Sagittarius Sun in the 4th House

Sun in Sagittarius in the Fourth House

Sun in Sagittarius in 4th House
Sun in Sagittarius in 4th House

Ruled by Jupiter, planet of fortune, with your Sun in Sagittarius you appear to breeze through life. You are Lady Luck’s companion who seems always to be in the right place at the right time. In work, friendships, career, and money – a door opens just when you need it. Naturally, this makes for a cheerful and ebullient disposition. You have your dark moments, but clouds roll over quickly. You are too interested in what is going to happen tomorrow to fret long about what went wrong today. You are always sure that around the next bend of the road something wonderful is about to happen.

Having your Sun in Sagittarius, you are hard to pin down emotionally. You don’t want to get bogged down in messy entanglements or anything that ties you down. You’ve got places to go and you’re not about to sign up for anything that keeps you in one spot. The way to stay unfettered is to shy away from emotion. Individuals with their Sun in Sagittarius rarely talk about their feelings – they talk about what they think about their feelings. Time and again Sagittarians are bewildered when their romantic partners ask for more passion and feeling. Because you keep one eye on the exit door and don’t welcome enduring, profound relationships, sooner or later, you’ll unknot the tie that binds.

With your Sun in Sagittarius, you are kind, openhearted, jovial, completely free of malice, you are always doing favors for others. Your way of helping doesn’t put the recipient under heavy obligation. “No strings” is a guiding Sagittarian motto. Freedom is your most valuable possession. If it comes to a choice you’ll take a difficult path, accept less money, dispense with security, do anything as long as you have to answer only to yourself. Your passion for liberty underlies all your other qualities. Prizing it as you do, you also willingly grant it to others. You don’t meddle in other people’s plans or interfere with what they think best for themselves, and you aren’t possessive or jealous.

For the Sun in Sagittarius individual, to be restricted or feel your choices are diminished is very depressing for you. You tend not to look at life as it is but as you want it to be. In many ways, you rebel against being a grownup. Certainly, you know how to take on responsibility and you’ve proven yourself strong in the face of setback. Crisis brings out the best in you. You have grand and wonderful ideas for an adventurous career or carving out a utopian life or helping the world become a better place. Then you procrastinate, let others deal with the details, lose interest in a plan – and wonder why you’re stuck in the same place.

The Inner You with your Sun in Sagittarius

With your Sun in Sagittarius, your motto is, “Tomorrow is another day.” Even in your darkest moods, you believe there’s a light shining around the corner. Your confidence in the future is genuine, but you hate anything interfering with your plans. You have a hunger to experience life to its fullest—to travel, meet interesting people, and see things you’ve never seen before. As an individual with your Sun in Sagittarius, anything new sparks your interest. In fact, you’ll usually say yes to a suggestion without weighing its merits simply because it lifts your spirits. And while you’re not exactly a moody person, you are high-strung and can become irritable when you start to get bored. You may think no one cares about you or understands you when you’re feeling this way, but luckily your belief that you’re someone special always sees you through.

The sign position of the Sun indicates how we seek to express ourselves, develop ourselves, fulfill ourselves, and assert our will and power to shape our environment. The house position indicates the area of life in which we choose to focus the energy of our Sun sign and fulfill the purpose which it represents.

Sun in the 4th House

With the Sun in the 4th House, the Sun’s placement suggests that your sense of being is introverted and protected. You are likely to feel some need to be sheltered from the harshness and danger of the world. Nurturing and bonding with family often become more important in your self-development than exploring the world or expressing yourself in it. You generally will look for a sense of security so that your being can rest safely.

As an individual with your Sun in the 4th House, your task is to prepare a secure place for yourself and, in the process, often for others as well. You are likely to first look for that sense of security within your home and through your family. Often, the more you can draw your family around you, the more real and alive you feel. Thus, the focus of your energy is often on family matters or the home – the place where the family is brought together and finds security.

Having your Sun in the 4th House, emotional security is also likely to be important to you, particularly emotional security that is derived from nurturing, family support, a sense of heritage and community, and the maintenance of close bonds. However, you may be driven to realize a self-referenced emotional security that is based on confidence in your own inner foundation and rootedness. Your sense of being is often ultimately grounded within your own subconscious.


With your Sun in the 4th House, you are always seeking security and emotional support but you are never satisfied that you have obtained it. You cling to those with whom you have bonded and you become possessive of these relationships. You are always in need of emotional reinforcement, for you feel no independent sense of self-hood and existence. You lack confidence beyond the small realm within which you have chosen to confine yourself.

Having your Sun in the 4th House, your life and identity is dependent on your receiving emotional reward from family members and you may obsessively or neurotically “care” for them in order  to “earn” these rewards. You may constantly worry, partly as a means to justify your existence to yourself and partly in fear that something may happen to your support system. You are afraid to leave your close, comfortable world to explore either your outer or inner world and you try to bind others to your own limitations.

Focus of Your Self-Identity

As an individual with your Sun in the 4th House, you tend to derive your identity from your domestic environment and from your close and family relationships. You often are who your family is or who your family wants you to be. You are likely to identify yourself as a feeling person, a caring and nurturing person and a family provider or care-giver. With you Sun in the 4th House, your identity is likely to be formed or influenced by the level of emotional support you receive from others. Your heritage and family background may also play a role in shaping your identity. You may become interested in your roots in order to discover your own self-identity. With regard to identity issues, you are likely to view self-identity as basic and fundamental to your life and personality.

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