Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Pisces Sun and Cancer Moon

The combination of your Sun and Mond signs produces a personality that is deep in feelings and very complex. You are sensitive and alert to the opinions and the feelings of the world around you, and with sort of a sixth sense, you can give the public what it wants almost before it knows that it wants it. Whatever you decide to do, you go about it with the greatest seriousness and intensity. You tackle any job with vigor, discipline, and drive. Your personality is very controlled and self-assured. The forcefulness in your nature was put there by self-discipline, as you were originally a rather shy person who had to make yourself get out into the public eye. You know how to handle people and win them over to your way of thinking because you understand them so well. You know when to concede and when to stand your ground. When your instincts don’t put you on guard, you make friends very quickly and easily because people can sense your sincerity. Your insights into people let you relax with those you know are genuine and real. While you really have a very kind and adaptable nature, it may not seem so because you are so emphatic and dramatic in your every gesture, motion, and word. You have extremely high regard for your own self-worth so that nothing can ever make you lose faith in yourself. Moods play an important role in your daily affairs and you can reflect some rather broad swings. You gain much from your ability to know when to do what.

Ihre größten Stärken

Genuinely compassionate and warm-hearted nature, instinctive understanding of the human mind and heart, adaptability and versatility in the face of vacillating fortunes, colorful imagination, and flair for the dramatic.

Ihre größten Schwächen

Timidity and fearfulness, oversensitivity and tendency to take offense at the slightest provocation, proneness to let other, more extrovert, personalities define or limit your creative potential.

Ihr Mondzeichen Einzigartige Mondphase

Die Mondphase, unter der Sie geboren wurden, verfeinert Ihre MondzeichenSie offenbaren mehr über Ihre innere Natur, als Sie sich vorstellen können. Vielleicht werden Sie zu bestimmten Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen oder Denkweisen hingezogen. Und das Wissen um diese Neigungen kann Ihnen helfen, sie zu nutzen - oder sie zu vermeiden.

Wurden Sie an einem Krebs-Vollmond geboren? Oder war es ein abnehmender Gibbous-Mond? Und was hat das alles zu bedeuten?

Um herauszufinden, was Ihr Mondzeichen und Ihre Mondphase über Sie verraten, Holen Sie sich hier ein kostenloses persönliches Video-Mondlesen.


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