Libra Sun with Leo Moon and Capricorn Rising

Sun in Libra with Moon in Leo and Capricorn Rising Personality Traits:

Libra Sun Leo Moon Capricorn Rising
Libra Sun Leo Moon Capricorn Rising

With a Libra Sun Leo Moon, personality is your greatest asset. People are drawn to your magnetic harm and may envy your even disposition. You can lighten the darkest heart with your buoyant spirits and optimistic outlook. Idealist is the world that describes you best. Believing in the innate goodness and dignity of others, you treat them with respect, kindness, and trust—most people, sensing your integrity, reciprocate with the same goodwill.

In the Libra Sun Leo Moon combination, a Leo Moon gives you strong leadership ability. Whatever you are involved with, you make certain you are in the center of things. You have a strong sense of purpose and perhaps you even feel you have a mission is life. Mahatma Gandhi is a good example of a highly evolved Libra Sun Leo Moon, whose Libran skills in diplomacy were enhanced by Leo’s inner confidence and lofty ideals.

As an individual with a Libra Sun Leo Moon, your social life is very important to you. Craving admiration and attention, you always want to be center stage. Vanity can easily be a weakness for many Libra Sun Leo Moon individuals, since there is always the danger that they will become preoccupied with the image they present to others.

For Libra Sun Leo Moon individuals, the pursuit of popularity can become all-consuming. You must keep in mind that all those social involvements may simply be your own method for avoiding reality. Concentrate on self-fulfillment by putting some of your ideals into practice, and beware of wasting your energies trying to gain applause and admiration.

Having a Libra Sun Leo Moon, your wonderful visions are not always shared by those around you. Frustration often results when you find there are some who just don’t have your integrity. Most Libra Sun Leo Moon individuals learn from experience, however. In youth, you may stick stubbornly to your lofty ideas, launching one crusade after another, but as time passes your Libran ability to compromise saves you from total disenchantment and paves the way to true wisdom.

With a Libra Sun Leo Moon, intuition is far more important to you than reason. Your hunches prove accurate, so you tend to act impulsively. Surprisingly, your rashness often brings rewards. Luck is a strong factor in your life—and you have plenty of it!

As an individual with a Libra Sun Leo Moon, you are active just about all the time, you never feel content to rest on your laurels. One of the things you must learn, however, to focus your enthusiasm. Like most Libras, you like to be involved in many activities at once, and you may scatter your energies, making it difficult for you to select a career. You do have a strong and noble sense of mission, but it may be ill-defined. Your challenge is to choose one area where you can apply your talents wholeheartedly.

Having a Libra Sun Leo Moon, you are a romantic throughout, you are in love with love and you need plenty of it to keep your spirits high. But as in all things, you tend to idealize your partner, then suffer disappointment when the bubble bursts. Try developing a more realistic attitude, if you can. For as a partner you are loyal, devoted, and generous in your affections.

Keywords For A Libra Sun Leo Moon:

Vivacious; theatrical; vain; aesthetic; love of literature; idealistic; graceful; honorable; poetic; romantic; trusting; visionary; religious; ardent; high-minded;  witty; flamboyant; has ‘an unconquerable gaiety of soul’.

Capricorn Rising

If you have Capricorn Rising, you tend to have a serious turn of mind. One would not call you melancholy, but you certainly aren’t frivolous. Cautious in your dealings, you are reluctant to commit yourself until you know the score. With strangers you are often quiet, reserved, and perhaps a bit shy. But once you open up you can be lively, friendly, warm, and expressive.

Capricorn Rising individuals have strong personalities, possess great willpower and determination, and diligently pursue their goals. These goals are usually for a better life—money, status, a higher standing in the community for your family. It’s important to you to feel that your life is meaningful.

With Capricorn Rising, you have self-esteem and are reliable, dependable, and stable. Sometimes, though, you will strive toward a goal and when you achieve it will still not be happy. You have a sense that something is missing, and you continue your search.

Having Capricorn Rising, you have an active mind with quick intelligence and an ability to concentrate. You can ferret out information, see flaws in a plan, and map things out ahead in detail. Sometimes you may be accused of being too calculating, because you add up all the pros and cons before embarking on a project. If an opponent has a weakness, you are also quick to spot it—and not entirely above using it to your advantage.

With Capricorn Rising, you tend to fuss over details to make sure all contingencies have been covered. It’s your way of being in control—you don’t want bad luck to catch you unprepared. Capricorn Rising individuals are worriers; in youth you worry about life, in old age about death. In middle age you worry about success.

It isn’t always easy for Capricorn Rising individuals to show their feelings, though powerful feelings do exist. You love deeply, are loyal and protective, and go out of your way to do kind deeds for others. However, you are often torn by jealousy and resentment (which you hide), and down deep you never really forgive someone who does you an injury.

As an individual with Capricorn Rising, what you achieve is mainly through your own efforts rather than through the influence of others. Though it happens that Capricorn Rising individuals seem to benefit financially through marriage, your own hard work within the union is largely responsible for your gain.

With Capricorn Rising there is often a rivalry with brothers and sisters, or some kind of disagreement with their fathers. As an individual with Capricorn Rising, you tend to have a small, well-shaped head, deep and penetrating eyes, and a beautiful smile with good-looking teeth. You have strong feet and usually enjoy walking or jogging.

The planet Saturn, which rules Capricorn, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of Saturn bestows discipline, ambition, patience, determination, good endurance, and carefulness. It also encourages stubbornness, hardship, melancholy, aloofness, pessimism, and selfishness.

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