Why Balance Your Chakras

Why Balance Your Chakras?

Balancing your seven chakras is important because when one of your chakras is unbalanced, your emotions and your body are directly affected.

Apart from our own thoughts, when we are with someone who is sad or happy, it is highly possible to channel these emotions unintentionally. We may not even realize why we are feeling that way. When too much bad energy accumulates, it weakens our state & we are prone to disease & illness.

Be responsible for your own emotions. The information below will guide you as to what happens when there is an imbalance in your emotions:


Anger gives you flashes of red. This is such a strong energy that emanates from a person – too much of it is bad for your body as it absorbs other negative elements. When you are angry, know that there is a chakra imbalance in the solar plexus. You also see flashes of red; perhaps this is where the expression “seeing red” came from.


On the other hand, being defensive puts armors or cords around you. Defensiveness signals an imbalance in your brow and solar plexus chakras. Whenever this happens, you feel that you want to alienate yourself from other people. You dislike relationships and reject pieces of advice and help from friends and relatives.


Resentment clouds your vision. Almost similar to anger, resentment makes you unable to think clearly. Making decisions is also difficult for you. There is definitely an imbalance in the heart and solar plexus. The same thing happens when you are really sad. It’s like there is a cloud before your eyes. This means there is an imbalance in your heart and crown chakras. Address this quickly. Otherwise, you could feel depressed and anxious.


Jealousy, in contrast, enables hooks of energy to trap you. You feel angry and resentful at the same time. You want to pour your energy into things that aren’t worth your time – being jealous. You also become possessive of people. Remember that there is an imbalance of the heart, solar plexus and brow plexus. Lastly, hysteria results in fragmentation. You feel disconnected. There will be times when you can’t explain and express what you feel. Communication is difficult. Hysteria is the worst form of emotional and auric disturbance; hence, all the chakras are affected.
