How Leaving Your Comfort Zone Can Help You Achieve Positive Psychological States

Many people stay in their comfort zones because it means security and familiarity. However, a lack of risk-taking may lead to stagnation. Stepping into the unknown and facing your fears sounds terrifying, but it can benefit your psychological well-being. Discover the benefits of leaving your comfort zone, the signs you’re stuck in it and actionable tips to unlock your best self.

Signs You’re Stuck in Your Comfort Zone

Before leaving your comfort bubble, you must understand what might keep you from taking the first step outside.

1.   You Feel Unready

You usually say, “I’m not ready for that yet,” when faced with new opportunities, such as a job, promotion or speaking role in a seminar. You might persuade yourself you lack time to tackle a new task. A lack of self-esteem or confidence in your skills may cause this.

2.   You Feel Every Day Is Repetitive

You live a very scheduled life. You work on the same tasks and sometimes feel you can do your job on autopilot. While there’s nothing wrong with a good routine, sometimes you need to add something new to your life.

3.   You Feel Bored

Boredom is one of the most common signs of being stuck in your comfort zone. You may also feel uninspired or simply go with the flow.

4.   You’re Scared to Fail

Changes scare you, not excite you. You are reluctant to try new things because failing makes you feel inadequate.

Benefits of Leaving the Comfort Zone

It’s challenging to step out of your comfort zone, especially when you feel firmly stuck inside. Sooner or later, you’ll realize it’s worth the stress. Plus, you’ll achieve the following positive psychological states and personal growth:

1.   Helps You Achieve Your Goals

One of the benefits of going out of your comfort zone is it can help you actualize the goals you’ve been putting off. Whether losing weight, learning a new skill or going on vacation, taking the first step is worth celebrating.

2.   Promotes Realistic Self-Talk

Stepping out of your comfort zone means learning new things, seeing new places and meeting new people. If you are among the 20% of the global population who are highly sensitive, you need to embrace your fears and negative thoughts. Sometimes you’ll feel self-critical, but instead of letting it stop you, acknowledge it as an opportunity to grow.

Pushing your boundaries will make you realize it’s OK to fail and be uncomfortable, as these are essential for growth.

3.   Brings You Joy

You’ll feel relieved after stepping outside your comfort zone. After completing a task you previously thought was impossible, a sense of pride and achievement will fill you with joy. For instance, an individual frightened of public speaking feels proud after presenting in a seminar.

4.   Develops a Growth Mindset

People with a growth mindset are less likely to experience mental health problems than those who are fixed. Stepping out of your comfort zone motivates you to take healthy risks, leading to more opportunities and positive outcomes.

5.   Expands Your Skill Set

Sticking to the same tedious routine every day means doing things you already know. To grow, it’s critical to learn new skills continuously. As you build new connections, take risks and try new things, you’ll gain more skills and confidence to apply them. Soon enough, you’ll realize you are capable of more than you know.

6.   Increases Self-Fulfillment

Your newfound confidence and productivity will lead you to self-fulfillment and a deep excitement about what you’re doing. Stepping out of your comfort zone will help you find your purpose, making you feel you’re living a meaningful life.

5 Tips for Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Growth occurs when you do any of the following actionable strategies.

1.   Set Goals

Identify what you want to achieve. Your goal should have three key qualities — it must be clear, manageable and achievable. For instance, it may include signing up for a training program and finishing it within two months to advance your career. Start with short-term objectives to make them feel more achievable.

2.   Start Small

Every step forward is progress. Taking small steps makes you less likely to feel anxious and stressed, making it easier to get closer to your goal. Moreover, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, leading to greater motivation and confidence.

3.   Do Everyday Things Differently

Think of possible changes you can make to your routine. For instance, take morning walks to stay active or spend time away from your phone to achieve healthier sleeping habits. Find opportunities to challenge yourself.

4.   Surround Yourself With Supportive People

A strong social network can do wonders for your journey outside your comfort zone. It can help you cope with stress, which is linked to weakened immunity and heart disease. Spend time with people who can provide support and inspiration so you stay motivated.

Push Past Your Limits

You’ll never be 100% ready, so take that first step. Remember that you’re capable of learning and growing. Embrace these tips to reap the benefits of having a growth mindset and expanding your horizons.

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