Taurus Moon in the 5th House

Moon in Taurus in the Fifth House

Moon in Taurus in 5th House
Moon in Taurus in 5th House

The Moon is at its best in Taurus (in astrological terminology, the Moon is exalted in this sign). The stable sign of Taurus steadies and strengthens the Moon’s otherwise changeable, erratic influence. Having your Moon in Taurus gives you great powers of concentration. You live your life the way you tackle a job: systematically and getting it done right. Whereas others complicate their lives, with your Moon in Taurus, when you’re confronted with a problem you look for the most effective way to deal with it, and even if it’s personally painful for you, you get it handled.

The sign of Taurus also brings out the quiet, reflective qualities of the Moon: you carefully ponder the sense impressions you receive from the world around you before you reach a conclusion. With your Moon in Taurus you do not form opinions quickly and are quite the opposite of impressionable. It takes a while for you to come to a decision – you must be sure of all the facts – but when you do there is no way to make you change your mind. One can’t change a Moon-Arien’s mind either, but the difference here is that Aries Moon quickly reaches its decision. With your Moon in Taurus you take your time assimilating information. Once you have done that, you will purposefully, relentlessly, and unchangeably follow your course.

Taurus is the astrological sign of earthly possessions, and a Moon in Taurus indicates a person who is resourceful, someone who gathers material things. As a Moon in Taurus person, you are also blessed in that you seem to have the least emotional problems of any Moon sign. This may be because Taurus is practical and positive in its outlook, as well as methodical, patient, and responsible.

The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus, planet of romance and the arts, and a Moon in this beauty-loving sign endows you with a keen artistic sense. Having your Moon in Taurus, you are romantic, have elegant manners, and usually display a distinctive style of dressing. The Moon is a sensual influence and in Taurus indicates a great love of creature comforts. With your Moon in Taurus, you enjoy serene surroundings, the pleasures of a luxurious home, and the joys of good dining. Although socially adept, you dislike big parties and large, noisy groups. With your Moon in Taurus, your idea of a wonderful evening is a small, candlelit dinner party at home with four close friends.

In love, individuals with their Moon in Taurus are the one-man/one-woman type, and are happiest in a close, committed union. Sometimes it may seem otherwise (especially if the Sun is in a flirtatious or highly sexed sign), but at heart Moon in Taurus individuals want the comfort of a committed relationship. With a Moon in Taurus, your security is heightened by sharing your home and pleasures with the person you love and who, in turn, is devoted to you. You look for a true soul-mate, and when you find him or her you happily and faithfully settle down.

The other side of the coin is that a Moon in Taurus individual has a tendency to stay too long in an unhappy love affair or marriage. Because of your need for security and resistance to change, you shut yourself off from new experiences and settle for what you have.

The sign position of the Moon describes how we habitually respond to other people and to the circumstances of our lives, as well as how we experience our emotions and seek emotional fulfillment. Its house position corresponds to the area of life in which we operate most unconsciously, according to past patterns and instinctive responses.

Moon in the 5th House:

The Moon in the 5th House placement may be challenging or stimulating, depending upon the degree of extroversion that you exhibit. The Moon in the 5th House placement provides opportunities for your emotional energies to be creatively expressed. It suggests that your emotions can play an integral and vivid part in how you create your personality and how you express yourself. It is only when the more private and introverted tendencies inherent in the Moon’s function result in your reluctance to express your emotions that internal tensions may develop.  You may feel compelled, but unwilling, to show yourself emotionally.

With your Moon in the 5th House, you may feel that you are emotionally always thrust out into the spotlight and you may find this uncomfortable. However, if you develop emotional confidence, you may relish the opportunity to bring your emotions into play during the creative process.

Another manifestation of the Moon in the 5th House placement may be a need to display your emotions. If this becomes ostentatious, it may get out of hand and become annoying to others. Another manifestation that frequently occurs is that you will become emotionally involved with children (usually your own).


Having your Moon in the 5th House, if you are insecure within yourself, you will be emotionally attached to your  “creations” and constantly look to them, and to the world’s reaction to your creations, as a source for your own validation. If you do not receive recognition and approval via your creations, then you feel emotionally distraught and insecure. You, therefore, try to maintain control over your creations, for if they leave your control they may no longer be yours and they may also become a cause of embarrassment.

As an individual with your Moon in the 5th House, this may apply particularly if you have children. You may then try to make them dependent on you or lay guilt trips on them in order to exercise control over them. Or, you may simply try to overwhelm them emotionally. Without your “children” (whether literally or figuratively, your creations), you feel empty and threatened.

Focus of Emotional Development

With your Moon in the 5th House, you develop emotionally through the process of creation and self-expression. You may do this by manifesting your emotions and developing the emotional tableau of your persona. You learn to express yourself emotionally and your emotions mature and develop through being expressed. Your emotional development may occur through the interaction with the world that the process of creation entails. If children are present, then you may experience emotional development through being a parent or teacher. Generalizing this, with your Moon in the 5th House, you develop emotionally through your relations and interactions with what you create.

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