Aquarius Sun with Scorpio Moon and Libra Rising

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Scorpio and Libra Rising Personality Traits:

Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon Libra Rising
Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon Libra Rising

With an Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon, you have a powerful, magnetic personality that may have a hypnotic effect on many people. Your character possesses a compelling blend of broad social-intellectual concerns and passionate self-interest; detached idealism and dark cynicism, the latter based on an intimate understanding of your own appetites and emotional needs.

In general a ‘people’ person and an avid student of human nature, you are popular because the intensity of your personality rarely lets up. Your obsessive individualism commands recognition – you convince people of your importance and capability, inspiring some to follow you to the ends of the Earth. Indeed, you may have the magnetism of a demigod and the confidence of a guru, but when you can conquer an unbalanced desire for power and develop a more impartial approach your achievements will have longer-lasting success. Freedom from obsessive self-interest should be your aim.

Having an Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon, you have a sort of commanding haughtiness and inner conviction that you are ‘It’ usually draws people into your spell. But you are equally capable of detached withdrawal and even contempt, especially if your ego has been injured or unfairly treated. You may try to rise above petty feelings, but you can carry resentment around inside for a long time if injustice has been done. It is important that your conscious, rational Aquarian side, which ‘knows’ itself to be fully self-determined and uniquely in charge of your life, comes to understand and respect your proud, emotionally possessive, instinctively voracious Scorpio side, whose primitive needs, if unmet, can lead to manipulative behavior that can undermine your chances for emotional fulfillment. In order for you to maintain peace between these two sides of yourself, you must dig down deep to see what buried assumptions and denied needs are at the root of a possible mind/feeling split. Like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, your intellectual and creative potential is enormous as long as both sides are working harmoniously together instead of living unconnected and mutually antagonistic lives – and this can only come through profound self-knowledge.

Your Aquarian Sun is the rational scientist; your Scorpio Moon is the hungry sensualist. Being deeply rooted in both realms gives you powerful insight into the vast spectrum of human nature. You are a good investigator of the human psyche and/or body, and you have the instincts of the reformer who sees the hidden potential in the discarded souls of life and can facilitate in their transformation. Can you embrace the whole of yourself? Your brooding desires, hatreds, jealousies, cravings, as well as your iconoclastic, individualistic Self which gazes out over the pitiful human race in detached wonder?

Keywords For An Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon:

Powerful intellect; keen insight; charismatic; detached intensity; strong-willed; egotistic; stubborn; fiercely principled; dogmatic; self-judging; ambitious; reformer; proud; self-reliant; an astute observer; controlled sexuality; passionate yet dispassionate.

Libra Rising

If you have Libra Rising, you have natural charm, grace, and poise. You are extremely social-minded and take pleasure in being with other people in a cheerful atmosphere. Parties, holidays, laughter, fun, and good times are what Libra Rising individuals revel in. You have a happy and easygoing personality and are full of hope for the future. No matter what disappointments today may bring, Libra Rising individuals fantasize about happy tomorrows and look forward to living them.

Of course, you are not this way all the time. With Libra Rising, one of your problems is that you are easily thrown into despair and depression, especially by downhearted and discouraging people. Libra is the sign of balance, but it doesn’t take much to push Libra Rising individuals off balance. Basically, however, your spirits are optimistic and carefree.

As an individual with Libra Rising, you are born with a great sense of fairness, and nothing angers you more than to see injustice go uncorrected. You are deeply upset by cruelty, violence, bloodshed, and strife. To you, life should be serene and content, but it must, above all, be fair.

Libra Rising individuals are refined, neat, and discriminating. You breathe rarefied air. Your aloof quality is sometimes hard for others to figure out, but it will never leave you even though you function so well with other people.

With Libra Rising, you gravitate toward artistic and creative endeavors, but sometimes your artistic flair lies dormant and unused, for you dislike hard work and prefer to take the easy way out. You don’t have to seek the spotlight, however; it shines on you. You don’t struggle to find success; luck often comes to Libra Rising individuals through a partner, mate, or close association.

Having Libra Rising, you like travel, new people, new projects. You happily throw yourself into enterprises that promise excitement or diversion. The trouble is you don’t have much perseverance, so a great many things go unfinished. Another difficulty you have is making up your mind. You weigh a decision carefully, vacillating between one course of action and another; when you’ve finally decided you still hesitate. There is a timidity behind all this pondering, a fear of taking risks.

Libra Rising individuals are unhappy when single and are fond of being married. (This does not necessarily mean that you will stay married to the same person.) Somewhere along the way Libra Rising individuals are likely to gain wealth and material possessions through a marriage partner. As a rule, you don’t have a lot of children, but you take great delight in those you do have.

As a Libra Rising individual, you tend to have a strikingly good-looking face, graceful and symmetrical bone structure, and a radiant smile. Your body is usually curving or round, though not necessarily fat.

The planet Venus, which rules Libra, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of Venus bestows beauty, charm, social graces, a romantic nature, an appreciation for art, music, and decoration. It also encourages superficiality, jealousy, laziness, dependence on others, and a weak will.

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