 PM : Aquarius

Jan 28, 1994 – 6:43 PM — Apr 7, 1996 – 4:49 AM : Pisces

Apr 7, 1996 – 4:49 AM — Jun 9, 1998 – 2:07 AM : Aries

Jun 9, 1998 – 2:07 AM — Oct 25, 1998 – 1:41 PM : Taurus

Oct 25, 1998 – 1:41 PM — Feb 28, 1999 – 8:26 PM : Aries

Feb 28, 1999 – 8:26 PM — Aug 9, 2000 – 10:26 PM : Taurus

Aug 9, 2000 – 10:26 PM — Oct 15, 2000 – 8:44 PM : Gemini

Oct 15, 2000 – 8:44 PM — Apr 20, 2001 – 5:59 PM : Taurus

Apr 20, 2001 – 5:59 PM — Jun 3, 2003 – 9:28 PM : Gemini

Jun 3, 2003 – 9:28 PM — Jul 16, 2005 – 8:31 AM : Cancer

Jul 16, 2005 – 8:31 AM — Sep 2, 2007 – 9:49 AM : Leo

Sep 2, 2007 – 9:49 AM — Oct 29, 2009 – 1:09 PM : Virgo

Oct 29, 2009 – 1:09 PM — Apr 7, 2010 – 2:51 PM : Libra

Apr 7, 2010 – 2:51 PM — Jul 21, 2010 – 11:10 AM : Virgo

Jul 21, 2010 – 11:10 AM — Apr 7, 2010 – 2:51 PM : Libra

Apr 7, 2010 – 2:51 PM — Jul 21, 2010 – 11:10 AM : Virgo

Jul 21, 2010 – 11:10 AM — Oct 5, 2012 – 4:34 PM : Libra

Oct 5, 2012 – 4:34 PM — Dec 23, 2014 – 11:34 AM : Scorpio

Dec 23, 2014 – 11:34 AM — Jun 14, 2015 – 8:36 PM : Sagittarius

Jun 14, 2015 – 8:36 PM — Sep 17, 2015 – 10:49 PM : Scorpio

Sep 17, 2015 – 10:49 PM — Dec 19, 2017 – 11:49 PM : Sagittarius

Dec 19, 2017 – 11:49 PM — Mar 21, 2020 – 11:58 PM : Capricorn

Mar 21, 2020 – 11:58 PM — Jul 1, 2020 – 7:37 PM : Aquarius

Jul 1, 2020 – 7:37 PM Dec 17, 2020 – 12:04 AM : Capricorn

Dec 17, 2020 – 12:04 AM — Mar 7, 2023 – 8:34 AM : Aquarius

Mar 7, 2023 – 8:34 AM — May 24, 2025 – 11:35 PM : Pisces