3 Kristalle für eine schnelle Erdung

What is Grounding?

Grounding is the felt sense – of the current moment reality of your physical body in time and space.

It means to not be lost in thoughts, feelings, or psychic experiences, and to be aware of the physical context you are in. If you are prone to feeling lost, confused, overwhelmed, or “floaty”, these gemstones can help bring you back to Earth. Staying grounded is an essential part of metaphysical work and emotional Heilung.

How do you ground yourself with grounding crystals or gemstones? Find somewhere quiet, or just close your eyes or turn your focus inward. Hold your stone, take a deep breath, and feel the sensations of your stone in your hands and your feet on the ground. Name objects you see and sounds you hear until you feel your nervous system settle.

Explore 3 Popular Gemstones for Grounding:


The Hematite crystal meaning is linked with its ability to absorb any toxic emotions holding you back from your natural state of joy and vitality. Use Hematite in your crystal healing first aid kit to clear away negative feelings from stress, anxiety, and worry. The Hematite crystal works to pull any stray negative energy in the aura to the root chakra where it neutralizes its harmful effects by balancing and aligning all seven chakras. This explains why Hematite is one of the best root chakra stones.

Stay Zen in our hectic world with Hematite crystal healing properties and their ability to enhance confidence and strength in times of turmoil. According to legend, the Hematite crystal was used as a powerful talisman for warriors in the north of England because it was believed to preserve the blood or life essence of a fallen soldier wounded in battle. Your problems might not be as serious as Viking marauders sacking a village, but Hematite gives you a boost of vigor when you rejoin the hectic pace of the modern world.

Hematite Properties

Hematite is also excellent for healing the body because it cleanses the blood and supports circulation, making it a must-have in your healing crystal tool kit. Use its warm, energizing vibes to jumpstart a sluggish nervous system and infuse your energy centers with a sense of newfound strength.

Access the healing powers of Hematite by incorporating it into your daily meditation practice. Found down under in Australia, this iron ore consists of iron oxide, which gives it its powerful grounding properties. To access the healing properties of Hematite, create a sacred healing space by clearing the room of to-do lists, cell phones, and anything else that could cause a distraction. Remove yourself from the modern world by borrowing the meditation practices from the Zen tradition. Set the mood for peaceful contemplation by lighting a candle and smudging the stone and room with a sage smudge stick. Gaze at the stone and notice its subtle but powerful vibrations during your therapeutic session.

If you’re feeling unsteady, either physically or spiritually, meditate with Hematite in a specific healing layout to immediately benefit from its grounding affects. Lay on the floor on your back with your legs uncrossed and place a Hematite stone on your lower abdomen and another stone in each hand to ground and center of the body. With every deep breath, say to yourself, ‘I am grounded and connected to the earth.’ As you say the words, feel this powerful stone absorbing negativity and bolstering your inner strength and resolve.

While typically associated with transmuting negative vibes and clearing toxic emotions, Hematite is also an excellent Manifestation tool. If your head is in the calls, wear Hematite jewelry or carry a Hematite stone and help transform your dreams and aspirations into reality.

With the simple act of bringing you back down to earth, Hematite calms a troubled mind by giving you the clarity and focus you need to be the boss at whatever you do. No matter how small or epic your progress, each action you take with your eye on the prize is one step closer to world domination–or at least some good luck coming your way. Dark and iridescent, the Hematite stone helps you see the silver lining in any situation, keeping your outlook sunny and upbeat even when it rains and pours. Safer and more effective than antidepressants, Hematite is a stable and trusted companion to keep by your side everywhere you go.

Smoky Quartz

When life throws you shade, throw it right back with the Smoky Quartz crystal, a powerful grounding and balancing stone that shares an equally shady aesthetic. This powerful stone is a super-charged variation of the extensive Quartz group of crystals, but with a distinctive twist. It gets its wispy hints of brown from exposure to natural underground radiation from granite deposits, giving regular Quartz an added punch of celestial vibrations.

Smoky Quartz Properties

Hold on tight to Smoky Quartz and protect yourself with its grounding and detoxifying affects. The aspirin of your crystal healing first aid kit, Smoky Quartz is excellent for soothing pain, both emotional and physical.

Get the most out this master healer by taking a Smoky Quartz crystal point and placing it over areas of tension. Feel the stone and its healing properties infusing your body with a healing white light that neutralizes negativity and amplifies the energy of all the crystals that surround it.

Because of its association with the higher crown chakra, Smoky Quartz works as our spiritual satellite that connects heaven and earth. It anchors us to the earth while keeping our hearts and minds towards the celestial world.

With its subtle shades of brown, Smoky Quartz crystal healing properties work to reconnect us to the earth and its life-giving soil, making it one of the best stones for grounding and balancing. Use Smoky Quartz as a gentle, healing force that anchors you to our ever-spinning planet.

Keep this powerful stone close by and discover the clarity to lead you forward, the negativity holding you back, and the path that leads to wisdom.

Black Tourmaline

Get your chakras sparkling clean with the Black Tourmaline crystal, a big-time energy purifier in the world of healing crystals. Like a daily disinfectant for the soul, the Black Tourmaline crystal cleanses the aura of icky thought patterns keeping you up at night. Wherever you happen to be on your spiritual journey, Black Tourmaline is an excellent crystal for everyone because it’s the bodyguard stone that provides protection and elimination of negative energy. Wear it as jewelry, keep it in your car, place it all over the Haus, near computers. Seriously, just put it everywhere because this all-around energy cleanser is a must-have for every gemstone collection.

Black Tourmaline Properties

Because of its powerful ability to clear negativity, Black Tourmaline is a key component in everyday cleansing rituals. Enhance its energy purification powers when you combine Black Tourmaline with sea salt in a negativity removal jar. Black Tourmaline is also a powerful protector against energy vampires, helping to put boundaries between yourself and others. Black Tourmaline jewelry worn on the body is a reminder that there’s a line that can never be crossed, which keeps bad energy from getting into your psyche.

Wear Black Tourmaline jewelry or carry it in your pocket or purse so you don’t pick up on other people’s toxic energy, making it your own. It’s one thing to be compassionate and caring but it’s the danger zone for your soul when you take on someone else’s drama. Black Tourmaline is also associated with the root chakra, the energy center that keeps us feeling grounded and secure. The energy of the planet is chaotic but with the Black Tourmaline stone in your life, always feel firmly anchored to the earth and its healing vibrations.

Black Tourmaline works like a sponge, soaking up all the negative energy that surrounds it. That’s why it’s important to cleanse your stones on a daily basis in order to access its full healing potential. Start by smudging the stone with sage and then take its energy to another level by placing it in a glass bowl filled with spring water and adding a few drops of Crab Apple Bach remedy. Let the stone sit for 24 hours in a process that helps cleanse and clear the Black Tourmaline so that it can get back to work for you and your intention.

Go deep with the Black Tourmaline crystal when you incorporate its powerful and protective energy into your meditation practice. First, quiet the mind with a few deep breathes, inhaling peace and stability and exhaling chaos and confusion. Once you’ve achieved a state of peaceful contemplation, set an intention for your stone and let it work for you whenever you call on it for support. Every time you feel a need for an all-over spiritual cleanse, look to the Black Tourmaline in your life as a reminder of the true desires of your heart.
