relationship astrology

Venus in Gemini Love Compatibility Guide

As an individual with Venus in Gemini, you approach conversation and relationships in much the same way. You don?t?like to concentrate on one person for too long, in case there?s someone more interesting waiting around the next corner. In the pool of love, those with Venus in Aries?jump in the deep end head first, but […]

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Venus in Taurus Love Compatibility Guide

With Venus in Taurus, once you fall in love, that?s it! You make up your mind that he/she is the one and?only person for you, and it will take the shifting of the Earth?s axis to convince you?otherwise. Venus in Taurus is synonymous with fidelity in love?? once you really love someone it?s for keeps.

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Venus in Aries Love Compatibility Guide

With Venus in Aries, you fall in love suddenly, impetuously and inexplicably. There is no rhyme or reason to how, when, why or with whom you fall in love with, you just do it. As an individual with Venus in Aries, you have a? special talent for falling in love with people you have been

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Your Moon in Your Partner’s Houses

Where is Your Moon in Your Partner’s Houses?Discover how your Moon sign location in your partner’s house affects your relationship below:Your Moon in Your Partner’s 1st House:With your Moon in your partner’s 1st house, this feature suggests a sense of immediate ease and shared caring. There is a genuine sense of acceptance between the two

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5 Things to Look For in Your Partner’s Birth Chart

When you meet someone you like, it’s only natural to want to learn everything there is to know about them as soon as possible. You also might wonder if this is the one who will last or if it’ll just be another Tinder swipe to laugh about one day. While you might make note of

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Your Venus in Your Partner’s Houses

Where is Your Venus in Your Partner’s Houses?Discover how your Venus location in your partner’s house affects your relationship below:Your Venus in Your Partner’s 1st House:For You:With your Venus in your partner’s 1st house, you think your sweetheart is quite gorgeous on the outside. Your mate can be your physical ideal. They are elegant, appealing,

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What is Relationship Synastry?

Relationship Astrology or Synastry is the study of how the energy of two individuals, blend, interact & react with one another.As everyone has their own unique natal (birth) charts, synastry reveals how two different birth charts affect each other and how each of their planets interacts with one another bringing about energies, experiences, and emotions

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Sexual Astrology – How Accurate is Yours?

Sexual Astrology dives into the deeper primitive nature of our personalities, How true is yours? More than 1,200 men and women completed a sex survey that provided the information presented in the links below. Quotes from hundreds of these people have been included. Their explicit comments and generous contributions made it possible to write these

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Sexual Attraction in Synastry

Indications of Sexual Attraction:When somebody’s Mars falls in your 5th house, heart-pounding reactions and strong romantic/sexual desires and crushes can be activated. You WANT each other, although the attraction may not last long unless there are other stable aspects and positions in your synastry.When somebody’s Mars falls in your 8th house, that person inspires deep sexual urges

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Your Sun Sign In their Houses

Where does your Sun fall in another person’s chart? When you overlay your Sun onto the chart of your partner, you can gain plenty of insight into how you affect that person, and what areas of their life you take particular interest in.Your Sun in your Partner’s 1st House:You can’t help but notice each other!

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Mercury in Relationships

Synastry of Mercury in RelationshipsWhen Mercury in Fire and Mercury in Earth people interact:There is often a conflict between the need for intellectual stimulation and creativity (Fire) and the desire to stay rooted in the physical (Earth). The Fire personality is less concerned about the physical, material world; whereas the Earth personality is consumed with

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Mars in Relationships

Synastry of Mars in RelationshipsWhen Mars in Fire and Mars in Earth people interact:There is often a conflict between creative instincts (Fire) and physical desires (Earth). While Fire rarely thinks before it acts, Earth is deliberate and careful.How they can benefit each other: Earth Mars can help Fire Mars slow down; Fire Mars can help stimulate

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Venus & Mars in Synastry

Venus is the Goddess of LoveMost of us are familiar with the significance of Venus in mythology. Venus, the goddess of love, provides us with valuable insights into how we approach matters of the heart. Venus rules romantic love, but it also plays a role in our pleasurable attachments in a more general sense.Many of

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