2. September Jungfrau-Neumond: Was er für alle 12 Sonnenzeichen bedeutet

Virgo New Moon September for Sun Signs

The New Moon on September 2, 2024, occurs in the meticulous and practical sign of Virgo. New Moons mark the beginning of a new lunar cycle, symbolizing new beginnings, fresh starts, and the planting of seeds for the future. When the New Moon is in Virgo, its influence encourages us to focus on organization, health, daily routines, and the details of our lives that need attention. This is a time to make practical plans, set intentions related to self-improvement, and refine our approaches to work, health, and service.

Virgo’s earthy energy is grounded, detail-oriented, and analytical, making this New Moon an ideal time to reassess and reorganize various aspects of our lives. For each zodiac sign, this New Moon brings specific opportunities and challenges, depending on where Virgo falls in their Geburtsdiagramm. Let’s explore how this New Moon will influence each of the 12 zodiac sun signs.

Aries Sun

For Widder, the New Moon in Virgo shines a light on the sixth house of work, health, and daily routines. This is a powerful time for Aries Suns to initiate new habits that improve their well-being and productivity. You may feel a strong urge to clean up your diet, start an exercise routine, or streamline your daily schedule. The Virgo New Moon encourages you to pay attention to the small details that can make a big difference in your overall efficiency and health.

This is also an excellent time for Aries to set new work-related goals. Whether it’s organizing your workspace, improving your time management, or starting a new project, the energy of this New Moon supports practical and thoughtful planning. Focus on creating a more balanced routine that allows you to achieve your goals without burning out. This is a great time to address any lingering health issues or to take preventative measures to ensure long-term well-being.

Read More on the forecast for an Aries Sun

Taurus Sun

For Taurus, the New Moon in Virgo activates the fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression. This is an ideal time for Taurus Suns to start new creative projects or hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment. If you’ve been feeling creatively blocked, this New Moon offers a fresh start and the inspiration to pursue your passions with renewed vigor. Embrace your artistic side, whether through writing, painting, music, or any other form of self-expression.

Romantically, this New Moon may inspire Taurus to seek deeper connections and to approach relationships with greater attention to detail. If you’re single, this could be a great time to meet someone new or to explore new ways of connecting with others. For those in relationships, the Virgo energy encourages you to focus on the little things that make your partner feel loved and appreciated. Small gestures can have a big impact during this time, so don’t overlook the importance of thoughtful communication and acts of kindness.

Read More on the forecast for a Taurus Sun

Gemini Sun

For Gemini, the New Moon in Virgo highlights the fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. This is a powerful time for Gemini Suns to focus on their home environment and family relationships. You may feel the urge to declutter, reorganize, or make improvements to your living space. This New Moon encourages you to create a more harmonious and supportive environment that nurtures your emotional well-being.

Family matters may also come to the forefront during this time. Whether it’s resolving old conflicts, strengthening family bonds, or simply spending more quality time with loved ones, the Virgo New Moon supports efforts to bring more order and stability to your home life. This is also an excellent time to reflect on your emotional foundations and to make any necessary changes that help you feel more secure and grounded.

Read More on the forecast for a Gemini Sun

Cancer Sun

For Cancer, the New Moon in Virgo illuminates the third house of communication, learning, and local connections. This is an ideal time for Cancer Suns to focus on improving their communication skills and engaging more actively with their immediate environment. You may feel inspired to start a new writing project, take a course, or engage in meaningful conversations with those around you. The Virgo energy encourages you to be precise and clear in your communications, making this a great time to resolve misunderstandings or to express your ideas more effectively.

This New Moon also highlights the importance of your local community and daily interactions. Whether it’s connecting with neighbors, getting involved in local events, or simply being more mindful of your everyday environment, the Virgo New Moon encourages you to pay attention to the details that enhance your daily life. This is a great time to set intentions related to learning, teaching, or sharing knowledge with others.

Read More on the forecast for a Cancer Sun

Leo Sun

For Leo, the New Moon in Virgo activates the second house of money, values, and personal resources. This is a powerful time for Leo Suns to reassess their financial situation and to set new goals related to income, savings, and material security. The Virgo energy encourages you to take a practical and detail-oriented approach to your finances, making this an excellent time to create a budget, start a savings plan, or invest in something that adds value to your life.

This New Moon also invites you to reflect on your personal values and what truly matters to you. Are your current financial decisions aligned with your values and long-term goals? This is a great time to make any necessary adjustments that help you achieve greater financial stability and personal fulfillment. Focus on building a strong foundation that supports your ambitions and reflects your true priorities.

Read More on the forecast for a Leo Sun

Virgo Sun

For Virgo, the New Moon in your sign marks a significant time of personal renewal and new beginnings. This is your moment to set intentions for the coming year, focusing on self-improvement, personal goals, and the changes you wish to see in your life. Virgo Suns are naturally detail-oriented and analytical, and this New Moon amplifies your ability to make practical plans that lead to tangible results. Whether it’s improving your health, advancing your career, or enhancing your personal life, this is the time to take action.

