Capricorn Sun with Cancer Moon and Leo Rising

Sun in Capricorn with Moon in Cancer and Leo Rising Personality Traits:

Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon Leo Rising
Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon Leo Rising

With a Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon, on the surface, you try hard to maintain a tough, cool, and detached image, but despite that nonchalant air, you are actually a very sensitive and emotionally vulnerable individual. Insecurity is your main stumbling block. In order to contend with those deep-seated feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty, you can either resign yourself to despair and cynicism or build a tough shell to protect yourself from hurt and anguish. Janis Joplin was a Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon, and her tough, hard-drinking, one-of-the-guys image was widely, if belatedly, recognized as a cover-up for her genuine depth and sensitivity.

The Sun and Moon in the Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon combination are in opposite signs, which makes it likely that your early environment was strife-torn or at least unsympathetic. This fostered in you a strong sense of self-reliance and independence (and perhaps as cynical outlook).

Having a Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon, many of your insecurities are traceable to your childhood. Your challenge is to begin to recognize your sensitivity as a strength rather than a weakness and to allow your true self to blossom. You are a capable individual. Value yourself and your talents. Self-acceptance and self-love are the two critical things for a Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon individual to learn.

You are warmhearted and compassionate—and in many ways ingenious. Your ability to see beyond surface impressions and your adaptability to change enable you to create new modes of understanding. Your only enemy on the road to success will be yourself; once you overcome self-doubt, there is little you cannot do. The revolutionary physicist and mystic Isaac Newton was a Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon.

As an individual with a Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon, you have a remarkable memory and a sharp wit. You see details that elude the most acute observer, and you are blunt and outspoken in pointing them out. The Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon combination endows you with excellent leadership potential and much charisma, yet you seldom take advantage of this strength. Set apart from the crowd as you are, you choose neither to lead nor to be led. Essentially, you are an independent type, preferring the comfort of going at it alone. Such self-imposed exile can develop into profound loneliness and isolation when added to that melancholy outlook of yours. It is essential for you to stay somewhat active socially, even if you are your own boss.

With a Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon, you have an overpowering need to be loved, but emotional difficulties may stand in the way of a successful and equal love relationship. That sensitive, aloof façade of yours turn a lot of people off. People will respond to whatever vibrations you put out, so try to show more warmth and affection—if you want to receive it.

Keywords For A Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon:

Tough and tender; sensitivity and self-control; ambitious; highly observant; self-absorbed yet kind and helpful; supportive; conservative yet open to new ideas; pragmatic; loves nature.

Leo Rising

Leo Rising signifies nobility of character, high ideals, and great personal magnetism. If you have Leo rising, you are big-hearted, expansive, benevolent, and kind. You consider it beneath you to stoop to pettiness, grumbling, stinginess, or narrow-mindedness. Because you are so magnanimous in spirit, you find it hard to believe ill of others.

Of course, the world does not always live up to anyone’s expectations, and Leo Rising individuals are puzzled and hurt by meanness and un-generosity. At such times you simply put on your regal air and make sure the underlying knows in what contempt and low esteem he or she is held.

Having Leo Rising, you have a great sense of showmanship. You love to put on lavish displays—whether it is decorating your house with expensive and elegant things or dressing in attention-getting clothes or throwing a splendid dinner party. To less flamboyant types you may appear ostentatious, show-offy, and extravagant. But your showy displays are not only to get attention; you see life in larger-than-life terms and aspire to the highest and the best. This quality draws others to you and, in itself, attracts power and influence.

Leo Rising individuals seem surrounded by luck in money, career, and friendship. You are not an especially hard worker but tend to achieve success through the influence and pull of others. Fame and fortune come to you when you aren’t looking for it.

With Leo Rising, you are efficient at organizing groups of people and inspiring them to give their best. You are happiest in the role of leader. In fact, you feel wounded if your public doesn’t put you in that position.

When not given what you feel is your due, you can turn haughty, temperamental, and arrogant. Leo is the sign of pride, and Leo Rising individuals have this in abundance. You are self-confident and have a resolute faith in yourself.

There is a basic likeableness about you, partly because you give a distinct impression that life is fun. You have a wonderful sense of humor. (Note: Leo Rising individuals have a particularly soft spot for children and spoil them outrageously.)

As a Leo Rising individual, you tend to have a large, beautifully shaped head, thick shining hair, a dazzling smile with bright, even teeth, and a stately bearing. Many of you are benefited by an inheritance later in your lives. Whatever path you choose to follow, you usually emerge on the sunny side of the hill.

The Sun, which rules Leo, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of the Sun bestows enthusiasm, generosity, power, warmth, creative self-expression, passion, and courage. It also encourages egotism, arrogance, snobbism, conceit, pomposity, and condescension.

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