Pisces Sun with Gemini Moon

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Gemini Personality Traits:

Pisces Sun Gemini Moon
Pisces Sun Gemini Moon

Sagen Sie als Fische-Sonne-Zwilling-Mond manchmal, was Sie fühlen, bevor Sie es überhaupt gedacht haben? Halten Sie sich für einen rationalen, vernünftigen Menschen, dessen Bereitschaft, das ganze Spektrum der Ansichten zu betrachten, Ihr Selbstvertrauen sabotiert? Sie denken mit Ihrem Herzen und fühlen mit Ihrem Kopf. Der Versuch, diese Kommunikationslinien in Ihnen zu verknüpfen, kann sich manchmal wie der Versuch anfühlen, ein unlösbares Labyrinth zu lösen.

As an individual with a Pisces Sun Gemini Moon, at your best you are the epitome of feminine intuition – acute perceptions and a rich imagination enable you to respond to people and situations with accuracy and subtlety. But at your worst you use perverse inflexibility to mask your indecision and lack of confidence. There is something about you which is eternally youthful, magically spontaneous and vividly expressive of the ideas and images that inspire you. You are full of hopes and wishes, plans and schemes, interests and hobbies, things you ‘might do’ if … if you do not have a change of heart mid-stream. For you, the answer is always blowing in the wind, and you are the original weather-vane personality.

With a Pisces Sun Gemini Moon, you are extremely sensitive, sympathetic and receptive to others, you delight in congenial companionship and can be wooed into intimate confidence easily. Your natural emotional inclination is to trust, to feel at one, to relax and let down barriers. You are fascinated by people and know no strangers, although at the same time your receptivity and vulnerability at first makes you timid. You test the water before you jump in, but all the same you are like the child who just cannot wait to have a good splash.

With a Pisces Sun Gemini Moon, inwardly you have a kind of running commentary on how you are experiencing people and situations, and you tend to think on your feet and to find out what you are really feeling whilst talking out loud. You have a love of images and words, and can be seduced by the sound of your own voice. But although you may often sound impressive and clever, you are not nearly as stable and self-assured as you seem. You do not exactly make it up as you go along, but you have to keep yourself from going down blind alleys and pursuing red herrings. You easily get worried, nervous, doubtful and disoriented, and need to take care that negative thought patterns do not consume all your creative energy.

Keywords for a Pisces Sun Gemini Moon:

Fanciful; eccentric; humorous; poetic; intuitive; love of language and symbolic logic; wordy; expressive; lack of confidence; intellectual versatility; alternating sociability and shyness; blow with the wind; quick thinker; temperamental; nervous; talkative; eternal youth; fun-loving.

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