Taurus in the Houses

The house where Taurus falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you are making things real, tangible, and sustainable. This is where you naturally create abundance. Bring your awareness to how you might be rigid and opposed to change.

Taurus in the 1st House

If you have Taurus in the first house or on the cusp, you are primarily concerned with how people see you and the world you have created. You present yourself to others as stable, practical, unassuming, and patient. To others, you will seem passive and stubborn at times because you respond more to coaxing than being pushed. Awareness of when you are resisting only because you feel pushed may help you distinguish between choosing not to do something and resisting it because you don’t like to be pushed.

Taurus in the 2nd House

Taurus is the natural ruler of the second house, and Taurus in or on the cusp of the second house gives you a strong desire to live in material comfort. You are likely to be very good at creating money. However, the second house and Taurus are also the home of core values, and becoming clear about what those values are for you will help you avoid getting overly attached to material wealth.

Taurus in the 3rd House

If you have Taurus in or on the cusp of the third house, you think before you speak and mull things over very carefully. You are excellent in negotiations and anything that requires careful thought because you won’t be pushed into snap judgments. The downside can be that you may be rigid and have trouble really listening to other views, so developing an ability to be open to other people’s perceptions is useful.

Taurus in the 4th House

If you have Taurus in or on the cusp of the fourth house, home and family are important to you, and you need a secure and comfortable home that contains your favorite possessions. Your home is usually quite large with lots of space that connects you with nature. As you age, you may become more of a homebody, preferring to spend time in the home as much as possible and creating a peaceful environment to spend time in. The only real downside to this is the attachment to material things rather than realizing that your true home is within. Meditative practices can help you develop the inner life that provides true security.

Taurus in the 5th House

Taurus in or on the cusp of the fifth house has a great appreciation for beauty and can often be very creative, especially in anything that involves creating something tangible. In love, you need affection, and you are happiest with someone who is devoted to you. You have great pride in any children you have but may almost see them as another “possession” ; you may struggle to understand them if they choose a different life path than you would have chosen for them. It would be helpful to learn to see others as individuals rather than as something that belongs to you.

Taurus in the 6th House

If you have Taurus in or on the cusp of the sixth house, you are a hard and reliable worker who owns your worth and value by making sure you are paid well. There may be a tendency to be all about this side of work, however, and neglect the altruistic side of service as you constantly seek recognition for what you are paid to do. You will feel best when you find the right kind of work that fills your senses and aligns with your values.

Taurus in the 7th House

If you have Taurus in or on the cusp of the seventh house, you are typically attracted to a partner or significant other who brings loyalty, stability, and security into your life—or you bring this to the relationship. There can be a tendency either to see those you are in relationship with as possessions or to be attracted to possessive people. Developing an awareness that true stability comes from within is useful either way.

Taurus in the 8th House

 If you have Taurus in or on the cusp of the eighth house, you are likely to experience material gain through those you are closely bonded with, and you are probably okay with that. On a soul level, Taurus here is apt to doggedly search for truths that have been hidden and to delve deeply into subconscious and psychological realms. Be wary of doing this only to validate your views and be open to new findings.

Taurus in the 9th House

If you have Taurus in or on the cusp of the ninth house, you tend to be a traditionalist in concepts of the higher mind, philosophy, truth, and freedom. You stick with what you know and are comfortable with and are likely, for example, to stay in the religion you were brought up in or take a traditional path of education. The challenge is avoiding dogmatic tendencies or imposing your beliefs on others. Instead, try to seek divine personal experiences rather dwell on the outer trappings of faith.

Taurus in the 10th House

Taurus in or on the cusp of the tenth house indicates that your public reputation is concerned with how successful you are materially. You are likely to be driven by status and wealth rather than by how much you are helping others. Yet you are charming, and, if you can release the grip of accumulating possessions, you can be successful spiritually as well as materially.

Taurus in the 11th House

If you have Taurus in or on the cusp of the eleventh house, you like smaller groups of friends and are very loyal to those groups you are part of. You may have a tendency to try to impress these groups with what you have in life or to attract those who have wealth. You would fit in well with groups that get involved in fundraising for humanitarian causes, and the focus on those pursuits would negate any tendency toward over self-indulgence.

Taurus in the 12th House

As Taurus is all about self-worth and value, those with Taurus in or on the cusp of the twelfth house, the house of the collective unconscious and connection to the muse and mystery, often find the fluidity of this area difficult, as they like solidity. You might have a tendency to be attracted to prestige and glamour. There’s a passive quality to both Taurus and the twelfth house, and awareness of that can help you choose to seek out activities and places that help others so that there is spiritual meaning for you beyond your own self.

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