Virgo Sun with Leo Moon and Aries Rising

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Leo and Aries Rising Personality Traits:

Virgo Sun Leo Moon Aries Rising
Virgo Sun Leo Moon Aries Rising

Virgos are kind, ethical, and humanitarian. Those with a Leo Moon are honorable, trustworthy, and romantic. Combine the two and you get a babe in the wilderness. Mother never had to tell you to be a good girl or boy—you are a model child—charming, innocent, and always ready to help with the dishes.

Having a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, you are trusting, good-natured, open, and warmhearted, you live by a code that modern society is leaving behind. Honest to a fault, you are bewildered when you encounter others who do not possess your integrity. Your conduct may get you into heaven, but it sure won’t help you get ahead in a wicked, wicked world.

As an individual with a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, with zealousness and determination, you set out in life to prove your merit and worth: You are the one who always works overtime without asking for compensation. You are the one who proves his or her loyalty by taking on the most demanding and often least desirable tasks, while living up to your moral code and never infringing on anyone else’s territory.

With a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, you are truly humble and will seldom take full credit for all the wonderful things you accomplish. Innocent to the political realities of life, you watch dumbfounded as others more cunning than yourself pass you by and win all the honors. Try to cultivate a little worldly wisdom. Stand up for yourself and demand the recognition you have earned. Most important, be a little less naïve in your dealings with people–or you will be taken every time.

If you’re an individual with a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, you are much more impulsive and fun-loving than your fellow Virgos. Though always willing to listen to what others have to say, your hunches are accurate and they usually guide you along nicely. You have a strong independent streak, and that Leo Moon gives you a powerful urge to create. Although you will probably be drawn to a conventional and well-organized working and living environment, make sure that your talents are not stifled in a routine job.

Having a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, people are attracted to your innocence and charm. Even-tempered, considerate, and forgiving, you treat others with respect and tolerance—but watch that tendency to moralize! You sense of justice verges on self-righteousness and, if frustrated by the treatment you have received in life, you may become bitter, pedantic, and eventually tiresome to be around. Your many wonderful qualities make you an example for others to follow, so there is really no need for you to proselytize.

With a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, as naïve in love as you are in other areas of your life, you are probably confused by rapidly changing sexual mores, and you can be easily hurt if you discover that your lover has not been faithful. You prefer giving rather than receiving, so make sure that you give to one who is fully appreciative and deserving.

Keywords For A Virgo Sun Leo Moon:

Elitist; noble-minded; devoted; hard-working; artistic flair; elegant; refined intellect; superiority complex; gentle and aesthetic; kind-hearted; dutiful; naive; nobility; humility; discreet but radiant; deeply honorable.

Aries Rising

Aries is a very strong Rising sign. If you were born with Aries Rising, you are adventurous and pioneering. You like to take on the role of a leader, even if the leadership is in a small area. For example, in your friendships you are the one who tries to dictate where you will meet, what restaurant or movie you will go to. An Aries Rising child will be the most domineering and ego-centered among his or her brothers and sisters.

With Aries Rising you have strong likes and dislikes and are never shy about expressing them. Your dealings are straightforward and honest. You are uncomfortable with lies, fraud, and elaborate deceptions. You will always try to get right to the point, say whatever is on your mind, and see what happens.

As an individual with Aries Rising, there is a contagious enthusiasm about you. You are an activist and doer rather than a thinker. Warm, generous, lively, you have a very friendly people-oriented quality. You like to be noticed.

Sometimes Aries Rising people have a reputation as troublemakers. This is not because you are malicious (quite the opposite is true). But you like to throw off old, conservative ways of doing things and try a new, brasher, more direct approach.

With Aries Rising, you plunge right into whatever the problem is and give it your best. As far as you’re concerned, obstacles are just there to be butted down. However, if the obstacle won’t move you won’t butt your head off. You will quickly lose interest and bound off to find a new challenge, & further excitement.

Having Aries Rising, you may be a groundbreaker, but if you should get stuck in the middle of a furrow, you’ll drop the plow and move on to new ground. Aries is the sign of beginnings. What you’re really best at is the beginning of a job. You have exuberance, verve, and energy. Once you master an idea, you won’t stick around until all the how-to-do-its are in place.

Aries Rising individuals are accident-prone. Because you are impulsive and quick to rush in headlong, you usually don’t look where you are going. You tend to trip and fall, bump into things, cut yourself. Often your face and head are more prone to injury than other parts of your body.

As a person with Aries Rising, you are likely to have a flashing smile, piercing eyes that move quickly from object to object, gold or reddish coloring in the skin or hair, a muscular body, and an agile quick movement to your step.

The planet Mars, which rules Aries, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of Mars bestows great willpower, stamina, an aggressive sex drive, and a need for achievement and recognition. It also brings on strain, tension, conflict, selfishness, a quick temper, and accidents with fire and sharp instruments.

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