Pisces Personality Traits

Pisces are noted for their colorful imaginations which is why so many creative people are born under Pisces. Because it is the final sign of the zodiac, people born under Pisces often exhibit characteristics found in other signs. This can sometimes be confusing to their loved ones.

Pisceans are idealists and are emotionally sensitive when it comes to others but quite secure in themselves. So, don’t expect a Pisces to necessarily care what you think about them. Yet, he or she may care very much about how other people are treated.

They are also fascinated by the inner world of the mind and so they may become interested in doing “inner work” such as meditation or psychology. The problem is that they often can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality and this can get them in trouble. Pisces perception is colored by personal ideas and desires more than any other sign. Pisces people tend to see life as they believe it is or how they want to see it. Those born under Pisces rely more on emotional intuition than on collecting facts or making decisions based on facts. So, winning an argument with a Pisces is often impossible.

Pisces Zodiac Sign

Pisces is a water sign and the twelfth sign of the zodiac. It covers people born between February 20 and March 20. Its symbol is two fishes and its ruling planet is Neptune. Perhaps the single biggest element of the Piscean nature is adaptability. Pisces are quick to adjust to changing circumstances and this sometimes makes them hard to characterize. It also means that they can be mistaken for being wishy-washy, because they are sometimes calm and accepting when others would feel the need to take a stand.

Just as fish swim and move in schools in the ocean, Pisces still retain their individuality even when they are part of a group. Pisces still value their independence and individuality over the group they are associated with, but they still remain team players. Pisces is the most independent of all the astrology signs. They live in an imaginary world that they have created. They are the dreamers of the zodiac, seeing life through rose colored glasses, which might or might not coincide with the situation at hand.

When faced with the cold hard facts of life, Pisces will retreat into their imaginary world and avoid facing the truth. This is what causes others to see them as lazy and impassive dreamers. Pisceans do not always worry about sacrificing their friends’ interests for the greater gain. They are also very malleable and impressionable, easily influenced by others. But on the whole, they are very tender and have a heart for the less fortunate ones. They are also God-fearing, thinking about the wrath that would befall them for doing wrong.

Pisces as a Water Sign

It is only natural for Pisces to fall under the Water sign. Zodiac signs under the Water symbol have an emotional nature. And just like water, the emotions of a Piscean can either run deep or run shallow. The ebb and flow of their emotions also don’t remain constant throughout the day. Mood swings are the norm with Water signs, which also makes them dreamy, living heavily in their thought world and established beliefs. There are times when only Pisceans can relate well to other fellow Pisces, a phenomenon unique to this sign.

Positive Qualities and Strengths

Pisces are dreamers, and they love to dream about everything, themselves, their loved ones, and the world. They can be so deep in thought that they hardly notice the person next to them. From their thoughts come new creations and innovative ideas. Pisceans are intellectuals, sensitive at heart and individualistic enough to set their own rules.

Pisceans are good natured, gentle, and patient people who are capable of great compassion. Their helping hand makes them loved by others. They have an easy going and friendly disposition and are imaginative and therefore creative. They are able to look at a situation from both sides, making them more aware of the pros and cons in situations than other people. Pisces are not the type to think highly of their own opinion, and can easily be influenced by the ideas of other people. Just like the Water sign they are under, Pisceans are very flexible by nature.

Negative Qualities and Weaknesses

Pisces people can be quite lazy. They do not often feel the need to get up and go do something for themselves. They react tentatively, especially when it comes to making decisions. They can get over sensitive to the irritation of others. Pisceans have a tendency to run away from problems other than face them because they want to avoid problematic situations.

Pisces is a somewhat passive sign. Their imagination can be their greatest strength but also their greatest weakness when they use it instead to create a world of their own instead of facing reality. When challenged, the first instinct of a Pisces is to retreat first and avoid confrontation rather than stand up for their views. They are very impressionable, hence can easily be swayed by one person and the next. This makes it very easy for them to come under negative influences.

Characteristics of Pisces

Emotional: Pisces zodiac signs are emotional and sensitive, quick to shed a tear at the slightest discord and soft-hearted enough to show mercy to all.

Artistic: Creativity is the middle name of Pisces. They are born creative and their creativity knows no bounds. This is where their abilities shine, and they are also musically inclined.

Honest: Pisces signs are responsible, sincere, and honest, doing their due diligence if they are assigned a certain task.

Intellectual: Pisceans are not only dreamers but thinkers as well. Their intelligence and insight show in their personality, and they generally have a positive outlook in life. In the workplace, they are known to be hard laborers who can achieve any goal they believe in. The combination of innate creativity of the Pisces sign on top of their hard work can take them quite far in life.
