Capricorn Moon in the 6th House

Moon in Capricorn in the Sixth House

Moon in Capricorn in 6th House
Moon in Capricorn in 6th House

In the Moon in Capricorn placement, Capricorn has both a stabilizing and restrictive effect on the shifting influence of the Moon. The Moon represents the emotional, sympathetic side of a personality whereas Capricorn is an unemotional and undemonstrative sign. Individuals with their Moon in Capricorn have to overcome obstacles and complexities within their own natures to find the happiness they constantly seek.

If you have your Moon in Capricorn you have an alert mind and are very eager to learn. However, you are not interested in vague theory; you want to put your knowledge to use. An example of this talent for practical application is Thomas Edison, a Moon in Capricorn whose Sun was in Aquarius. In Edison we see the inventive, far-reaching vision of the Aquarian truth-seeker, but the focus of his work was to make his experiments useful, to put them into everyday utilization. His inventions of the telegraph, phonograph, electric light, and moving picture changed the way we live. Another example of a Moon in Capricorn is Gene Kelly, whose Sun was on the Leo-Virgo cusp. In his life we saw the creativity and exuberance of Leo, the hard work ethic of Virgo; his Moon in Capricorn was evident in how he took his knowledge of dancing and applied it in a practical way to film choreography. In the process he introduced an entirely new genre of musical comedy and changed the very way such movies were filmed.

If you have a Moon in Capricorn you are organized, ambitious, and usually a prodigious worker. Self-sufficient and a bit solitary, you are haunted by a feeling of responsibility, of a task you must fulfill.

Having your Moon in Capricorn, you are a determined person but your single mindedness can sometimes turn into obsession. You pin your hopes on one idea, turn all your energies in one direction; if you fail you may suffer serious depression. Of course, because of their unshakable commitment, most Moon in Capricorn individuals succeed and often make an imprint on the world. Napoleon Bonaparte, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln all had their Moon in Capricorn. Moon in Capricorn individuals who have their Sun or Ascendant in one of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn) have particularly auspicious auguries for leadership.

With your Moon in Capricorn, money is important to you, not so much for what it can buy as for the status it bestows in the world of business, politics, finance, and high society where you wish to shine. You have charming social manners and an instinct for getting to know the right people.

As an individual with your Moon in Capricorn, unknown to all but your closest relationships, you suffer from feelings of insecurity and loneliness. Often you conceal this with a dry sense of humor. Your secret terror is of being abandoned or having someone you love cease to love you. You find it hard to reveal your deepest feelings and therefore may be perceived as being cold or calculating. For many Moon in Capricorn individuals, authority and power are a compensation for the difficulties they encounter in emotional areas. With your Moon in Capricorn, you are cautious and reserved, you tend to turn your feelings inward, and you need a lot of emotional reassurance before you allow them to be drawn out. You also have difficulty putting your complete trust in someone else. But at some point, usually when you are past thirty, you find the person you can become totally involved with, and then your love is durable.

Having your Moon in Capricorn, when you feel secure within an emotional relationship your commitment may last your entire lifetime. You are loyal and steadfast, generous and giving. In fact, you often give more than you get back. This is especially true about the relationships of females with their Moon in Capricorn to their lovers and friends.

The sign position of the Moon describes how we habitually respond to other people and to the circumstances of our lives, as well as how we experience our emotions and seek emotional fulfillment. Its house position corresponds to the area of life in which we operate most unconsciously, according to past patterns and instinctive responses.

Moon in the 6th House:

While the Moon in the 6th House placement suggests that you will have opportunities to refine yourself emotionally, there are also subtle conflicts inherent in this placement. The 6th House, ruled by Mercury, is associated with intellectual, rather than with emotional processes. Therefore, having your Moon in the 6th House, it may be difficult for you to relate to your emotions.

With your Moon in the 6th House, your emotional health is often a concern for you. In fact, if negative emotional tendencies are allowed to develop and persist, you are likely to suffer from emotional nervousness or a scattering type of neurosis. As an individual with your Moon in the 6th House, you may also be vulnerable to emotional obsessive-compulsive disorders, particularly if you are in the habit of fixating emotionally on minute details. If you are emotionally healthy, however, you can develop a capacity for nurturing and caring for others, assisting them toward greater health and well-being. If you are involved in serving others, however, you must be careful to take care of yourself, particularly with regard to stress.


Having your Moon in the 6th House, if you are inwardly insecure, your drive for emotional perfection may overwhelm you. You may be convinced of your own worthlessness and lack of love-ability. With your Moon in the 6th House, you constantly seek emotional comfort and attachment, but you fear rejection and criticism and, therefore, you coldly pull away from emotional commitment. You cannot get in harmony with your emotions, but instead you try to control them and “perfect” them. The result is that you place yourself under severe emotional stress and strain and this leads to neurosis.

As an individual with your Moon in the 6th House, you are likely to be emotionally anxious, overly protective and controlling of others, and generally fearful. You know that you have not been able to attain self-perfection and, so, you fluster your way through life, “sticking your nose” into everything and “acting like a mother hen.” In this way, your hope is that no one sees your own imperfections.

Focus of Emotional Development

With your Moon in the 6th House, you are likely to develop emotionally through a process of gradual refinement and movement toward some ideal of perfection. Your emotional development may have been guided or affected early in life by the guidance or criticism of your parents or caregivers. Depending upon the sensitivity with which you have been guided toward perfection (or with which expectations have been placed on you) your emotional development will have been either positively or negatively influenced.

With your Moon in the 6th House, you may continue your emotional development through self-improvement.  You may also spend your energy trying to undue emotional damage or you may remain emotionally inhibited. Later in life, it is probable that your work environment will afford you opportunities for further emotional development as you deal with issues of subordination, relations with co-workers and stress-management. You may also be confronted by health issues that cause you to further develop emotionally.

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