Cancer Sun with Cancer Moon and Sagittarius Rising

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Cancer and Sagittarius Rising Personality Traits:

Cancer Sun Cancer Moon Sagittarius Rising
Cancer Sun Cancer Moon Sagittarius Rising

Self-protection is almost everything to the Cancer Sun Cancer Moon individual. From early childhood until late in life, you seek shelter. You probably think the world is out to get you, so you spend much of your life preparing defenses, building fortresses, and worrying about chinks in your armor.

The Cancer Sun Cancer Moon combination gives great strengths as well as innumerable weaknesses. The emotional sensitivity and depth of the Cancer Sun is intensified when combined with a Cancer Moon. But just as your sensitivity is heightened, so too is your shrewdness and ability to construct even thicker barriers between yourself and your surroundings.

Having a Cancer Sun Cancer Moon, you possess great subtlety, intelligence, and imagination. The hostility and competitiveness you see all around you either force you to make use of your natural gifts or cause you to withdraw behind a thousand locked doors.

As an individual with a Cancer Sun Cancer Moon, childhood was probably the early testing ground, when, through cautious experimentation, you learned the safest and most certain way to maneuver in a highly unpredictable world. Once that pattern of behavior was set, you clung to it tenaciously.

In dealing with others, you maintain a modest, low profile. But you are active all of the time—moving about, shifting your tactics, and assuming attitudes that suit the moment. With a Cancer Sun Cancer Moon, you are a master tactician and diplomat, you know intuitively what others expect of you. In conflicts, you never approach an opponent head-on; you prefer indirect means, as there is nothing you fear more than exposure. If your surroundings are genuinely threatening or hostile, you may withdraw completely, preferring total isolation.

With a Cancer Sun Cancer Moon, it would probably come as a shock to you to find out that most people are not so concerned with what you choose to keep hidden. Your acute paranoia is a product of your ego.

Like the tides, having a Cancer Sun Cancer Moon, you fluctuate in your feelings and sympathies, and you are subject to wide mood swings of depression and elation. Your extreme sensitivity may cause you to avoid people altogether—but, on the positive side, it also gives you the ability to understand the moods of those you do become close to. It also gives you the power to create, once you have erased your many fears and phobias.

For the individual with a Cancer Sun Cancer Moon, aside from creative endeavors, you have a shrewd eye for business and an uncanny flair for finance. Many double Cancers are highly spiritual, and you may be drawn to a religious path in order to fulfill your inner needs. Be wary of the more bizarre forms of religion, as you are too easily led astray by anything esoteric.

Having a Cancer Sun Cancer Moon, you have a very generous nature, but giving love is not easy for one so caught up in self-preservation. Nevertheless, you must have a permanent give-and-take romantic relationship as a necessary step toward emotional maturity, so try to less fault-finding and less sensitive to criticism.

Keywords For A Cancer Sun Cancer Moon:

Emotional; kind-hearted; romantic; helpful; perceptive; timid; defensive; secretive; clannish; imaginative; artistic; attached to the past; shrewd;  protective; sympathetic; love of security; mother complex.

Sagittarius Rising

A Sagittarius Rising favors independence and freedom. You cannot bear to be stifled by outmoded ideas or difficult lovers or tedious work. You are progressive, full of optimism about the future. You are also restless in spirit, anxious to get on with the business of living, ready to accept a new challenge.

Having Sagittarius Rising, sometimes your impatience is misunderstood. Your sensitivity toward other people and your need for freedom are part of the same personality. You grant freedom to others and never try to limit or restrict another human being.

Sagittarius Rising individuals are basically humanitarians, idealists who care deeply about injustice. On a personal level, you are honest and generous to others and easily wounded when confronted with selfishness or thoughtless cruelty.

As an individual with Sagittarius Rising, it’s true that you can expect too much of your fellow man. You have a knack for making friends, for you are very open to new people and new ideas. You enjoy a spirited discussion, an exchange of opinion. (Sagittarius Rising individuals have a reputation for frankness: other people always know where they stand with you.) You are interested in research, blessed with imagination, foresight, and clear thinking.

With Sagittarius Rising, you like to travel, see new places, learn how the rest of the world lives. Usually you tend to read a great deal, watch the news, subscribe to periodicals, plug into the latest information on the computer, talk about current events with friends.

Having Sagittarius Rising, you prefer the simple life, with not too many trappings or obligations. You like money, but your real appreciation is for the independence it affords. You fear that if you take success too seriously, life will become boring. One of your problems is that you don’t measure the consequences of what you do. You are impulsive, sometimes reckless. To take action is the main thing, to do something about a problem. You don’t always stop to consider where all the activity may lead.

For the individual with Sagittarius Rising, marriage is not the most important thing in your life. Sagittarian Rising individuals have a tendency to marry the wrong person (at least once) and get into unhappy romantic situations from which they must extricate themselves. Travel is a major theme in your life, and luck surrounds you in foreign countries.

As an individual with Sagittarius Rising, you tend to have a pleasant, cheerful face, a broad forehead, bright, humorous eyes, and a friendly smile. You often make sweeping gestures with your arms and hands, and have a strong, active body.

The planet Jupiter, which rules Sagittarius, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of Jupiter bestows good fortune, happiness, generosity, breadth of vision, sincerity, and a genial social manner. It also encourages restlessness, self-indulgence, conceit, impatience, wastefulness, and gambling.

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