This New Moon also encourages you to embrace your unique qualities and to express your true self with confidence. It’s a great time to focus on self-care, personal development, and refining your image or approach to life. Use this New Moon energy to set goals that reflect your true desires and to take steps toward manifesting the life you envision.

Read More on the forecast for a Virgo Sun

Libra Sun

For Libra, the New Moon in Virgo highlights the twelfth house of spirituality, introspection, and endings. This is a time for Libra Suns to turn inward and to focus on their inner world. The Virgo energy encourages you to reflect on your past, release what no longer serves you, and prepare for new beginnings. This is an ideal time to engage in spiritual practices, meditation, or any activity that promotes inner peace and self-awareness.

This New Moon also invites you to let go of old habits, patterns, or relationships that may be holding you back. It’s a powerful time for healing and closure, making space for new opportunities to enter your life. Use this time to connect with your intuition and to listen to the subtle messages from your inner self. By embracing this period of introspection, you can emerge with greater clarity and a renewed sense of purpose.

Read More on the forecast for a Libra Sun

Scorpio Sun

For Scorpio, the New Moon in Virgo activates the eleventh house of friendships, social networks, and long-term goals. This is a powerful time for Scorpio Suns to focus on their social connections and to set new goals related to their place within a community or group. The Virgo energy encourages you to be discerning in your social interactions, making this an excellent time to cultivate relationships that are supportive, meaningful, and aligned with your values.

This New Moon also invites you to reassess your long-term aspirations and to make practical plans for achieving them. Whether it’s networking, collaborating on a project, or contributing to a cause you care about, the Virgo New Moon supports efforts that bring you closer to your goals. Focus on building strong, lasting connections that help you achieve your dreams and contribute positively to the collective.

Read More on the forecast for a Scorpio Sun

Sagittarius Sun

For Sagittarius, the New Moon in Virgo highlights the tenth house of career, public image, and long-term ambitions. This is a powerful time for Sagittarius Suns to set new professional goals and to focus on advancing their career. The Virgo energy encourages you to take a practical and methodical approach to your ambitions, making this an excellent time to plan your next steps, seek out opportunities for growth, or refine your public image.

This New Moon also invites you to reflect on your long-term goals and to consider whether your current path aligns with your true aspirations. Are you pursuing a career that fulfills you and reflects your values? This is a great time to make any necessary adjustments that help you achieve greater professional success and personal fulfillment. Focus on building a strong foundation that supports your ambitions and enhances your reputation.

Read More on the forecast for a Sagittarius Sun

Capricorn Sun

For Capricorn, the New Moon in Virgo activates the ninth house of travel, higher learning, and personal growth. This is an ideal time for Capricorn Suns to set new goals related to expanding their horizons, whether through education, travel, or spiritual exploration. The Virgo energy encourages you to take a practical and organized approach to your personal growth, making this an excellent time to pursue new knowledge, embark on a journey, or engage in activities that broaden your perspective.

This New Moon also invites you to reflect on your beliefs and philosophies. Are they serving your growth and helping you navigate life’s challenges? This is a great time to explore new ideas, question old assumptions, and seek out experiences that enrich your understanding of the world. Use this New Moon energy to expand your mind and to pursue goals that align with your higher purpose.

Read More on the forecast for a Capricorn Sun

Aquarius Sun

For Aquarius, the New Moon in Virgo highlights the eighth house of transformation, shared resources, and deep emotional bonds. This is a powerful time for Aquarius Suns to focus on personal transformation and to set new goals related to their financial partnerships, intimate relationships, and emotional well-being. The Virgo energy encourages you to be practical and discerning in your approach to these areas, making this an excellent time to manage shared resources, address financial concerns, or strengthen your emotional connections.

This New Moon also invites you to explore the deeper aspects of your psyche and to engage in activities that promote healing and transformation. Whether it’s therapy, meditation, or simply reflecting on your emotional needs, the Virgo New Moon supports efforts that help you release old patterns and embrace new ways of relating to others. Focus on building stronger, more authentic connections that support your growth and well-being.

Read More on the forecast for an Aquarius Sun

Pisces Sun

For Pisces, the New Moon in Virgo activates the seventh house of partnerships, relationships, and collaboration. This is an ideal time for Pisces Suns to set new goals related to their one-on-one relationships, whether romantic, professional, or personal. The Virgo energy encourages you to take a thoughtful and organized approach to your partnerships, making this an excellent time to strengthen existing relationships, seek out new collaborations, or resolve conflicts.

This New Moon also invites you to reflect on your approach to relationships and to consider whether your current partnerships are aligned with your values and long-term goals. Are you giving and receiving in a balanced way? This is a great time to make any necessary adjustments that help you create more harmonious and fulfilling relationships. Focus on building strong, supportive connections that bring out the best in you and your partners.

Read More on the forecast for a Pisces Sun


The September 2 New Moon in Virgo is a powerful time for all zodiac signs to focus on practical matters, set new intentions, and make thoughtful plans for the future. Whether it’s improving your health, advancing your career, or deepening your relationships, the Virgo energy supports efforts that bring more order, efficiency, and balance to your life. By embracing the opportunities presented by this New Moon, you can take meaningful steps toward achieving your goals and creating a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

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