Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Scorpio Sun and Sagittarius Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a personality that is assertive and expressive. The emotional force, determination and willpower of Scorpio becomes somewhat explosive when combined with the directness of manner and utter honesty of Sagittarius. You are idealistic, with a viewpoint that is aloof, and you live in a philosophic world of your own. You are social-minded and eager to help others, though you are apt to find it hard to ever get started. You are affectionate, loyal and sincere, almost to a fault. You can do well in some idealistic sort of job such as medicine, religion, or public service. You may be too idealistic for business and too critical of anything that you feel smacks of shrewdness. You are not one to compromise your ethics for money or status gains. There is a great deal of enthusiasm or spirit in your nature, but success may be difficult until you have learned to control impulses that often result in outbursts of temperament, brusqueness of manner, or tactless assertions. You react too quickly, without due consideration and forethought. As you mature, you must study the effects of your words on others, particularly on sensitive people, and avoid attracting antagonism and misunderstandings. After harnessing your powerful emotional energies, your high principles and sense of honor can take you far indeed.

Ihre größten Stärken

Inner commitment to personal values, probing, questing, analytical mind which is quick to see the larger implications of facts, unique blend of idealism and realism, enduring, affirming loyalty to those you love.

Ihre größten Schwächen

Sudden obstinacy and fanatical side, which comes out as a tendency to moralize and expect the world to conform to your view, tendency to be a bit holier-than-thou when it comes to socializing – you will not bend the rules because your integrity is more precious to you than all the gold in Aladdin’s cave.

Ihr Mondzeichen Einzigartige Mondphase

Die Mondphase, in der Sie geboren sind, verfeinert Ihr Mondzeichen weiter und offenbart mehr über Ihr inneres Wesen, als Sie sich vorstellen können. Vielleicht werden Sie zu bestimmten Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen oder Denkweisen hingezogen. Das Wissen um diese Veranlagungen kann Ihnen helfen, sie zu nutzen - oder zu vermeiden.

Wurden Sie an einem Schütze-Vollmond geboren? Oder war es ein abnehmender Schütze-Gibbous-Mond? Und was hat das alles zu bedeuten?

Um herauszufinden, was Ihr Mondzeichen und Ihre Mondphase über Sie verraten, Holen Sie sich hier ein kostenloses persönliches Video-Mondlesen.


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