Optimale Zeiten für kosmetische Eingriffe nach der Astrologie

Astrology is likely the last thing you consider when booking a cosmetic procedure. Yet, experts of the cosmos claim there’s a correlation between medical astrology and elective surgery.

Although no advice supersedes the guidelines provided by your doctor, astrology might be worth considering before settling on a surgery date. Here’s everything you should know about optimal times for cosmetic procedures, including lunar transits, zodiac seasons and potentially unfavorable periods.

What Are the Best Transits for Plastic Surgery?

You might already know your sun sign and Geburtshoroskop offer a clear snapshot of who you are. However, if you’ve ever felt a shift in your mood, feelings or actions, it could be because a planet is transiting through your natal placements.

Unsurprisingly, some planetary influences are better for cosmetic procedures than others. These are the best transits for plastic surgery.


Expert astrologists describe Venus not as what we need but as what we want. Venus is the planet of aesthetics, beauty, luxury and fashion. When linked to Pluto, Venus represents transformation and Heilung. You can imagine how Venus could positively influence a successful cosmetic procedure regarding how one looks afterward.


Mars is the planet of passion, stamina and drive, positively influencing surgical outcomes. If you want a seamless recovery from elective surgery, medical astrologists recommend booking your procedure when Mars moves through your Geburtsdiagramm.


Evidence regarding the moon’s impacts on medicine, surgery and recovery is lacking. However, many have long believed the moon significantly influences their lives, moods, sensitivities and reactions due to its strong gravitational pull.

Past studies indicate a full moon impacts emotions, swelling and discomfort following surgery. As such, having surgery during the waning moon phase is supposedly best for fewer complications — but no scientific consensus exists.

The Best Zodiac Season Alignments for Cosmetic Procedures

Every zodiac sign has a season in which the sun travels through it, influencing energies and experiences throughout your life. When planning elective surgery, consider the following zodiac seasons.

Libra Season

Libra season is the time of the astrological year for you to restore balance to your life. It’s all about seeking beauty, harmony and symmetry — optimal for any makeover.

If you’re pursuing cosmetic surgery after giving birth, especially, wait until Libra season to schedule it. The body will need to reposition itself — the pelvic region alone takes four to 12 weeks to return to normal. Yet, performing surgery during Libra season could produce the most stunning tummy tuck, breast lift or breast reduction.

Taurus Season

Taurans enjoy serene environments, surrounded by beauty, soothing sounds and pleasant aromas. As such, it’s the perfect zodiac season for surgery and recovery.

As the sun moves through Taurus, medical astrologists say you can plan for calm healing and rejuvenation — better than any doctor could order.

Virgo Season

Virgos are skilled perfectionists with a knack for detail and precision. As such, you’ll find it’s an ideal zodiac season for highly detailed procedures. You wouldn’t want an asymmetrical nose job or breast reconstruction, would you? Those who get cosmetic procedures when the sun traverses Virgo have a better chance of even outcomes.

Virgos are especially receptive to digestion, promoting nutrition for optimal healing. For example, in the days following surgery, you might be more inclined to eat berries. Berries contain antioxidants with anti-viral and pain-killing properties to lower inflammation and discomfort.

Healing During Lunar Phases

Despite the ongoing medical debate, a 2017 study showed one-fifth of rural populations believe the lunar phases make a difference in medicine and surgery outcomes. While the waning moon leads to fewer surgical complications, the waxing crescent is understood as a time for rebuilding — symbolic of your recovery from surgeries requiring cell and tissue regeneration. Fillers and hair transplants are excellent examples of this.

The lunar phases can also affect your sleeping patterns — many people find themselves sleep-deprived during the full moon — which could hinder healing.

Of course, nothing beats the body’s ability to heal itself following cosmetic procedures. Should you run into complications, your doctor might discuss platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. Although PRP therapy is a costly out-of-pocket expense — running $500-$2,500 for one treatment — it could speed up your surgical recovery regardless of the lunar phase.

Unfavorable Astrological Period for Elective Surgery

There are some astrological periods in which you should avoid getting elective surgery — for instance, retrogrades. Astrologist Madi Murphy says Venus retrograde could cause less favorable outcomes from plastic surgery and reduce your self-esteem. This is particularly concerning if you undergo permanent cosmetic procedures instead of little tweaks.

Mars and Mercury retrogrades are also not the optimal times to get elective surgery — both are known for inducing errors and miscommunications. Since Mars rules surgeries, scheduling a procedure during a retrograde period is a bad idea.

According to medical astrology, you should also avoid procedures during eclipses. Surgery during a solar or lunar eclipse could result in an emergency with severe complications.

Astrologists point out how the sun pertains to human life while the moon dictates fluid flow within the body. During an eclipse, the energy and flow are cut off, potentially leading to blockages, fluid retention and inflammation.

Should You Consider Medical Astrology for Cosmetic Procedures?

Medical professionals may not pay much attention to astrology when performing cosmetic surgery. Likewise, evidence of astrological effects is mainly anecdotal. However, those who believe in these energies might consider the potential outcomes before going under the knife.
