Gemini Sun with Scorpio Moon and Virgo Rising

Sun in Gemini with Moon in Scorpio and Virgo Rising Personality Traits:

Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon Virgo Rising
Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon Virgo Rising

With a Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon, you have a forceful and magnetic personality. Much more intense than your fellow Geminis, you always know just what you are doing and where you are going (even if nobody else does). Somewhat secretive, you never fully reveal yourself and this may account for your mystique. Although you project an explosive image–highly expressive and emotionally charged—you do exercise extreme caution when matters concern you personally.

As an individual with a Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon, you are self-assured, bold, and aggressive, people can’t but help notice you. And you, all the while, are noticing them. Observant and analytical, you pride yourself on your perception, and that Gemini mind of yours seldom misses a detail.

Having a Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon your insights are mostly accurate. However, you do have a tendency to exaggerate and overdramatize, especially when you are in one of those expansive moods. On these occasions, your imagination and emotional fervor carry you away, and you may do unintentional harm to other by distorting facts or blowing things out of all proportion. Learn to watch what you say and to relate with a little less urgency.

With a Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon, you seem t be your own boss, decisive and strong-willed, but whether you realize it or not you adopt and absorb the ideas, mood, and even goals of those around you—often subconsciously. Rather than deciding for yourself in terms of your career, social or romantic life, you often bend to pressure exerted by family, friends, or a lover. Yes, it is important to keep your mind open to the advice and opinions of others, but it is vital that your final decisions be based upon how you really feel deep down inside. Follow your true nature.

Having a Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon, your high degree of emotional receptivity also affects your health, so that in addition to taking on the attitudes and goals of those around you, you may also subconsciously absorb their neuroses and behavior patterns.

Look carefully at your past, particularly at your relationship to your parents. Determine whether some of your bad habits or destructive behavior patterns have actually been inherited from those who have had a strong influence on your life, particularly parents or siblings.

For the individual with a Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon, once you have discovered the source of your problems, it may be difficult for you to shake them off, because you hold on to impressions and convictions fiercely. But if you learn to open yourself up a little more, perhaps to a close friend or a psychologist, you may suddenly find that you are not living your life in a way that is healthy for you. This is the first step towards making positive changes.

Like all Geminis you are very intelligent and versatile. Your Scorpio Moon gives you great depth and strengthens your ability to concentrate and stick to your goals. You also have a wonderful recuperative quality that enables you to quickly move beyond setbacks.

With your strong personal convictions, you must guard against a tendency to be overly judgmental towards those who fail to fit your standards of right and wrong. As with all natives of Moon in Scorpio, beware of self-righteousness!

Having a Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon, you are romantic and sensual, and love is almost always on your mind. As a lover, you are very passionate and self-expressive, but you are also a little cruel towards your partner without realizing it. You tend to be a bit jealous and your possessiveness can take on outrageous proportions. Though you may be emotionally guarded around others, you are never afraid to express your feelings to your partner—whether anger, jealousy, or affection.

Keywords For A Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon:

Extrovert yet introvert; passionate yet superficial; vitality and sensuality; breezy but intense; communicative yet secretive; quick-witted and deep-hearted; colorful and paradoxical.

Virgo Rising

Virgo Rising indicates an analytical outlook. Though the degree of emotionalism depends on other influences in your birth chart, it is generally through the mind that you perceive the world. This is not to say you are cold and insensitive. Indeed, the opposite is true, for Virgo Rising individuals have deep and tender emotions and care a great deal about others.

However, with Virgo Rising, it is the process of thinking logically that gives you the deepest satisfaction. You appreciate the finely tuned mechanics of sifting through facts and information, finding the truth of the matter, and introducing order and reason into almost any situation.

Virgo Rising individuals are rather fixed in opinion, but not so inflexible that they will not change their minds upon careful review of opposing facts. To you, the cardinal sin is to be ignorant of one’s ignorance.

Having Virgo Rising, a fault sometimes is your inability to put things in perspective, a proclivity for getting bogged down in small details and losing sight of the big picture. You magnify the importance of a petty detail and then become resentful if others fail to see its significance.

As an individual with Virgo Rising, work is important to you, and you usually accomplish a great deal during your lifetime. Often you are at war within yourself, both wanting things to come easily and needing to achieve solely through your own efforts. Control—both of self and of events—is what makes you feel secure. As it turns out, most Virgo Rising individuals do gain through their own hard work rather than through the influence of others.

With Virgo Rising, you have a charm and elegance that is difficult to pin down. You are not always easy to know intimately. Your shyness and aloofness (sometimes well disguised by a social veneer) must be penetrated by anyone who wishes to become truly close. Emotionally, it’s hard for you to show your feelings, though a great deal is always going on under the surface.

As children, with Virgo Rising, you sometimes suffer from poor health. Happily, health improves the older you get. For many of you, a marriage partner brings property or wealth. Later in life Virgo Rising individuals frequently become property owners, often in a foreign country. Success for you is often linked to dealings in and travel to places far from home.

As a Virgo Rising individual, you tend to have a gentle, oval face, eyes that sweep around a room and take in everything, and a body that gives the impression of frailty but is actually very strong.

The planet Mercury, which rules Virgo, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of Mercury bestows a logical mind, acute powers of observation, an intellectual outlook, perception, and a flair for science and writing. It also encourages fussiness, a nervous temperament, sarcasm, fault-finding, and worry.

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