Cancer Sun with Libra Moon and Aquarius Rising

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Libra and Aquarius Rising Personality Traits:

Cancer Sun Libra Moon Aquarius Rising
Cancer Sun Libra Moon Aquarius Rising

For the individual with a Cancer Sun Libra Moon, the emotional insecurities and sensitivities of the Cancer Sun are intensified when combined with a Libra Moon. Hypersensitivity and emotional vulnerability are the chief impediments in your search for tranquility and inner peace.

Having a Cancer Sun Libra Moon, your self-image is often a reflection of how others see you, rather than how you see yourself. Observing carefully the actions and behavior of those around you, you hope to find yourself; but more often you become lost, assuming roles and attitudes of others, rather than acting according to your own true needs.

With a Cancer Sun Libra Moon, much of your confusion results from not doing what you feel, following instead a path set down for you by parents, authority figures, or a peer group.

Basically social, outgoing, and congenial, your sensitivity and fear of getting hurt can cause you to erect barriers between yourself and others. When your desire to protect yourself or shield your emotions gets the upper hand, you may easily succumb to shyness, self-consciousness, excessive introspection, and possibly even isolation.

As an individual with a Cancer Sun Libra Moon, since your surroundings have a lot to say about your emotional state, learn to control your environment, rather than allowing it to dictate to you! Most important, exercise discrimination in choosing associates. This will ensure that your surrounding atmosphere is constructive and supportive.

Having a Cancer Sun Libra Moon, you should also learn to speak up more and be more confident in your opinions. Opportunities seldom just happen to anyone, so learn to take risks and to dare. Look within, and discover just what your talents are. Then you can explore the various ways in which you can express them. Once you have gained greater self-confidence, you will be prepared to throw off those fears and meet even greater challenges.

Your strong imagination makes you highly creative. All sorts of artistic avenues are open to the Cancer Sun Libra Moon individual who has gained confidence. An excellent diplomat and a natural peacemaker, you instinctively seem to know how to isolate sources of conflict and tension.

Once you have found harmony and emotional equilibrium, you are capable of applying your social insight in diverse areas such as law, psychology, social work, and human relations.

With a Cancer Sun Libra Moon, you long to be needed and you are deeply romantic. The sentimental and romantic aspects of love are more important to you than the sexual. The search is for a partner who can give you emotional support and encouragement, but you have a tendency to idolize your loved one, exaggerating his or her good traits, while ignoring the bad ones. As with all people who idealize, conflict ensues when reality interferes. To insure a successful relationship, adopt a more realistic attitude toward your lover.

Keywords For A Cancer Sun Libra Moon:

Social awareness; graciousness and charm; elegant simplicity; popular appeal; oversensitivity; observant; perceptive; keen student; tentative but eager for attention; romantic; kind-hearted; artistic style; adaptable but strong; defensive but devoted; idealistic and emotional; perfectionist; indecisive.

Aquarius Rising

If you have Aquarius Rising, you usually make friends easily. You are quick-witted and lively, open in your dealings, honest and truthful. You are an inventive conversationalist who paints word pictures that amuse and fascinate. Intelligent and charming, you are particularly suited to a position of leadership.

With Aquarius Rising, you are idealistic in your outlook and want nothing more than for the entire world to be happy and harmonious. Even the idea of conflict upsets you. You want to see the best in humanity and are hopeful about the future.

As an individual with Aquarius Rising, though you have a reputation for fairness and tolerance, there is a strong streak of inflexibility in your nature. Much of this is the impatience you feel toward those who do not have your visionary or lofty ideas.

Aquarius Rising individuals are modern, forward-thinking, and progressive, yet you are as set in your ways as Capricorn or Taurus. One could say that you hold firmly far-out opinions. The choice for most people is to accept society as they find it or try to improve it. You want to construct a new society that will correspond to your vision of the ideal.

Having Aquarius Rising, you are often intolerant of other people’s shortcomings and can be wickedly sarcastic and very funny at the same time. Your razor-sharp powers of observation help you to uncover flaws that you can poke fun at.

With Aquarius Rising, you are a system of paradoxes. You enjoy being with people but are perfectly content to be alone. You like to travel but love relaxing at home. You are friendly and outgoing but, at other times, moody and reserved. You have both a scientific and an artistic turn of mind. In your career, you often are involved in two distinct areas of work. Fame comes rather easily to Aquarius Rising individuals, and many times it is just as easily taken away from them. Your life tends to be marked by unexpected triumphs and reversals.

When good fortune smiles there is often a dark underside to it. For example, many Aquarius Rising individuals inherit money, but it often turns out that the legal entanglements are more trouble than the inheritance is worth.

Aquarius Rising individuals approach new places and situations with a spirit of adventure, even though the spirit does tend to wear thin. You become quickly bored. With Aquarius Rising, you usually marry early in life and find contentment with their mates. Though most of you are comfortably off by the time you reach middle age, you never quite make all the money you’d like. Friends are helpful to you in both career and personal matters.

As an individual with Aquarius Rising, you tend to have a wide forehead, fine bone structure in your face, and dreamy, wandering eyes. Many of you are quite tall and rangy-looking.

The planet Uranus, which rules Aquarius, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of Uranus bestows independence, originality, friendliness, a reforming spirit, versatility, and a hatred of restriction. It also encourages rebellion, unpredictability, tactlessness, eccentricity, and contrariness.

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