The Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

The Sacral Chakra represents our connection and the ability to accept other people and new experiences.

Location: Lower abdomen.

Emotional problems affecting the Sacral Chakra: Sentiment of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality. Knowing that the Sacral Chakra can strongly influence sexuality, an energy imbalance could cause sex addiction, emotional detachment and an inclination towards unhealthy and risky behaviors.

Physical health problems affecting the Sacral Chakra: A dysfunctional Sacral Chakra can also significantly impact the reproductive system, leading to urinary infections, lower back pain or gynecological issues.

Color: Orange

Healing exercises: Tai Chi, aromatherapy, yoga & meditation. If the symptoms persist even after making lifestyle changes, then you should consider a few sessions with an energy healer.

Healing foods: Foods colored in orange (oranges, mandarins), nuts of any kind.

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