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Pisces Sun with Virgo Moon

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:With a Pisces Sun Virgo Moon, are you an artist who is impossible to pin down, or are you a down-to-earth realist? Do you want to take everything apart and put it under a microscope, or do you want to stand back and capture the grand design?Having […]

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Pisces Sun with Leo Moon

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Leo Personality Traits:With a Pisces Sun Leo Moon, do you have visions of great stardom and original accomplishment but find in reality you are temperamentally a servant? Do you give the impression of confidence and capability but quietly quake at the mere thought of competition?Your essential nature is one

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Pisces Sun with Gemini Moon

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Gemini Personality Traits:Having a Pisces Sun Gemini Moon, do you sometimes say what you feel before you have even thought it? Do you consider yourself a rational, sensible person whose willingness to look at the whole spectrum of views sabotages your confidence? You think with your heart and feel

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Fische-Sonne mit Stier-Mond

Sonne in Fische mit Mond in Stier Persönlichkeitsmerkmale:Mit einer Fische-Sonne-Stier-Mond, driften Sie leicht in Ihre lebhafte Fantasiewelt ab oder bleiben Sie in den praktischen Dingen des Alltags stecken? Sind Sie ein Schwächling in Sachen Romantik, aber von materieller Unsicherheit abgeschreckt? Brauchen Sie viel Liebe und Zuneigung?

Fische-Sonne mit Stier-Mond Mehr lesen "

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Pisces Sun with Aries Moon

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Aries Personality Traits:Having a Pisces Sun Aries Moon, are you a sensitive, introverted poet, or a confident explorer and crusader for the truth as you see it? Sometimes you feel passive, dreamy, private and emotional, preferring to observe the world around you from your inner sanctum whilst you let

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Aquarius Sun with Pisces Moon

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Pisces Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Pisces Moon, are you the observant, sensible, scientific type who is strangely attracted to weird phenomena? Are you open, easy-going, and friendly, available and helpful to all, but quaking inside because you fear that your soft, vulnerable little voice will not be heard?

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Aquarius Sun with Aquarius Moon: The Nonconformist

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Aquarius Personality Traits:Fascination is the key to your character. An Aquarius-Aquarius can often be recognized by that far away glint in the eye. You are constantly alert to the novel, the unseen, and the untried. High-strung and very energetic, you are always preoccupied with some new, all-consuming interest. Whether

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Aquarius Sun with Capricorn Moon

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Capricorn Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Capricorn Moon, you are a broad-minded, deeply thinking citizen of the world who feels the yoke of personal responsibility to those less capable than yourself. Your complete integrity and dedicated search for a truth that is practicable and helpful to the majority makes

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Aquarius Sun with Sagittarius Moon

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Sagittarius Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Sagittarius Moon, your fine intellectual grasp makes you a natural leader, or at least a leading thinker, in your social circle. You easily assume this role because you are unafraid of speaking your mind, not because you want the responsibility of leadership. You

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Aquarius Sun with Scorpio Moon

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Scorpio Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon, you have a powerful, magnetic personality that may have a hypnotic effect on many people. Your character possesses a compelling blend of broad social-intellectual concerns and passionate self-interest; detached idealism and dark cynicism, the latter based on an intimate understanding of

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Wassermann Sonne mit Waage Mond

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Libra Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Libra Moon, are you the charming, easy-going member of the gang who can suddenly get rebellious if your ‘rights’ and your sympathetic nature are abused or taken advantage of? Are you the broad-minded idealist who is constantly inviting disappointment when people turn out

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Wassermann Sonne mit Jungfrau Mond

Sonne in Wassermann mit Mond in Jungfrau Persönlichkeitsmerkmale:Mit einer Wassermann-Sonne-Jungfrau-Mond sind Sie im Herzen und im Verstand ein Purist, ein stromlinienförmiges Individuum, dessen besondere Exzentrik sich paradoxerweise in einer würdigen, utilitaristischen Weltsicht ausdrückt. Effizienz und Glück sind für Sie fast gleichbedeutend, und Sie sind vielleicht am glücklichsten, wenn andere mit Ihnen übereinstimmen.

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Wassermann Sonne mit Löwe Mond

Sonne in Wassermann mit Mond in Löwe Persönlichkeitsmerkmale:Mit einer Wassermann-Sonne-Löwe-Mond, sind Sie ein Demokrat oder ein Despot? Ein Individualist oder ein soziales Wesen? Ein Gleichmacher oder ein Snob? Wahrscheinlich alles davon, auf Ihre eigene warme und wunderbare Art. Sie haben ein stolzes, königliches, großmütiges Gemüt, einen feinen Intellekt, jede Menge

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Wassermann-Sonne mit Krebs-Mond: Persönlichkeitsmerkmale

Sonne in Wassermann mit Mond in Krebs Persönlichkeitsmerkmale:Gehören Sie mit Wassermann-Sonne-Krebs-Mond zu der Sorte Mensch, die loszieht, um ein Buch über selbstgemachten Wein zu kaufen, aber mit einer Abhandlung über die Zukunft der modernen Gesellschaft zurückkommt? Und warum legen Sie, wenn Sie Lust haben, die Füße hochzulegen

Wassermann-Sonne mit Krebs-Mond: Persönlichkeitsmerkmale Mehr lesen "

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