Scorpio Sun with Aquarius Moon and Scorpio Rising

Sun in Scorpio with Moon in Aquarius and Scorpio Rising Personality Traits:

Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon Scorpio Rising

With a Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon, you are shrewd, charming, and congenial. You know how to cajole, befriend, and manipulate. You have an intuitive understanding and awareness of others which assist you in your material aspirations. People are attracted to your nonchalant, somewhat offbeat, and irreverent manner. Suave and sophisticated, you know how to adapt to almost any situation.

Your Aquarius Moon gives you a strong fascination for science and social change, the unusual and the unexplored. Like the typical Scorpio, you have a compelling presence and a very strong will. Your vision and insights are unusual and a bit far out for most people— because you are usually ten or twelve years ahead of your time. But you so believe in your discoveries that you announce them to all within earshot.

As an individual with a Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon, you are much more extraverted and congenial than your fellow Scorpios, you have a strong need for the company of people, and an active and varied social life is necessary for your emotional health—if for no other reason than to have an outlet for your sometimes outrageous opinion.

But having a Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon you do have a strong independent streak, and no matter how many friends and acquaintances pass through your life, the aura of the loner surrounds you. Somewhat detached, you have difficulty forming strong emotional bonds with people, and this detachment is often your downfall.

Having a Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon, you are proud and stubborn, you are determined to have your own way; and if someone should question your beliefs or opinions, they will be met with an indignant stare. You must learn how to be more humble, more cooperative. Yours can be the combination of an innovative scientist, humanitarian, or mystic—but first you must realize that you can only function at your best when you work in harmony with those around you.

Self-righteousness and intolerance are particularly characteristic of the adult Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon individual. Years of precociousness and willfulness have made you so set in your ways that you have little patience for those who disagree with you. Thus, you may surround yourself with admirers and passive disciples, rather than with people who might offer you a challenge or diversity. Keep your mind open to intellectual stimulation, and learn to accept and tolerate other viewpoints.

Despite that otherworldliness, you are basically down-to-earth. Self-sufficient and perceptive, your social adeptness works to your advantage (especially in business). It’s a rare individual who can outsmart a Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon individual!

As you crave an audience, with a Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon, you usually choose a partner who is an ardent fan of yours. It is vital that you be flattered and admired, and when the adulation and applause begin to wane, so does your interest. Try to be a little less self-centered in love. Like all Scorpios, you are highly sexed and with your Aquarius Moon, you are often drawn to the experimental in your love life.

Keywords For A Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon:

Passionately dispassionate; astute observations; exacting sense of integrity; powerful intellect; proud; radically independent views; law unto oneself; willful; loyal; love of social ironies; principled but intolerant; self-reflective; scrutinizing; magnetic effect on others.

Scorpio Rising

If you were born with Scorpio Rising, you put the whole force of your personality behind everything you do. You are not a halfway person. Scorpio Rising individuals have an intensity, a dynamism that seethes and roils under the surface. Your willpower and determination are formidable.

Having Scorpio Rising, though you are sometimes viewed as a lone wolf, you do have an ability to work with people—actually, to lead people. You are strongly persuasive and vigorously pursue your goals, and in addition have the power to make others pursue the same goals.

Clever, creative, and resourceful, with Scorpio Rising, your fertile mind seems to be an inexhaustible source of ideas and suggestions. Your brain behind your cool facade is always ticking away. One of the things you must do is find out how something works, to dissect it, study it, and put it back together so that it works better. This is also true in artistic terms; you can do great visionary work if you have Scorpio Rising in your chart.

As a Scorpio Rising individual you are happiest when you can control from behind the scenes. You tend to be secretive and reserved, and shun the spotlight because you can’t work there unnoticed. If you are domineering, it is a subtle dominance, a kind of mind control.

Some people claim that they are hypnotized by Scorpio Rising individuals; it’s true that you have a way of knowing what others are thinking. Much of this comes from your acute powers of observation. You are a charming, witty conversationalist, but the acute observer will soon notice that it is the other person who is doing most of the talking.

With Scorpio Rising, you are usually quietly watching, waiting, observing— filing away information that will be useful later on. Scorpio Rising individuals have a reputation for a sharp temper; the reputation is deserved. When crossed, you can be cruel and biting. You tend to use any weapon at your disposal—from ridicule to playing on a person’s fears. In the heat of that moment, the Scorpio Rising must be the victor. Later, you are remorseful for having dealt wounds, though it is extremely hard for you to say so.

Scorpio is the astrological sign of hidden passion; Scorpio Rising individuals tend to have a secret love affair at least one time in their lives, and usually marry more than once. They may suffer more financial setbacks and disappointments than other rising signs; but no other sign is more victorious in the end.

As a Scorpio Rising individual you tend to have sharp features, a prominent nose, and large, hypnotic eyes. Sometimes your brows are thick and dark. Your body is agile and moves decisively.

The planet Pluto, which rules Scorpio, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of Pluto bestows powerful feelings and emotions, a sense of purpose, persistence, determination, plus the imagination and ability to make a successful start in a new direction. This planet’s influence also favors secrecy, suspicion, jealousy, and cruelty.

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