Ihre Stärken und Schwächen mit Krebs-Sonne und Löwe-Mond

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a Cancer that is a good deal less shy and demure than is normally expected. In personality, you are positive and confident, emphasizing pride, dignity, and self-respect. You appear open-hearted, amiable, and outgoing. You always strive to make a good first impression because you are a proud person, and you care a good deal about what people think of you. You expect and enjoy having a broad base of support and respect from those with whom you come in contact. Your security is knowing others like you and you seem to crave attention and respect. You attract this with your warm, sunny personality, but somehow you manage to keep most people at a distance and never get really close with very many individuals. You distrust people, but you tolerate their shortcomings and feel that you can control most individuals and circumstances. You meet unexpected situations and do the right thing at the right time. Your style is always neat and organized and you don’t like to be around sloppy people or disorganized situations. You take yourself seriously, perhaps even to the degree of being a little pompous and self-righteous at times. You know how to get your way while making others feel that they are the winners, and that you are the one who is compromising. Under a rather gentle exterior is a core of independence and determination that others rarely see or realize.

Ihre größten Stärken

Grace and aristocratic charm, warm devotion to family and friends, artistic sensitivity and love of excellence, fine intuition, subtle sense of drama, business sense and organizational abilities, a personal commitment to your aspirations and faith in yourself.

Ihre größten Schwächen

Tendency to play the primadonna and to reject criticism in a proud, self-absorbed way, to cut off from others if they do not tow the line, a voracious need to rule the roost and to have others jolly well like it.

Ihr Mondzeichen Einzigartige Mondphase

Die Mondphase, in der Sie geboren sind, verfeinert Ihr Mondzeichen weiter und offenbart mehr über Ihr inneres Wesen, als Sie sich vorstellen können. Vielleicht werden Sie zu bestimmten Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen oder Denkweisen hingezogen. Das Wissen um diese Veranlagungen kann Ihnen helfen, sie zu nutzen - oder zu vermeiden.

Were you born on a Leo Full Moon? Or was it a Leo Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?

Um herauszufinden, was Ihr Mondzeichen und Ihre Mondphase über Sie verraten, Holen Sie sich hier ein kostenloses persönliches Video-Mondlesen.


Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse Ihres kosmischen Selbst und gewinnen Sie Klarheit über Ihren einzigartigen Lebensweg. Eine Eingehende Astrologie und Numerologie Geburtshoroskop-Analyse bietet tiefgreifende Einsichten, die Ihnen helfen werden, die Wendungen des Lebens mit Zuversicht und Zielstrebigkeit zu meistern.

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